God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2518: Pan lock

What Qin Qi can feel is that there is some kind of fluctuation above the airspace radar, but unlike perception, it is difficult to capture.

Moreover, under such fluctuations, he is a potential convergence, but also has a sense of invisibility.

It is an extraordinary instrument that can be used in endless chaos.

So, after waiting for about ten minutes, Qin Qi thought that he had made a mistake and did not modify it properly. Fortunately, in the end, the liquid was split into two.

One drop falls on the periphery of the sphere, and the one drop in the middle is the model that turns into an arrow.

"The direction of the arrow is the direction we are heading?" Qin Qi asked.

"Yes," the yarn weaving nodded.

Previously, I heard Qin Qi say it myself, but now I see it is true. Yarn believes that Qin Qi is indeed an engineer. Even if it is not a fairy king, it must be very powerful.

After all, it is possible to modify the airspace radar in such a short time, and it is still a temporary study of this knowledge, even if it has a foundation and height, it is not easy.

Of course, what she didn't know was that Qin Qi tried to use the extreme forging method and found that it was effective, which greatly improved his efficiency!

Of course, this phenomenon is a bit strange, but for the current Qin Qi, I don't want to spend more energy on some guesses.

And since the arrows in the middle represent them.

The other drop of liquid represents the core of the universe.

"Go, we are in the past!" Qin Qi's eyes lit up, and the yarn was smashed away.

The cosmic corridor is very huge, but after having the goal, no longer lose the direction, then for Qin Qi, such a distance is nothing.

In a few days, he came to the location marked by the airspace radar.

"This thing is the core?" Qin Qi eyes slightly, looking at a big star in front of him.

This big star is indeed very huge. On the scale, it has surpassed a domain of the Taoist world. It is the biggest star that Qin Qi has seen so far.

However, like other stars in the corridor of the universe, there is no life above this big star, and even the aura is not, it is a dead star.

Qin Qi and gauze fall on the surface of the big star, surrounded by the mountains of the face, like a dragon, kneeling on the ground, spectacular, giving a sense of desolateness.

"I have never seen such a place. In the mother ship, everything is man-made. Although there are many spectacular places, it is different from this one."

"When you listen to the chaotic fairy world in the future, now, let's find the core first," Qin Qidao, to further improve the display accuracy of the radar.

This big star is too big. If you are not sure about the specific location, even the strength of Qin Qi will make it difficult to dig it.

Fortunately, this airspace radar is advanced enough. After several times of improving the accuracy, the wires begin to entangle and display the entire star's landscape in the sphere.

The core specific location has also been calibrated.

"This terrain, there is a saying," Qin Qi glanced, but did not pass the first time.

The terrain above this big star is a bit strange.

Not quite like natural molding.

And if it is naturally shaped, it will only be more terrible.

"It is the array method", different Kunlun Road, comparing the information of the **** sacrifice, a picture is displayed on the interface, "Accurately speaking, it should be called array, it is the means of darkness."

The array of dark heavens is something that is almost in the same form as the array, and the one in front of it is called the Panlong Lock.

It is a powerful seal.

"The Panlong lock is in the darkness of the heavens, and it is only recorded. The specific array has already been lost. Although the later generations have been reproduced, the effect seems to be greatly reduced!"

The specific time of the loss, according to the information found by the different Kunlun, is in the ancient times, and before the final battle between the dark heavens and the bright roads has not yet opened.

I don't know why, it will cause such a level of array loss.

Unfortunately, different Kunlun has not found more.

"Will, is it the strongman who saw the totem before?" Qin Qidao.

"very likely", different Kunlun Road.

"Try to see the first break, but I am afraid, will not be too easy?" Qin Qi smiled.

"There is really no chance. After all, this scale is too big." He Kunlun said, and several other arrays were displayed. "This is the disk lock that the later generations reproduce, although it is not powerful, but it has reference value."

Different Kunlun said that Qin Qi already understood, he is a powerful array of wizards, even if it is an array, it is not scratchy.

With these low-level disc locks, it is enough for Qin Qi to get into the distance of this large array.

And what troubles really have to be encountered, big deal, forced to pass.

According to the position displayed by the airspace radar, Qin Qi stepped into the scope of the Panlong Lock. In an instant, the world shook, and everything around it changed dramatically.

The earth is turned upside down, some are uplifted, others are collapsed, the scope is huge, and the space is broken.

And the smoke is rolling in, the two rays are lit up like the sun, actually a pair of eyes, looking at Qin Qi them.

This is a one-stop!

An incomparably huge stone dragon, the mountain that was originally seen, is really part of it, and it is only a small part of the back.

When the earth stops shaking, the dragon appears completely and hovering in front, giving a huge sense of shock.

This is the Panlong lock?

Qin Qi’s eyes were slightly stunned, and it was still impossible to pass.

In this case, use force!

Qin Qi did not do temptation at all, **** hands in the hands, killing blood and Ji Jihua, and like a **** cloak, and a sword suddenly fell.

Kill innocent!

The power of this sword, the meaning of killing, there is no hidden.

Although before this huge stone dragon, it was just a subtle red light, but the strength of power was like a wind and a cloud, and the huge stone dragon fell down and turned into a gravel.

"Wow, it's amazing!" said the yarn weaving.

"It's amazing, but it's not so easy." Qin Qi shook his head and looked dignified.

In front, the earth once again oscillated, and several stone dragons were drilled from under the ground to crush the void.

"You are behind me," Qin Qidao, holding the sword forward.

There is a sword like a net, smashing everything, that is huge enough to compare the stone dragon of the low-level world, constantly breaking open.

It can be seen that Qin Qi has strong combat power.

However, in the dragon lock, Shilong is like an endless stream, constantly rushing out.

Qin Qi smashed it, seemingly simple, but the power exerted can not be small, continue to consume, do not know whether it can go to the deepest.

And as she continues to deepen, the stone dragon is getting stronger and stronger, and it is not so easy to want a sword to smash.

However, after coming in, it is difficult to turn back.

The disk dragon locks up, and a ring locks a ring. No matter whether Qin Qi is back or forward, the stone dragons encountered will be strengthened.

Therefore, once Qin Qi stepped into the middle position of the Panlong Lock, then he could only move forward, because there is no difference between going back and going to the core position.

Qin Qi, already in the middle of the stage. Naturally, there is no choice.

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