The Guangming Group, the heavens and the world, are not as big as the dark heavens, but they are also enormous.

According to the model of the universe, the heavens and the worlds are like a pyramid in this starry sky. The bottom of the world is numerous and numerous, and they are stacked together, not far from each other.

The more you go up, the less the world is, the stronger it is, and the distance between them becomes unreachable.

Up to the top of the road, at the top of the pyramid, it is completely separated from other worlds, under the chaotic sea, unattainable.

But even at such a distance, the chaos of the Tao has easily spread to other worlds, radiating to the world with the top ten worlds in the middle of the pyramid as nodes.

In fact, before this, although the Guangming Group can be called a whole, there is very little connection between the world and the world.

Even in the era of the wars of the gods, many world's barriers were forcibly opened and connected to the outside world, but more worlds were still independent, and they did not know that there was an outside world.

When Kunlun was in the Taoist world, he did not lead the heavens to one, but the nightingale did.

The war has spread from the top-level world to the bottom. Obviously, this time the nightingale wants to open up all the world and let its name hit any one with a smart life.

If it is done, it can be considered a feat, and it can be the only king.

In this context, the battle of the gods is a comprehensive arrival. No one can avoid this war, and all the world will be implicated.

Either return to the situation, or be broken everything, and then return.

In less than half a year, almost all of the entire universe model has been plowed by the war. Only some remote locations are barely calm.

Because the layout is included in every corner of the universe.

In the past, the fuzzy division of the Guangming Group was also settled in the war.

The heavens are divided into three parts.

The upper realm led by the Taoist and the unfavored worlds, the median position dominated by the top ten worlds, and the subordinates of the higher world and the world below it.

After nearly half a year of war, the median situation has been classified as the nightingale, and three-quarters of the next position has been attacked, indicating surrender.

As for the upper level, the central government does not say that the local realm, there are still several giants in support, not willing to surrender, and some and muddy, said neutral.

But the discerning eye can see that the nightingale has already become a reality, and it is only a matter of time for these forces to choose to surrender.

Or, the time of being broken will not be too far.

Lower position.

Originally, I only thought that my own world is the creature of heaven and earth. I was suddenly broken by cognition, so the change that occurred was the biggest among the three realms.

Although they are also the most devastated and deadly, they are the most embarrassed, but blood and fire teach them to grow as well.

The best among them came into contact with a higher level of cultivation system during the war.

The upward channel is opened, and the geniuses are active among the worlds, slowly forming a force.

The lower position is indeed the weakest of the three realms, but the number of living creatures is also the most, and hundreds of billions of times in the upper position cannot be overestimated.

Under such a base, how can there be no more talented generations?

The war has become their stage, and there are always geniuses in the bottom of the world, and the prestige has spread far and wide to the world.

Many of them form alliances and want to defend their homeland against those aggressors.

This kind of thing seems unlikely. After all, they are too weak, not to mention Tianzun, that is, a respected shot, enough to erase them directly from the world.

But for the next position, the upper position is actually disdainful, and they are all decentralized to the middle position.

Many forces in the middle position have attacked too many worlds in a short period of time. They need to continuously consume income. It is difficult to assign too much combat power, and naturally they are not willing to invest too much.

In a world where the number of underlying circumstances is unclear, it is impossible to personally rule one by one.

So they also used the method of the dark heavens to let the forces that had already been invested or swallowed in the next position to attack and annex themselves.

They just need to provide support behind the scenes.

Therefore, in addition to the beginning of breaking the major world barriers and giving the strong pressure of fear, the wars in the next position are almost all battles between the worlds.

This also gives some opportunities for those who resist the alliance.

As for the extent to which their resistance can be achieved, only time will lead to results.

The lower position, the eastern star field, is the most intense star field.

Here, a large number of the world has joined the rebel army to jointly resist foreign invasion and guard their homes.

One of the worlds responsible for suppressing this star field is the outside world.

This is one of the reasons why the power of the Eastern Stars Rebels is stronger than other stars.

Alien is one of the worlds in the middle of the world that has not yet fully returned to the nightingale. With its acquiescence, the rebel army of the lower-level Eastern Stars has room for development.

In this star field, there is a relatively calm starry sky, and the fierce battle has not affected it.

Of course, the reason is that there is no strong world here, and naturally it will not lead to invasion by foreign enemies.

At this moment, on a red planet, a group of people are gathering here.

In addition to being red, this planet does not have many special places, nor does it form the world of the planet. In the vast universe, it is really unremarkable.

But the people who gathered here at this moment are not ordinary.

Each of them is wearing a standard black robe. From the perspective of style and material, it actually comes from the darkness of heaven.

The badges worn on their chests indicate their identity.

One of them, representing the family door valve, if there are people who are familiar with the dark heavens, they will be surprised, because each one comes from the famous door!

The other kind of badge is not a family name of the famous door. It is an abyss, but what is different is that in the small badge, the abyss is like endless.

Endless depth, endless darkness, endless sacredness!

And this is the lower body of the Round Table Council, the symbol of the Abyss Festival.

The Round Table Council of the Dark Heavens, as the highest level of the entire dark world, holds the greatest authority and resources and is directly attached to the power of the parliament. It is naturally extremely powerful.

This part of the power can be roughly divided into two parts, one is the **** sacrifice, and the other is the abyss palace.

There is no need to say anything about the **** sacrifices, and it is the top talents in different fields. Whether it is a forge or a prophet, the most outstanding one in history comes from this.

Among them, the master craftsmen are the strongest among the strong ones, and they are one of the keys to the continuation of the famous.

As for the abyss ritual palace, it is a fighting organization, and the talents inside are all focused on attacking and killing.

The soldiers inside, although not as good as the top-level combat power of the masters, must not be underestimated. Even the strongest of the master's house, if it encounters more than six soldiers in the abyss palace, it will be very tricky.

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