God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2534: Report number

The young man was helpless, but he didn't dare to talk back. He had to take off his sunglasses, and he was cute with a handsome face. He grew up a little, fearing that women were crazy.

"Big brother is not wearing every day..." The young man shouted.

"Big brother, I can't manage it, can you still manage it? Then try it again!" The girl's vertical eyebrows, her arms angered, and she looked a little hot.

The teenager shrank his neck and groaned. "So fierce, be careful not to marry."

"What do you say?" The girl’s eyes twitched slightly and began to beat her feet.

The young man looked depressed and asked for help to the young man in the suit, but the young man did not know, still lying there to bask in the sun.

But it is at this time.

The young man and the girl both changed their faces, and then the boy also shrank slightly.

"This breath, some are not right!" The young man got up in an instant, and his body was faintly swaying.

"What about your younger siblings?" The girl looked dignified and shouted at the teenager.

"Reporting!" The teenager called out.

"Four!" Qin Hao scorned, impatient counts.

"Five!" Qin Yu reported.

"Six!" Qin Shouten reported.

"Seven!" Qin Yu reported.

"No seven!" Qin Yu grinned.

"Yes, I am seven!" Qin Xiao was dissatisfied.

"No, you are not!" Qin said against it.

"I am!" Qin Hao insisted.

"Eight!" Qin faint opening.

"Not even eight!" Qin Yu called.

"That is, no eight!" Qin Hao nodded again and again.

"There is no seven!" Qin was speechless.

"There!" Qin Hao still insists

When the voice of the youngster fell, there was a voice that was tender and tender, and then began to smash the mouth, and soon became a pot.

This little guy is really amazing. Every one is so cute and beautiful. It is very small, although it is still small, but it gives people an unfathomable taste.

It’s incredible!

Where is this group of enchanting?

Juveniles see this, they can only use their hands to help the amount, pretending to be angry: "No fun, there are strong people coming over, everyone is careful!"

"Three brothers, can you beat too?" Qin Yu whispered.

"How is it possible, there is me... the amount, and the second brother of the big brother is there, who dares to make it?" Qin Yun disdained.

"That's not afraid!" Qin shwon did not care.

"Is it a fight, I have to fight!" Qin Yu is eager to try.

"Actually, I am very strong, I can play." Qin degree began to speak, and there was some dissatisfaction in his heart. After all, he looked much better than Qin Hao, how was he ranked eighth?

Although the seventh and eighth are not yet recognized.

"You don't have to step in!" Qin snorted and looked cold.

"Okay, give me a shut up, stay well, what is the situation now?" Qin Fu shouted, very strict, and suddenly let the younger brothers and sisters dare not speak.

Look at me one by one, I look at you, it means that the other party angered the second sister.

Qin Fu was helpless, and he secretly complained about the irresponsible old man who could not be seen all the year round. Why did he have so many children? This is no problem. Where do you recognize two?

This group of people is naturally the children of Qin Qi who disappeared from the place of exile.

Qin Qi will never think that they will appear on the earth, the homeland where he once lived.

In fact, after being accidentally transferred from the exile, the little guys came to a special area and could not leave.

However, the place is special, but it was left in the ancient times.

There, they all got huge benefits, not to mention that they are still young, but their strength is already very strong.

Of course, this is also because of Qin Qi’s children, one is worse than one.

Recently, they finally came out of the mysterious area and came to Mars.

After that, they chose to enter the earth and digest the income.

So I lived here temporarily.

As for the Qin dynasty, Qin Du and Qin dynasty, they once again triggered the transmission in the exile area. They followed the road of Qin Xiaopeng and others and came to Mars, and then entered the earth.

Later things were simple. Qin Xiaopeng immediately noticed their arrival, and after learning the identity, he naturally stayed with him as a younger sibling.

Qin Xiaopeng also asked about the current situation of the family in Zhongzhou.

But at that time, the dark age had not yet arrived, and the state of Zhongzhou developed rapidly, and everything was developing in a good direction, and there was no need to worry about anything.

In fact, even if you want to go back, it is very difficult.

I don't know what the reason is. After the Earth's aura recovers, it can only become inaccessible. Even if Qin Xiaopeng's combat power can't penetrate the world's world barrier.

Therefore, outsiders seem to be very weak on the earth. In fact, people on the earth are also weak, but in fact, the earth is not weak.

"Brother, a lot of people, and the smell of them is similar to that of Xiaoqi." Qin Fu Shen Shen, then plainly swayed, and repeatedly shot a few law.

Then there was a picture, which is the picture of the darkness that broke into the earth.

"The second sister's reading of the world is getting more and more powerful!" Qin Yun sighed.

"Small seven, do you know these people?" Qin Fu did not pay attention to Qin Yun's horse, but asked.

"I don't know, but they should all be dark scorpions, they are enemies," Qin said.

Although she is the dark genus of the mother's birth, she never regards herself as a person in the dark heavens, and there is a small half of her body in the body of the light, and there is really no sense of belonging to the darkness.

"These blacks are very important to me and are the best nourishment!" Qin couldn't help but see his eyes bright.

"Do you still eat people?" Qin Yun and Qin Shul were amazed, a look of fear.

"I, I am just... they are enemies, they must be killed!" Qin said forcibly.

"Since it is destined to be an enemy, it is killing, as for how to use it, just!" Qin Yu is indifferent, the body is surging, although young is still light, but a teenager, but already has the temperament of the magic king.

"I know how to fight and kill", Qin Yun swears.

"To the enemy, no mercy!" Qin Hao said coldly.

"You all shut up, big brother will decide!" Qin Fu impatiently shouted.

Qin Xiaopeng turned a blind eye.

The younger the sister grows stronger, the younger brother and sister listen to her, and they don’t dare to talk back. Even himself, sometimes he has to be obedient.

There is really a potential for the Queen.

"First look at what they want to do, we found their whereabouts, maybe, they also found us." Qin Xiaopeng, then the sunglasses will be handy, sneer, "Of course, if they are looking for death, don't mind Send them a ride."

"Come on," Qin Fu said. After the team flew into the atmosphere, I noticed this side. One of the old men, looking at the eyes, even though they were far apart, seemed to have seen Qin Xiaopeng and others.

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