God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2543: Earthquake

Nowadays, it is still full of high-energy radiation, and ordinary people can hardly get close to it even if they wear radiation-proof equipment.

As for Qin Kuangpeng and others, I have been here since I entered the earth.

And seeing the new Kunlun Mountain, it is a shock.

After all, this power is homologous to Qin Qi.

Because of this, they found the traces of Qin Qi’s past residence, and they were greatly amazed.

"Kunlun Mountain?" Yi Shang is also a pupil, and my heart is shocked.

How can he not know the Kunlun Mountains.

You must know that the existence of Kunlun Mountain on the Kunlun Mountain has always blocked their endless years, so that they can not step into the bright world!

Even though Kunlun is already dead, the brilliance of its record is still overwhelming.

And the same legendary, naturally Kunlun Mountain.

The grandeur and power of the Kunlun Mountains are no longer necessary for words, even for the Guangming Group, which is comparable to the sacred abyss of the dark heavens.

It is only whether Kunlun has achieved Kunlun Mountain or Kunlun Mountain has achieved Kunlun, but it is difficult to conclude.

Nowadays, the Kunlun Mountains have been seen on this earth. It is really shocking. What is represented by it, but no one can tell.

Yi Shang Shuguang is constantly flashing, so that a Kunlun Mountain will even have the opportunity to move into the dark heavens!

Thinking of this layer, Yi Shang couldn't help but get excited.

However, once again, I realized that I was in a position to cool down.

Can you come out of this earth, but also two.

"The end of Hongqiao is actually Kunlun Mountain. What is the connection between this mountain and the imprint?" Qin Xiaopeng said, there must be a connection between the two.

Hongqiao took them through the endless folding space and eventually returned to the outside of the earth to reach the Kunlun Mountains.

No matter how you look at it, this mark is related to Kunlun.

It is a pity that even if it is Yi Shang, it is impossible to understand the whole picture of this plan. As for the purpose, even the relevant information has not been touched.

"Going closer," Qin Fu thought for a moment, with those imprints, heading for Kunlun Mountain.

When Qin Qi left here, the new Kunlun Mountain was still very young, but now it has grown a lot, at least it seems to be a mountain.

Of course, compared with the subversion of Kunlun Mountain, it is still a lot worse.

Several people slowly climbed and felt everything on the Kunlun Mountains.

Here, the concentration of Aura is naturally further enhanced, and it is more pure, and even, there are traces of the appearance of immortal particles.

Just for the time being, there is nothing special about it.

"The mark is shaking!" Qin Fu whispered.

When they came to the top of Kunlun, the imprints suddenly trembled on their own, and Kunlun Mountain began to echo.

Immediately, I saw those imprints, and the glory flowed out and fell into the foothills of the Kunlun Mountains. Then, the Kunlun Mountains began to shine with radiance, which ignited the entire mountain from top to bottom.

In the meantime, the surrounding scenes have changed.

It seems to have crossed the time and returned to the ancient times, when the Kunlun Mountains flourished.

Around the road, the huge mountains are rolling, like a dragon.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine, gathered together to jointly defend the supreme Kunlun!

And soon, these mountains have been dyed with gorgeous colors, which is in the future, affecting the past?

Everyone was shocked and speechless, holding their breath and not afraid to miss a detail.

They have a hunch, and in front of them, perhaps, will create a great history!

The splendid light is constantly pushing away, from the top of the Kunlun Mountains to 990 dragon veins, to the mountains and rivers outside through the veins!

It's like a huge grid lit up.

In the meantime, it gives people a taste of the earth.

These extensions of the earth's veins are endless. In Qin Fu's view, this is a pattern, and in the view of Yi Shang, this is a column.

The same is true, it is no coincidence.

Or, it is a natural heavenly work!

However, these scenes did not last long. After the gorgeous color extended to the extreme, they began to retreat rapidly, and then gathered again on the top of Kunlun.

At this moment, the color is much richer than before.

These rays are condensed and eventually turned into a subtle beam of light, rushing out of the mountain and rushing toward the sky.

Qin Xiaopeng flashed a glimpse of light, and immediately chased it up, one step before the earth's barrier.

He still can't cross it.

But the light column is actually breaking through the world's barriers, and I don't know where it falls.

"What the **** is this?" Qin Fu swallowed his mouth and it was difficult to calm down.

This vision, what is represented, is only beyond the scope of the concept.

"This, this..." Yi Shang is even more difficult to speak.

Although he received the task directly issued by the Round Table Council and looked for these mysterious imprints, he knew nothing more.

Even he wondered whether the people on the round table really understood how these stamps were used and what they meant.

But now, he has seen it with his own eyes, the purpose of these imprints.

At least it has a role.

The light column is straight and straight through to the sky, perhaps at the moment, it has already penetrated the entire universe.

However, what exactly does this represent, what changes will happen, and no one knows.

"The light column has faded and it is hard to detect." Qin Fu whispered.

The pillar of light soon became vain, and eventually it became nothingness, as if it had never appeared before.

However, Qin Fu believes that this light column is there, but they can't see it or feel it.

"I always feel that we have opened something that is not allowed." Qin Fu scratched his head and did not know what to do next.

"I don't know whether it is good or bad", Qin Xiaopeng is slightly sighing, how the future is really unpredictable.

"Slow, how do I feel that the space around me has become more empty..." Qin Fu suddenly realized what he was, and immediately used the words of the world. The next moment was already a shock.

Earth, it is getting bigger!

The vision that I saw just now, extending to the network of infinity, this moment, turned into reality, has been completely brought into the earth.

Those folding spaces are completely stretched out at this moment, reconnecting with the outside of the Earth!

The vast world of the past, at this moment, suddenly reappeared!

The gradual aura recovery was speeded up, and now the tough and rude, directly pushed to the next level, a world that is comparable to the realm, has suddenly appeared.

"What is going on!" Qin Fu could not help but exclaim.

The earth has changed too much.

"Go back first!" Qin Xiaopeng gave a low drink.

The earth has changed dramatically. The world outside the Earth did not know what it was divided into. It must go back first. Everyone is now smashing away.

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