God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2545: Half a year

"It seems that Xiaoqi is not easy." Qin Xiaopeng laughed happily. He still liked this seven sisters very much.

"Looking at their reaction may be much simpler than it seems." Qin Fu smiled.

They can feel how amazing the vision caused by Qin Lan, but the meaning it represents cannot be as profound as Yi Shang and others.

However, it is not a bad thing to look at, but naturally it is also happy for Qin.

After a while, the vision gradually subsided, and the Qin dynasty slowly fell, and the wings of the body disappeared, returning to the original appearance.

And it looks like it will continue to sleep for a while.

Until then, Yi Shang and other talents finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Qin Yu with amazement.

"This Highness, is it really hatched from the eggs produced by the motherbug?" Yi Shang could not help.

This is too subversive, and it is impossible to have such a thing happen.

"This is true, how, my family's identity is not ordinary?" Qin Fudao.

Yi Shang swallowed his mouth and thought for a while, then said: "In the history of the dark heavens, you also include the ancient times, and only two people can get a great abyss hug."


Hearing this, Qin Fu and others are all shocked.

I did not expect Qin Zhen to achieve this level.

"Who are the two?" Qin Fu asked.

"One is the guardian of the abyss. He has been guarding the abyss since ancient times. Although I have not seen him, I know that he is still in the abyss."

"And the other, the abyss rebel, she appeared after the ancient times, although as the guardian also has unique conditions, was chosen by the sacred abyss, but she chose to rebel!"


"Yes, she betrayed the position and glory that the abyss gave her, betrayed the expectations that all of us had poured into her, and chose to subvert the abyss and become the greatest sinner in ancient times!" Yi Shang was excited.

The abyss rebel is born with everything, and everyone believes that she will be the next abyss guardian.

Unexpectedly, she actually betrayed all.

This is absolutely unforgivable.

"So, she did not succeed?" Qin Yundao.

"This is nature. Although she has the talents of ordinary people and is blessed by the abyss, she is not the opponent of the guardian of the abyss. She is killed on the abyss!"

"Then, why?" Qin Fu is also somewhat curious.

Yi Shangdun took a moment, then shook his head and said: "No one knows."

Then he looked at Qin Hao again, and couldn't help but raise his worries.

He did not know whether this third arrogant woman embraced by the abyss was the next abyss guardian or another abyssal rebel.

But now it seems that I am more inclined to the latter.

Or simply neither.

After all, the Qin dynasty is the daughter of Qin Qi, who is born to stand on the opposite side of the dark heaven.

These things do have some meanings. If they are free, Qin Fu and others will not mind listening to them. Maybe they will be helpful in the future.

But now, there is still something else to do.

"Small seven has changed, and she has swallowed those black ring vortex hearts, but I am afraid that it is also the role of that flower." Qin Fudao, Meilu flashed slightly. "This earth is recovering, the chance is endless, a flower can be With such power, we must also seize this opportunity."

The first step in the earth's full recovery is to make the creatures on the earth stronger, so the initial opportunity is the top.

Of course not to be missed.

Even if not all the creations have the effect of that flower, but the collection is much more, naturally there will be qualitative changes.

"That's not too late, let's take advantage of this opportunity. When the earth is no longer closed, we have to face it, but we don't know what kind of strong!" Qin Fu Shen Sheng.

Changes in the earth will be their best nourishment, allowing them to move to a higher level.

Yi Shang sees this, and suddenly there is some inexplicable confusion in my heart.

He suddenly felt a little unconfident.

Dark Heaven, this time it is wise to choose to rule the bright world.

Will it be a tiger!

After all, these enchanting eyes are already scary enough, and now that they have encountered this world recovery, the power they can get will be even more terrifying.

Once released, the threat will be enormous for the dark world.

"Hope, I think more, when the bright roads were defeated, now the bright circles, what do you fight against the dark world?" Yi Shang thought.

Try to destroy those thoughts in your heart.

Just seeing the sleeping Qin dynasty, the panic in his heart was not extinguished, but it was even stronger.


The dramatic changes that have taken place in the world are, in fact, undetectable.

It seems that the earth is still the earth, it has not become bigger, and it has not shrunk. In the entire lower position of the eastern star field, it is ordinary in the ordinary planetary world.

So everything that happens in the universe is not affected by the earth.

The war is still going on.

As time went by, the war was pushed to the top, but the climax of the rebellion was suddenly suspended because of the direct involvement of the Dark Heaven.

After all, in the face of absolute power, all resistance is so weak.

The upper position, the middle position, the lower position, almost fully expressed the return, even if it is the Eastern Star, those rebel forces are also dying.

It seems that the entire Guangming community has achieved a unified system.

And the only master is the nightingale!

Or, it is the darkness behind the nightingale.

And all this, it took less than a year before and after.

One year, the short is not short, but for the entire war of the size of the bright group, this time is really nothing.

The shorter the time, the more desperate the heart is for those who are unwilling to give in.

Nowadays, the overall situation is fixed, and there is a law on the Kunlun Mountain.

After half a year, there will be a ceremony to seal the Zen in Kunlun Mountain. At that time, the nightingale will crown the light and supreme, and open a new era for his rule!

This incident, after the ancient times, is not that no one can do it, but they have not done so.

And the nightingale will create this history!

When the law came out, the world was shaken, but no matter what the mind was, everyone seemed to wait for the day.


"Finally, Laozi finally came out!"

There was a space in the universe, and there was a scene of shaking. Immediately, two figures appeared there.

It’s not someone else, it’s Qin Qi and Yarn weaving in the cosmic corridor!

"Different Kunlun, you bastard, said half a year for half a year, even a day is not ahead!" Qin Qi burst into tears, the accuracy of different Kunlun, I really do not know whether it is to be happy or depressed.

But fortunately, he finally came out!

"It's all this **** thing, hey, hope it's useful!" Qin Qi grabbed the indefinite kernel and snorted a few times.

He finally mastered this indeterminate kernel.

Different Kunlun and yarn weaving seem to have completed the plan to use the indeterminate kernel, but now there is no time to manage this, Qin Qi needs to rush back to the realm! Half a year, enough to happen too much, he must first determine the situation in Zhongzhou!

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