God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2557: It’s just the time for it’s just the right time.

"Your Majesty, why is the Earth so special, is there anything?" Qin Qi couldn't help but sigh.

The speciality of the earth, even if it is not mentioned by Kunlun, Qin Qi can also know one or two. After all, in the ancient times, the vastness of the earth was enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Tao. This alone is enough to attract attention.

The emergence of the Kunlun Mountains has pushed the importance of the earth to the apex.

As the strongest person in the Guangming community since ancient times, Kunlun is from the earth, and the nightingale is now the supreme world, and it is also closely related to the earth.

The speciality of the earth is self-evident, but why is it so special, Qin Qi knows nothing.

There will be no uniqueness in this world. If you go deeper, you will know the reason. After all, time and cause and effect are the most solid laws in the world, and they can hardly be changed.

"You will know this later, and now tell you, there is no benefit," Kunlun said.

He knows something that the nightingale didn't understand.

It is possible that only the entire Guangming community can understand everything.

"I can only say one, if you have the opportunity to enter the dark heavens, you must go to the once holy place to go, there will be something you need!" Kunlun Shen Sheng.

The holy place he said is a holy place in the past, and belongs to the ancient times.

After the defeat, these holy places have become the trophies of the dark heavens, and have been integrated into the dark heavens.

Through the **** sacrifices, Qin Qi can know the situation of these holy places. Since ancient times, the targeted research projects have not been cut off. Even if there are any secrets, they should have been proven.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

There are also extremely important things that remain in those holy places.

"What is it?" Qin Qi asked.

"A kind of imprint called a print!"

"Dan Yan?"

"Yes, it is a special imprint, composed of forty-nine kinds of light, of which fifteen belong to the bright road and fifteen belong to the dark heaven!"

"It’s just a battle in the ancient times. The three prints are lost in the darkness of heaven. What you need to do is to take the three prints back."

"At that time, you can go back to Earth."

Qin Qi is not talking.

Some of these things are not in the head. In the specific case, Qin Qi did not know, but he also understood that it was a matter of great importance, but I was afraid of being more important than ever.

"I should have done this thing, but I waited for the ages, but I didn't wait for the opportunity." Kunlun smiled and felt helpless. "But my death should create a chance for you!"

"The relationship between the two worlds will change since my death, hope, you can grasp!" Kunlun Shen Sheng.

"Your Majesty, you..."

"It doesn't matter, I am not born, but I think my existence is for those who are at the right time."

"Unfortunately I can't tell you more, then you can only work hard."

"But I hope that you are that person. After all, your strength is just the opposite of mine. Your destiny is also true!" Kunlun smiled.

Qin Qi is hard to calm down.

He didn't even know what to face next, and he was naturally unable to determine himself. Whether he was qualified and capable of making Kunlun so valued.

It’s just that Kunlun is dead. It’s no longer meaningful to discuss it with him.

What he can do is to do this as much as possible.

Perhaps, there is no choice, the wave of history will push him forward.

"Then twelve other prints, don't you need to look for it?" Qin Qi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"The other twelve, of which ten are on Earth, one is in the illusion, and one is in the Taoist monument left by Dao, and it should have been manifested once now," Kunlun Road.

Ying Cai is the ancient name of Mars. Among them, Qin Qi can try to find it.

But it may also expose the Earth, so it still needs to be handled with caution.

As for Tao Zun, it is the Lord of the Tao before Kunlun, and also the heaven and earth supreme who guards the Guangming community.

However, after the Kunlun flight, the Kunlun Mountains smashed the heavens and the earth, and the Taoist monument was thus shaken down. The Xingzun was changed to the Lord, and the Taozun disappeared without a trace. Only a block of monuments was left.

There is a saying that the respect is dead, but there are also saying that the honor will return.

"Dao Zun this person is indeed a generation of Tianjiao... He may come back, maybe his descendant will return instead of him. In short, it should help you." Kunlun Road, but in fact it is somewhat uncertain. .

The Tao is very strong. Although Kunlun can defeat him, he does not know all of him. He only knows that after his defeat, although he disappeared, he left countless means.

For example, the road stone circulating in the Taoist circles is in fact the one left by the Tao.

At the beginning, Qin Qi felt that the stone was very special. There were even avenue particles hidden in it. I didn’t expect it to be arranged by Taoism. The reason is that Qin Qi can now guess one or two.

He intends to use these stones, in the long years, to absorb more heaven and earth, to reach a higher level!

"Evangelism, want to be higher than Kunlun?" Qin Qi whispered, could not help but sigh.

If Dao Zun’s day is coming, he will find that Kunlun is no longer there. It is hard to accept it.

"Others, there are some guys, you need to pay attention," Kunlun then said some names.

If the night is not central, Kunlun concludes that she will return.

In fact, for this pair of mentoring, Kunlun is more concerned about the night, but I don’t know how to return to the heavens.

In addition, there is a meditation in the universe, and there is a sacred existence.

Mentioning this, Qin Qi did not think of the original from the outside world to the road, in the universe, he encountered an incomparable evil funeral team, just one of the paper people, there is a terrorist force.

And that sputum is even more terrible, and Tian Zun can't turn a corner when he goes in.

"That sorrow has been floating in the universe for some time. Once I wanted to see who was inside, I went there in person, but I was driven out."

"But I think it should not be an enemy."

There is also a place in the exile. There is also a guy who can't be beaten. Kunlun means that if Qin Qi has a chance, he can go see it.

"But that person is extremely dangerous, so there is no need to force it," Kunlun said.

His voice began to blur.

"It seems that time is almost out." Kunlun smiled and he was about to disappear completely, but he did not hesitate to repent.

It seems to be dead, but it is going with the breeze.

"Well, let me explain you a few things at the end." Kunlun smiled. "The things left here are for you, including the summer geese."

Said, Kunlun also blinked at Qin Qi, it feels that this is not the supreme world of the Supreme, just a friend around, only a lot.

The more it is, the more Qin Qin feels it is a pity.

Such a person, such a death, is a great regret! In addition, using the form of Xia Luoyan to tell him that Xia Luoyan is left to him, how much is still a bit strange, so Qin Qi does not know how to answer.

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