God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2561: camouflage

There is still a distance between the boundaries of the outer boundary. At this time, it is necessary to prepare a little.

Whether Qin Qi goes back or Xia Luoyan appears, I am afraid that it will cause a sensation. Qin Qi does not want to be so swaying.

At least before the shot, Qin Qi did not want to expose himself too thoroughly.

At the moment, the use of the indeterminate kernel directly distorts the breath of the body. As for the physical appearance, it is not a problem for Qin Qi, the physical cosmic universe.

This has the advantage that the real change of the body, not the illusion or the tolerance, is simply undetectable.

As long as Qin Qi does not use the power or treasure of the signboard, there is no possibility of being recognized.

"How is it better to become a dark genus?" He Kunlun gave a proposal.

Wen Yan, Qin Qi a glimpse.

This is a novel idea, and there may be unexpected effects.

"If you are a famous person, you will know when you check your identity. The general ethnicity has nothing to pretend." Qin Qi slightly frowned.

"The Redeemer of the Holy Spirit", different from Kunlun.

Qin Qi’s eyes suddenly brightened.

In the database of the gods, the message of the Holy Redeemer can be said to be few and far between. I only know that there was such a famous door in the ancient times, but it has already disappeared.

Judging from the discovery in the corridor of the universe, the redeemer of the Holy Spirit and the goddess of the chaotic fairy world are inextricably linked.

It is even more so that Qin Qi feels incredible.

Perhaps such an identity, there will be unexpected effects may not be.

"I don't know how to see the descendants of the Holy Redeemer, how many reactions will there be?" Qin Qi slightly looked forward to it.

He has a faint feeling that this disappearing door is by no means simple and may have a special meaning, which is deliberately erased by the Round Table Council.

Otherwise, the demise of a large door, there may be almost no traces, so that today's dark heavens, there are very few people who know the redeemer of the Holy.

"Try it now," Qin Qidao.

It is not so simple to pretend to be a completely different race, and only the powerful computing power of the Kunlun and the power of the infinite kernel can be achieved.

This time, the speed is obviously slower than Qin Qi expected.

"I have divided half of the computing core to give a brain to the brain. Many things may not be able to give you timely assistance. This should be noted," Wen Kunlun said.

This is also a helpless thing.

Fortunately, the camouflage will not overload the different Kunlun. After a quarter of an hour, Qin Qi will completely change his face. The surging force is also the purest dark particles.

Of course, it is said that the dark particles are somewhat reluctant to some extent. After all, although the particle characteristics are indeed dark particles, the color of the light that is presented is too special.

After all, the reason why dark particles are called dark particles is the color of darkness. Who knows that dark particles actually have the color of the light?

This is one of the reasons why the Holy Redeemer is so special.

"Do you want to pretend?" Qin Qi asked.

"No need", the sound of Xia Luoyan is as constant as ever.

Qin Qi shrugged, so.

The existence of Xia Luoyan can attract a lot of attention, and the combination of them, whoever encountered it, is only afraid of the bottom.

After the disguise, Qin Qi and Xia Luoyan entered the road.

"Long gone," Qin Qi whispered.

However, today's Taoist world, with his first arrival, has undergone tremendous changes, and the forces have reshuffled, and the giants such as the Undead Heavenly Palace have completely overturned.

But there are also forces that are still prosperous.

Such as the Temple of the Gods, such as Solomon... For example, the Imperial City!

"So far, the road has completely fallen into the control of the nightingale?" Xia Luoyan cold and cold.

She was easily defeated by the nightingale, fell into the crack of space, and then fell asleep because of the will of Kunlun, until she woke up not long ago.

This world has changed dramatically, but she has not yet fully understood it.

In her opinion, even the nightingale is not worthy of the main Kunlun Mountain, and it can't replace the position of the former Kunlun!

"Who is the majesty of heaven and earth, who dares to anger?" Qin Qi smiled lightly.

Regardless of the nightingale, he is the supreme of heaven and earth, and this must not be false.

If you want to overthrow it, then you will become the world's supreme!

"Hey!" Xia Luoyan snorted, but no longer expressed anything.

Qin Qi raised his eyebrows, but he smiled and said: "I heard that the night of the night, I stepped on the Kunlun Mountains, Kunlun up and down, no one dared to shoot, even the first Kunlun, all bowed to the court, only you, regardless of life and death in the night prior to?"

"The position of the teacher, he does not deserve to sit", Xia Luoyan cold road.

Qin Qi nodded slightly and immediately sighed: "The first Kunlun is famous, but the result is a little unexpected."

The first Kunlun, that is definitely the top of the Taoist strong, killing the blood of the past, the master of the killing of the gods, how comfortable, almost invincible in the world, and finally challenge the Kunlun first.

As a result, the defeat was complete.

Such a character, but chooses to crouch before the foreign enemies, and even does not resist, it is really ugly.

Just hearing the words, Xia Luoyan is slightly frowning, and immediately said seriously: "You must not look down on him, he is far stronger than you think!"

Qin Qiyi, he did not look down on the Kunlun first, but did not expect that Xia Luoyan's evaluation of him was so high.

"Well, I know." Qin Qi nodded solemnly.

The two said as they rushed through the void, but they did not go to the Baihua domain.

Xia Luoyan had some accidents, but did not say anything, just followed closely.

Kunlun finally gave her a "gift" to Qin Qi. She was not angry in her heart. She only intended to perform her duties, so from now on, she will follow Qin Qi.

As for what Qin Qi wants to do, she will not interfere and cooperate.

In the half day, Qin Qi was stepping out of the void, and their position was in the middle of the restricted area.

This is the exile of exile, the entrance to the exile of the land!

Although it has been known that Zhongzhou has been taken away by the gods, since it has returned to the Tao, then Qin Qi said that he should come and see it in person. Perhaps, the whereabouts of Zhongzhou may be uncertain.

"Here, it turned out to be like this!" Xia Luoyan looked at the forest, could not help but frown.

This place has been a forbidden zone since ancient times, and it is the imperial city of the Middle Kingdom. It is rarely set foot here. But now, this exiled forest has become lively, and large cities and towns have risen.

It is quite prosperous.

In the distance, the entrance to the exile land was built a huge castle.

"Dark city?" Qin Qi blinked.

The dark city is a war fortress built by the dark heavens at the entrance of the exile land. The scale is extremely large, in order to guard against the counter-attack of the bright cluster.

Although this kind of thing was considered impossible, the Round Table Council approved the construction of the Dark City for the sake of safety.

According to the design plan, in theory, even if more than ten big Tianshou shots, they must violently attack for a whole day before they can attack the dark city.

There is also an intelligence, Qin Qi also pays special attention.

The deputy city owner of the dark city is the **** show!

When the Japanese **** show forced the taboo female emperor to enter the dark world, Qin Qi will not forget, but now his strength soars, and then encounter the **** show, must kill! However, for the time being, Qin Qi is not planning to enter the dark world.

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