"I don't have long ears, I let you get out!" The **** shouted and looked very proud, as if he had to follow him under the heavens.

This exile is so big, let alone one person, it is a mountain, and it is impossible to block anyone.

Looking for it is so obvious, how can Qin Qi be used to it?

Not to mention that this person is from the darkness of heaven, but it is darkness.


Qin Qi faintly said, how could it be retired?

The gods heard the words, and the face suddenly rose red, as if it was a huge stimulus, it became hysterical.

"Damn, what are you, dare to talk to me like this, do you know who I am, even if you are a famous owner, don't dare to let me go!" God shouted.

Qin Qi brows a pick, this guy, it seems that the nerves are a bit abnormal, but it may be really scary, but it is the first time to join the WTO, has not encountered any setbacks.

Also, Qin Qi, who is frustrated, does not want to give, fractures can be negotiated.

When the gods saw that Qin Qi was still indifferent, he was even more annoyed. He recognized himself as the most noble existence in the world, and he believed in it.

After all, the great people I have seen in the past, even the Speaker of the Round Table Council, Augu, are respectful to him.

In this world, who else can disobey him?


The **** stared at Qin Qi with a disgusting look. He knew that he had sneaked out this time and only stayed with a maidservant, so he was despised.

It’s ridiculous, guys who don’t have a little eyesight, just look at the appearance?

But it doesn't matter, he will soon let the idiot in front of him understand how uncomfortable he is!

On the gods, the dark particles suddenly emerged, and a **** ring appeared immediately. The dark particles suddenly became rich and began to be replaced by the immortal particles, pure and powerful!

This god, looking so young, but in a realm, has already reached the level of Tianzun.

Qin Qi’s eyes were awkward and he had to be amazed.

After all, Memphis and so on, although young, but the actual age is already over 100 years old, but the gods in front of him, even younger than him.

Such an age has reached such a realm, even in the dark world, it is extremely amazing, and it is almost impossible.

Qin Qi did not expect that this person who happened to meet this is actually such a enchanting, and had to sigh his luck.

Even so, Qin Qi does not think that the other party can treat him.

It was the power of the gods that inspired him, and he couldn’t help but care.

Those particles can be quite different from ordinary dark particles.

Just don't have time to give Qin Qi more thoughts, the gods have already shot, he does not use a sword, just one hand.

However, in time, the powerful swordsmanship raged out, almost separating the sky from the exile, and the strength of Jianguang, the strongest, is not just a leisurely.

At the same time that this guy’s realm is extremely high, the combat power is still above the realm?

Qin Qi’s chorus was suddenly stunned, and there were also dark particles on his body. Then the fairy spurs came out, and the dragon ring vortex replaced the holy ring vortex of the Holy Redeemer, and the power did not decrease!

In the same way, Qin Qi single-handedly approved, Jianqi swept thousands of miles, colliding with the power of the gods.

The earth and the sky, all of them suddenly cracked, the power of the two men’s strikes, that is, the ordinary Tianzun was brought in, fearing that they would all be dangerous.

"Well?" God blinked his eyes.

He did not expect Qin Qi to take over his power.

Moreover, the breath that Qin Qi showed at the moment is also derived from the abyss, but why it is so different from other famous doors is a special existence.

Like him, is it special?

God's eyes suddenly twisted.

He is unique. No matter who Qin Qi is, he is not qualified to compare with him.

"Get the sword!" The **** shouted.

The sword-servant, suddenly, was flustered. She was much younger than the gods. She was just a girl. When she heard the command of the gods, the whole person was stiff.

Even so, she quickly stepped forward and tried to hand the sword in her hand to the gods.

"Don't get in the way!" The gods sipped coldly, and the power was shocked. The maid was directly shaken out and fell to a hard rock formation, and suddenly spit blood.

The gods did not care, and the swords in their hands shook the extremely terrible power. Xianwei directly shocked the nine scorpions, the vision that Qin Qi had never seen before.

Is this still the level of the banned devices?

Or is it already beyond this grade?

Just not yet able to marvel, the gods have already smashed down a sword. The power of this sword can be much stronger than before.

Qin Qi’s body was stiff, and the skin was filled with a fine tingling sensation. Then the surrounding voids were all broken and I wanted to tear him apart.

If the body of Qin Qi is strong enough, it is like gestating a universe in the body. This alone is enough to make him smoulder.

And this is the sword of the other side, which has not completely fallen.

Qin Qi quickly evaded, and all the looks on his face were all raised.

The opponent's combat power is indeed above him, unable to use the original Qin Qi's ability. At this moment, Qin Qi, it is still somewhat difficult to deal with the gods.

Of course, it is not a problem to abuse him!

"Little bug, where to run?" The **** screamed and slammed down the sword.

Only Qin Qi, who is serious, does not give him a chance. Every sword is avoided in advance. As a result, even if the power of the gods is stronger, it is also a threat to Qin Qi.

After fighting for several rounds, Qin Qi also understood the fighting style of the gods.

He is very strong, very strong, and whether it is realm or strength, it has almost reached perfection. This is absolutely unbelievable. At least until now, Qin Qi has not seen even one person, and can cultivate so well.

Coupled with the terrible sword, the paper's combat power has surpassed the ordinary big heaven.

However, he is very weak.

He has no fighting skills at all, just like a bull, to break the enemy.

If you abuse the food, it is really easy to write, but once the opponent has a lot of combat experience, I am afraid it will make him feel very uncomfortable and can not easily win.

And Qin Qi like this, it is even more difficult to soar.

So at this moment, the gods face has become very ugly, he has a strong power, but can not hit Qin Qi.

He felt that all his actions were in the calculation of Qin Qi, but he did not expect it, what Qin Qi's next move was.

This made him uncomfortable and unruly, but no matter how he broke out, he still couldn't change the status quo, even if he used a full range of attacks, it would not help.

Qin Qi will retreat first.

He is like a crude benzene elephant, with a powerful force enough to crush any mosquito that bites on his body, but he can't hit it at all.

What is even more terrible is that this mosquito is not a sip of blood, but once it is bitten, it is a large piece of meat!

"嗤" is another sword. The attack of the gods fell through, and Qin Qi was from an incredible point of view, a sword penetrated the shoulders of the gods.

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