God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2568: Kill and kill

The square of the Fangfang Pavilion is more than one person. This Mingyue is the singer of the last squad night. The gorgeous, but the performance of the arrogance, even in the squad, is considered outstanding.

When Zuo Pa saw the bright moon, he couldn’t help but see his eyes.

I know that there are countless beautiful people in the group, but for the true dignitaries of the dark, there is some disdain in the heart. They don’t think that the women of the bright circles can compare with the dark heavens.

However, seeing the moon at the moment, I have to admit that the beauty of this woman is undeniable in any world.

"The squad of this group of banquets is really unusual. It seems that this time it should be worthwhile!" Zuo Pahaha laughed and said that he would make a slap in the arms of his own.

The face of the night singer always has a smile, shallow: "This son, the group of Fangfang has the rules of the group, since it is coming, it is expected to comply."

Zuo Pa heard the words, his eyes were slightly a little bit, but in the face of the beauty, there was no attack.

"The girl said that there are rules here, are we ... to obey?" Zuo Pa deliberately bite the word "we" very heavily, apparently to let the moon understand, who they are.

They are dark scorpions!

However, Mingyuehuakui still smiled and said: "The group of Fangfang is a place of elegance. Outside the specific arena, you can't use it, and you can expect several to follow."

Zuo Pa did not think that Ming Yuehua Kui did not care about his identity as a dark genus. He laughed a few times and said coldly: "This rule is the same for us in darkness?"

"The same!" The smile on the face of Mingyuehuaku gradually gathered.

Zuo Pai nodded and said: "I don't usually care about women, especially beautiful women. This time, I will spare you."

It is said that the moon and the glory of the moon are also relieved, and it is natural to be able to avoid conflict with the dark genus.

Zuo Pa cold smiled twice, his eyes fell to Liu Jiada, and the voice was cold. "But this thing, can't just forget it, delay our time, isn't it ready to tell us?"

Liu Jiada’s heart trembled.

These people, when they came up, smashed his treasure ship, completely deliberately found fault, and then killed Li Shu, and in the end, he still needed him to give an account.

Just, what can I do?

The Liu family was really aware of those who had been bullied by him in the past. What a mood, but never thought about it, one day he would fall into such a field.

However, in the thought of this, the Liu family was suddenly distorted and his eyes turned to the gods.

If it weren't for this person, he would have entered the group, and probably would not have encountered these things.

Damn, why is it that he is unlucky and humiliated, and these despicable things can be seen on the side?

"Adult, I do have a responsibility for this matter. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, but if it is not these people, I will not rush to the adults!" Liu Jiada shouted at the gods.

"Is it?" Zuo Pa smiled.

Of course, he knows the sinister intentions of Liu Jiada, but he doesn't care, but he is so happy. Every time he sees such a play, it is as fun as watching a movie.

Qin Qi shook his head and sighed in his heart.

It is ridiculous and sad.

I am being bullied by outsiders. Without the courage to resist, I have to pull the "compatriots" into the water. Everyone is unlucky, so there is comfort in my heart?

It’s really disgusting!

The gods have been unable to endure before, and now they are naturally more angry, not only the Liu family, but also the few dark genus, the gods will not let go!

And the look of the gods fell in the eyes of Zuo Pa, and suddenly the latter chilled.

"Look like it, you said it is good, it is really a long-sighted thing." Zuo Pahan whispered, looking at the gods indifferently, "Waste, give you a chance to make up for it, kill him, I will spare you!"

Liu Jiada suddenly became overjoyed, and he was clever in his own wit. At the moment, he did not care about the rules of the group. He made a look to other men.

Destruction of the rules is more powerful than offending the dark.

At the moment, several strong-minded people gather around and exude a powerful air machine.

The moon is smashing, and she is about to make a gesture. She does not allow the rules of the group to be trampled.

But the next moment, her movements froze.

The gods have reached the limit of patience, although they still do not dare to do it, but the breath is a bit of a point.

That is, the power of the dark genus!

"What?" Liu Jiada’s face changed, and he did not expect that the gods would be dark.

"Oh?" Saeki and others were a little surprised.

I did not expect that the gods would be the same as the dark.

"Oh, the darkness of the priests, the people sheltered by the sacred abyss, even mixed with this group of people, it is simply to smear the abyss!" Xuan Siqi cold and cold, very angry.

"Mixed, give me over, kneel to the great abyss to sin, dare to let us also suffer shame, I can not spare you!" Saebo face iron blue.

In his opinion, the dark genus should be high.

God, this waste that does not know where to come, is actually walking among the people of this group. Is this deliberately embarrassing them?

"To check which family you belong to, you must severely punish!" Weiss chilled.

"Several of you, know who I am, and you dare to talk to me like this garbage. You know, even your homeowners don't dare to let me go!" God shouted.

It was scorned by other dark scorpions!

He was already angry and trembled.


"court death!"

"Kill him, such a person, does not match the blood flowing in the abyss!"

Saebo and others almost thought that they had misunderstood. The madman who came from, the courage is too big, and even dared to insult the famous Supreme.

"Kill him!" Saeki angered, the power broke out instantly, and Liu Jiada and others were directly shocked and flew out, and the mouth spit blood.

In the eyes of Saeki, even if the dark scorpion is damned, it is impossible for the people of the Guangming community to kill. To kill, he should come by himself.

"Just kill it," Qin Qi does not care.

The gods heard the words, the eyes suddenly brightened, and the two laughed, and the sword in the hands condensed and fell directly.

Immediately, a high-flying flight, the Saibo could not even catch a sword and died on the spot.

"How is it possible!" Xuan Siqi and others were shocked and completely sluggish.

This dark scorpion from the fallen, is so strong that it is so strong?

And what is this feeling, why do you face the power of this person, they have a feeling of being suppressed by nature!

Ming Yuehua Kui Kui, etc., also changed his face, did not know how to deal with it.

But after thinking about it, this is a problem inside the darkness. It is better not to intervene and watch their dogs bite the dog!

"You, who are you, Saeki is the core descendant of the Heihe swordsman, you kill him like this, the Heihe swordsman must ask you to give a statement!" Xuan Siqi screamed.

"Let me give a statement?" The gods sneered again and again, and shot again.

Xuan Siqi suddenly hairs are vertical, hair is almost blasted behind his head, and quickly responded.

Only, where can resist the power of the gods.

The same, was killed by a sword.

The gods are so hard to get the permission of Qin Qi, of course, to vent their anger, and do not intend to end this way, followed by successive shots.

The dark scorpion that came with Saeki was killed by God in an instant, and the huge treasure ship was destroyed.

Everyone is stunned.

They listened to the evil deeds of the dark scorpions, and they were also used to the high-pitched posture of the dark scorpion.

I have never seen the darkness of the genus to kill the darkness without mercy. This scene is shocking and people are excited!

Everyone is paying attention to the gods, not knowing what the other dark genus is thinking.

However, in the corner, Qin Qi was kneeling in front of Liu Jiada, and took a picture of Liu’s face and made him wake up.

"Who are you?" Liu Jiada swallowed his mouth. "I heard that your family is very rich?" Qin Qi and kindly smiled.

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