God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2571: Profiteer

"The text test, in fact, is the financial power, the top ten people can only advance to the martial arts test, and the martial arts test should not be introduced to the moon," Ming Yue smiled.

Qin Qi scratched his head.

It costs money.

Although he has a lot of money in his hands, it is estimated that it is difficult to enter the top ten. Is it necessary to go out and grab it again?

Only now has entered the group of Fangfang, but the rules can not be bad, otherwise everyone will ignore the rules, then for Qin Qi, it is not good news.

He didn't want to ruin the group.

"Forget it, isn't there still Zhao Cai?" Qin Qi thought that this financial fan has absolutely gathered countless wealth over the years. How can this be done without blackmail?

No reason, Zhao Cai, who is sneaking around here, even sneezed a few sneezes.

"The night of Huakui has been on the string, if it is really helpless, Mingyue hopes that the son can win," Mingyue whispered.

The darkness is won, and for the bright group, it must be a blow. After all, this is not just a matter of vying for a squad.

But if this result cannot be changed, then Qin Qi is at least a good dark genus, much better than others.

Qin Qi just smiled and said: "It seems that this flower is not a squad."

"She..." Hesitantly hesitated for a moment, shaking his head and smiling: "This is just a Yuxing show. What Kunlunshan decided, we can't resist."

"Yuxing show?" Qin Qi's eyes flashed cold.

Immediately after Qin Qi looked at Mingyue, he said: "I don't know if the owner of the museum is free, and I want to see you."

Mingyue shook his head. "The owner will not be able to retreat at this moment. No one will see you."


Is this time closed?

Qin Qi brows slightly wrinkled, always feel that this is not simple.

Before he came, he had already passed the news of Shen Xiaohua through the secret passage of Yu Ling, but he did not get a response. It should be really in some unique space and isolated from the outside world.

But the group is so big, she is the owner of the museum, how can she retreat?

"Can the son have other things?" asked the moon.

"The girl goes to work first, what is the matter, I will find the girl again", Qin Qidao.

Nodded to the moon, he retired.

Qin Qi drank a cup of tea and touched his chin: "I always feel that it is not right."

"Suddenly, the sudden retreat of the flower is really unusual. It may be necessary to investigate this matter."

“Why do you say that?” Qin Qi was surprised.

Although this matter is indeed a bit strange, but it is not so much that it needs to be so valued, Xia Luoyan seems to be based on this matter, but also to understand some other internal conditions.

Xia Luoyan stopped talking and said, "You may go to Mu Zhou to ask."

"Mu Zhou?" Qin Qi a glimpse.

Mu Zhou is the husband of Shen Shahua’s name. Although the people of the world have not taken this relationship seriously, it does represent the unusuality of Mu Zhou’s identity.

Qin Qi and Mu Zhou also met, and his impression was good. He did not quite understand why he was so tolerant, and did not care about the grassland at the top of his head.

"Well, find an opportunity to see him." Qin Qi nodded.

But now it is not anxious.

Sure enough, the effort of two teas was seen outside the yard.

Zhao Cai is here.

After Zhao Cai came in, Qin Qi laid a number of enchantments, and even if he was here, he could not know the content of their conversation.

"You, are you really Qin Qi?" Zhao Cai's face was sweaty, apparently his heart was very unsettled, and he was looking at Qin Qi with amazement.

Qin Qi smiled and disguised.

Zhao Cai’s small eyes suddenly brightened up, and he was very excited.

"Qin brother, you are really... cattle!" Zhao Caixiao laughed.

Seeing Qin Qi here, of course, makes him very excited. After all, the existence of Qin Qi, starting from the Tianyuan world, has an extraordinary meaning.

"Zhao Xiong, I will not see you, business can be okay?" Qin Qi laughed and said, Zhao Cai sat down.

Zhao Cai waved his hand and smiled: "It's all small business, not enough!"

"Zhao Xiong is modest, I am competing for the squad, but I still want to give a force to Zhao Xiong!" Qin Qi laughed. Zhao Cai’s eyes shook a bit, and he drank the tea in front of him. He shook his head and sighed: “Qin Xiong, it is reasonable to say that with the relationship between the two, my is not yours, but my brother is not in the mine. It is Little fight, not so much assets

Brothers fight! ”

This kid...

Qin Qi turned a blind eye, and sure enough to deduct the oil from the hands of the financial fans, it is not a matter of one or two sentences.

"This arrogant battle, the meaning is not in the squad, this Zhao brother you should be clear, this time no matter what, can not let the squad fall in the hands of the dark ! ”!" Qin Qi Shen sigh.

Zhao Cai coughed twice and reached for his sweat. Finally, he said helplessly: "Qin brother, you mean the brothers understand, but the brothers have limited ability and can only try to raise funds for you."

“How much can you have?”

"Plus Qin brother from the hands of Liu Jiada, is almost the resources of five intermediate worlds." Zhao Cai is not.

Qin Qi's forehead twitched.

The assets in the hands of Liu Jiada are almost equivalent to the resources of three or four intermediate worlds. He does not believe that Zhao Cai’s hands are even lacking in this resource.

If you really don't have it, then he is too embarrassed about his name and the martial arts treasure.

"Qin brother, the younger brother is also not easy, just these, it is all out, you must not be too small!" Zhao Cai laughed.

Sure enough, it is the true nature of profiteers.

"Let's say, what can I do for you?" Qin Qi said without words. Zhao Cai’s eyes turned suddenly, and then he laughed and said: “Qin Xiong, you see what you said, brother, what will I have for you, that is, there are really not many assets in my hands, but the brothers must really It’s a must, it’s going to be frustrated.

The secret of the dark genus, the brothers have a life, but also to make money for the Qin brother! ”

"The uncle's profiteer!" Qin Qi heart abdomen a few words, can only shake his head without anger, do not speak, just look at Zhao Cai.

Zhao Cai was seen by Qin Qi a little embarrassed, and even coughed a few times, said: "What, Qin brother can remember that I used to look for a stone tower."

"It seems that there is such a thing." Qin Qi nodded and said, "No, it’s been a matter of years ago. You haven’t got it yet?"

"Moreover, isn't that something in Tianyuan World? Is there any use for us now?" Qin Qi is puzzled.

Zhao Cai has put away the embarrassment, and he said: "I originally just inadvertently got a layer in the stone tower, so I wanted to try to get together, and finally, I was really assembled."

"It’s just that the drama that happened later is too great. Although the stone tower is not weak, it is not enough to see everything compared to the road."

"I didn't plan to use it again, but after I entered the mine, I found that the stone tower had a new change. It could continue to devour the precious minerals and make the tower change!" Zhao Cai excitedly said.

"Is this still the case?" Qin Qi was also amazed.

This stone tower, like him, can be promoted by swallowing?

Is this still a tower? It’s too fascinating.

"Swallow the tower?"

It was the summer geese, and suddenly began to speak.

Zhao Cai unexpectedly looked at Xia Luoyan, then nodded and said: "I am not a woman beside Qin brother, the knowledge is really unusual, but after many explorations, I guessed that it is a swallow tower!"

Qin Qi ignored Zhao Cai’s name for Xia Luoyan, but he was curious: “What is the origin of this tower?”

The name is so scary, and the origins are naturally extraordinary.

Qin Qi believes that this thing is not the kind of goods that force the aria.

"It is rumored that it was one of the four bans in the ancient times." Zhao Cai’s eyes were bright, and this name was scary when he listened. It is definitely a rare good thing.

"Four big bans?" Qin Qi muttered, and different Kunlun had already found out the relevant materials. Compared with the records of the Guangming Group, the materials of the gods are more robust.

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