God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2575: The authority of the first Kunlun


This is naked and without any cover-up shame!

"It seems that you have no intention of negotiating."

Being humiliated again and again, who can bear it?

Not to mention the master of the great religion who is already above the sentient beings!

"You don't really think that if you have this negotiation, you can be on an equal footing with us. Recognize your position, inferior race!" The singer of Hessen Black Lotus smiled coldly.

"Hey, what is arrogant, this seat does not mind killing you before the start of the negotiations!" The devil sighs, he knows that the overall situation is heavy, but at this moment, he can no longer bear it.

"Haha, if you are looking for death, how about you?" Hessie smiled disdainfully.

It seems that it is going to fight before the negotiations!

The rest of the dark genus, are watching taunting, and did not mean to stop.

"If there is no sincerity, then there is no meaning in this negotiation. It is better to give up on this." Moyun Huangxi suddenly said.

It’s said that everyone’s face is slightly changed, and the darkness is a genus, and the eyes are slightly stunned.

"I don't talk about it, but you have the final say. We have already come. If you don't talk about it, isn't it too much to put us in the eye?" He whispered, "I am afraid of you." Can't take it!"

"Yes, then there will be a period of time." Mo Yun Huang Xiu did not mean nonsense at all, he turned and left.

"Mo Yun Huang Xiu, where are you going?" It is the opening of Kunlun's first indifferent.

"Do you think that there is still a need to talk about this?" Moyun Huangxiu slightly frowned, but it stopped.

"Negotiation is the meaning of your majesty, too. I mean, you are going to openly provoke... and me?" The first voice of Kunlun was cold.

"Why is this necessary? We are now tied to the same rope. It doesn't make sense to guilty first?" Zhang Quanling quickly came forward to mediate.

"I don't allow anyone to challenge my authority. You better understand this!" The first Kunlun was cold and shouted.

Zhang Quanling’s face is also somewhat unsightly.

The first Kunlun was too overbearing.

Originally, there was nothing. It had the power to compete with the great masters. The first Kunlun had a hegemonic capital. But on such an occasion, he was not targeting foreign enemies, but his own people.

It is the kind of person like Moyun Huangxiu, cold and bloodless, even despicable, but at this moment, it is also against the darkness.

The first Kunlun, is it really worthy of the word Kunlun?

"Your authority is to take us to soften?" Devil sarcasm.

"You can say a little more and try it out." The first look of Kunlun was sinking, and the mountains began to emerge, and a huge sense of oppression swept out.

That is the power of the top big Tianzun, how can the demon can withstand, the face is pale and pale, and it retreats.

Under this momentum, the dark scorpions and other geniuses also changed their faces, even if they want to maintain their nobleness and arrogance, but in the face of absolute strength, they still can't be quiet.

They are also suppressed by the power of the first Kunlun.

"Well, there is no need to make this happen. If this negotiation really fails, it will not be easy to explain it."

He is a middle-aged man, looks plain and unconventional, and there is not much special, especially standing between the dragons and phoenixes in this group of people, it seems too ordinary.

If you don't know his identity beforehand, I am afraid anyone will ignore it.

However, he can replace the nightingale as the new leader of the unfinished world. How can this person's strength be ordinary, at least temporarily, no one knows at which level his full strength is.

But the position of the Great Heaven is no doubt.

The first person in Kunlun heard the words and said with a cold voice: "I naturally know this thing, but I can give you a face, but I won't have a second time, I hope they understand!"

Indica sighed and shook his head, and immediately looked at the dark side of the genus. "You should also be clear, if you don't talk about it, what will be the evaluation of you at the Round Table Council."

"Hey!" Sarasy couldn't help but scream.

However, he did not say anything.

They are noisy here, and even a big fight, killing a few days is not a big deal.

But if the negotiations are cancelled, no one can explain to the round table.

Because this involves not the interests of the Guangming community, but the authority of the Round Table Council.

Any bill passed by the Round Table Council can only be executed one way. No matter who dares to disobey, then there is a place in hell!

"Oh, why bother to get rid of the sword, but it is a little joke, let everyone relax." Oslo Black Moon executives laughed.

During the current period of the Augustan Black Moon executor for the round table parliamentary speaker, the dark heavens are headed by the black moon executors. At this moment, Oslo is also the head of the negotiating group.

After he spoke, the atmosphere did ease, and everyone took advantage of it. After all, no one really wants to make it too stiff.

"Several people don't have to sit on the table over there, just sit here." Oslo smiled and pointed to the edge of the table that was cut by Sarah.

Obviously, although Oslo has let the bright circles of the big group negotiate at the same table, they still have to show their nobleness. After all, this ranking is still respected by them.

However, this is the end of the matter. This kind of mind does not intend to go deep into it. If you make a fuss, you can’t really end it.

The first person in Kunlun was expressionless. He sat down first, and including Moyun Huangxiu, one should also be seated.

Wait until the meeting is settled, and the meeting begins, and everyone is upright, because each of the following terms will affect the world, even every word, must be carefully considered.

"The prerequisite for the negotiation is that the Guangming community has surrendered to the dark heavens, but the execution of the rule is the nightingale and everyone present here. I think there should be no objection?" Oslo said.

The bright circles of the Guangming community are different. Although they are unwilling, they are the most basic treaties. The agreement should be within this framework. Naturally, there is no objection.

"That's good, if that's the case, just start at the mountain," Oslo said slowly. "We don't care how you rule this bright group. We only offer the benefits we want!"

"Of course, there is room for discussion, but I hope you have self-knowledge!" Oslo smiled and threw a prepared document in front of Mo Yun Huang Xiu and others.

Everyone picked up the documents and only saw the first page, and the face suddenly changed. The demon statue was taken directly from the case.

"Seventy percent of the proceeds, you actually want us 70% of the proceeds?" The devil is almost unbelievable. What a joke!

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