God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2577: does not matter

"Well, everyone is calm and calm. If there is no objection, the first article will pass," Xisen laughed.

Sixty-five percent of the proceeds, more, they can get a lot, this one, make a big profit!

On the bright side, everyone is ugly.

This treaty can be talked about, but the premise is that the bright side must all be killed in the same proportion, otherwise the darkness will not be able to loosen.

Now, it is obviously impossible to continue talking.

They have been eaten by the dark scorpion, and how can they spit it out, not to mention that they are not at all on their own.

Just this situation, who can think of it beforehand?

Everyone in the room, each one is not an ordinary person, and there are a lot of festivals between each other, such as that Mo Yunhuang Xiu, is a despicable person.

But this is the case. In the face of darkness, they are able to unite the front line, just because everyone belongs to the bright world, and the root of everything is here.

The first Kunlun, you should understand this more.

And the first group of Kunlun, the "selling country for glory" generation, the next negotiations, it is difficult to bias the bright side.

However, I have to talk about it.

"Go ahead," Mo Yunhuang took a quiet road.

Everyone has no choice.

After all, the current proportion, the death is only the next position, but if the negotiations are directly suspended, the death may be them.

After an item jumps, the more you look at it, the more cool it is. The conditions of darkness are harsh and many are unacceptable.

According to the argument, it was only a few heavy cuts, but it was still overwhelming.

For example, directly delineating the undead in the upper position is the base of the dark genus.

For example, the Guangming Group should regularly send a large number of souls into the darkness as slaves.

In addition to the bottom servants, there are women who also account for a huge proportion, what to do, can be imagined.

And so on, one piece and one piece, are the insults that touch the bottom line!

"The last one, the **** sacrifice site will conduct a test in the near future, and you need to sacrifice about a thousand low worlds. This is up to you to choose. I will see the list tomorrow," Oslo smiled faintly.

Negotiations are coming to an end, and the overall situation is very smooth, although the bright side has become tougher after the first treaty, which has slightly depressed the original terms.

But they still make big profits!

As for the last item, it is actually floating. It can be mentioned or not. But this negotiation has already been done today. How can it be mentioned?

Hearing this clause, even Tian Zun couldn't help but feel cold in his heart, and his eyes became colder and colder.

A thousand low-ranking creatures, direct sacrifices?

It is the peerless devils in history that have never had such a hot move.

Is this the life of the bright side, as a livestock?

"You don't want to bully too much!"

This group of people is more like a demon than a demon!

"There are only a thousand inferior worlds. The people there are just ants. Don't you think so?" Sarasie smiled very casually.

"The negotiations have come to an end. There is no need to overthrow the terms that are not easy to set because of the thousands of ants in the world. You should be very clear about the cost of doing so!"

"This is the simplest clause. I really don't understand what you are hesitating."

It is really terrible to send a thousand world souls to **** in such an understatement.

It’s just that this experiment is dark heaven. Why do you sacrifice the creatures of the bright world?

All the benefits are owned by the dark heavens, but the lives of the losers are all bright circles?

This is not even an ant, it is just a material.

For the first time, in the heart of heaven, I suddenly felt that I was so mean and low.

"My terms and conditions have been agreed, a thousand worlds, nothing," Kunlun's first faint.

"Well, if you have this sentence, then this negotiation will be able to draw a full stop, and the cooperation is happy!" Oslo laughed.

"You can rest assured that your sincerity we have seen, you will usher in the friendship of our darkness!" Hehehe laughed, but the eyes were full of disdain.

The first Kunlun, even agreed, and did not even bargain.

"Hey, good one is nothing, it is the first Kunlun, and it is really domineering!" Zhang Quanling sneered.

He is old, how can he dare to attack the peers of Kunlun, but at this moment, he can no longer bear it.

"Don't say that, Lin Biao is not surnamed Lin now, change the abyss, right?" Demon sneered.

Mo Yun Huang Xiu and so on are silent, no expression on the face, and attitude, and there is no difference between them and the devil.

"You, is it dissatisfied with my decision?" Kunlun's first gaze fell to the devil, etc., cold and cold.

"You are the only one who can compete with the master craftsman. You can take the lead and kneel down. What can we do?" Tiger sneered. "Fortunately, you are a human race. If our Yaozu do this, the blood in the body will not Will let us go!" "The time planner is Junjie, since you have opened a few, you should understand the end of this!" Kunlun's first cold and cold, the pressure of the body broke out, "the treaty is difficult Execution, today, I will kill the chickens and monkeys first!

During the speech, a Kunlun Mountain suddenly swelled out, and it was spectacular, and the atmosphere was full. Everyone was stunned by the heart, that is, the dark genus, and also retreated.

Even so, they all smiled and looked at the show.

"Lin Biao, by yours, it really doesn't deserve this Kunlun!" The demon screamed and screamed, and the magic power rushed out and rushed into the sky.

A magic knife swayed, facing the first Kunlun.

The tiger statue is also a roar, turned into a huge white tiger like a mountain, a pair of eyes like a planet, demon raging.

To know that the Guangming community is not a piece of iron, the demon family is not a harmonious family, it is the position of the great heaven, and used to see the world ups and downs, but at this moment can not help but anger.

"Without the match, it’s not for the weak of you who have the final say!" The first person of Kunlun shouted and pressed his hand, which was a Kunlun Mountain shake down.

The two demons of the demon two are strong, but in front of the first Kunlun, they are not enough to see. The only layers of the void collapse, and the strength of the two has been thoroughly crushed.

"Oh, this is really interesting. It is much more exciting than the evening show." He laughed and was full of drama, just like watching the clown perform. "But it is, there is such a lord Lin Biao... Hey, good friends are in peace, the two worlds will come soon!" Hessen haha ​​laughed.

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