God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2582: Not optimistic

Dreamshake shook his head and felt that he really thought too much. He knew that the person in front of him was also a dark genus. How could he do this kind of thing?

It should be just a coincidence.

At the moment, the dream shadow took a deep breath and softly said: "The son, please also show your mercy."

Dream Shadow certainly wants Qin Qi to directly kill each other, it is best to kill the dark genus here.

It’s just that, after all, it’s impossible.

The group of Fangfang Museum can't bear the consequences.

Not to mention that within the group of Fangfang, it is forbidden to fight, although the time is chaotic, this rule has been unable to do so, but the dream still hopes to be maintained.

In addition, when Cheris died, he will die. After all, he is dead in the dark and belongs to his own people, and he is only a master of heaven.

But Tianzun is different.

The darkness of heaven is more than the heavenly esteem, and it has not yet reached the level of flooding, let alone the arrogance of the darkness. If there is a godly death in the group, then the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even if the person who shot is the same as the dark genus.

So, stop here.

"Ah, thank you girl reminder, almost killed one person by mistake, hehe, hehe!" Qin Qi heard the words, timely closing, hehe laughed.

Of course, there is no point in his face.

Qin Qi understands the dream of shadow, and he has no killer in front of him. Others, including the dark genus, naturally do not dare to chaos.

"You are waiting for the arrival of the same strong family?" Qin Qi looked at the dark Tianzun, faintly said: "This is nothing, you just wait, but before they come, you are here, not allowed." ”

Kneeling, first plead guilty to those who died.

Then, it’s not too late to kill!

In the darkness of the heavens, the anger and anger of the glory, and how to receive such humiliation, only he understands that once he violates the requirements of Qin Qi, I am afraid that the next moment is "mistaken"!

He still doesn't want to die.

Perhaps the only thing that can be comforted is that the other party is a dark genus, not a group of bright people.

Also, the low-lying idiots of the Guangming Group, how dare you do this to him?

Seeing the other party did not dare to move, Qin Qi smiled, all things did not happen, so swayed into the Wanhua Pavilion.

The dream shadow simply stopped receiving, and personally sent Qin Qi to go in, until the Qin Qi arranged the good seat, this time went back to receive other VIPs.

After all, the more distinguished guests, the more they like the finale, and the next ones, they may all be big men.

Inside the Wanhua Pavilion, the decoration is extremely elegant, and the application is full of luxury, but it does not give people a sense of extravagance. On the contrary, it is incredible to have the warmth of going home.

When I came here, the first thing I felt was that I was relaxed and comfortable. I didn’t have a beautiful woman. I already had the thought of not wanting to go back, let alone the way I am coming.

Qin Qi had just sat down, and a few beautiful girls came in like a butterfly. The beautiful eyes and the arms around him were really gentle towns that men dreamed of.

Since I came here, Qin Qi naturally let go of it, but I don’t mind if I give it to me.

The **** sat on one side and wanted to hold a girl over, but Qin Qi snorted and he had to take back his hand and sit on the side.

It’s a shame to be a hitter. It’s really a shame that even the girl can’t touch the fireworks!

The girls were a little surprised at the relationship between the two. The existence of the at least Tianzun level was even so constrained that even women did not dare to touch it. It was amazing.

However, they dare to ask more, just wait for Qin Qi.

Fortunately, Qin Qi just let them drink and peel fruit, and there is no extra rude behavior, even in this place, those actions are normal.

"Can the son also come for the sake of the squad?" asked the child with a smile.

"Of course, it is necessary!" Qin Qi smiled.

"The son of the son is outside, good to domineering, I think the son must be the final winner," another girl named Ronger laughed.

"Take your good words, but this should not be easy." Qin Qi said lightly.

Ronger nodded and then pointed to several private rooms above the road. He said: "There is a group of Fangfang specially prepared for some big people. It is said that there are several big heavens in the dark world. After a while, it should come over. !"

Negotiating group?

Qin Qi heard the words, his eyes picked up slightly.

Regarding the negotiations between the two circles, Qin Qi is not without a little understanding, knowing that the negotiations will end today, and as a Yuxing show, the night of the flower is also tonight.

So the big guys who will come tonight will be much more unexpected.

The entire Wanhua Pavilion is very large. Qin Qi is where they are now, but it is one of the flower halls. The overall style is cylindrical. The surrounding VIP rooms are spiral and rise in turn.

The higher the position, the more honorable the identity.

Qin Qi’s current location is almost at the top, and only the private rooms of those big people are above them.

"Those guys shouldn't let go in person." Qin Qi drank a glass of wine and smiled slightly.

"But it will support the back!"

"You little girl, worried that I was being bullied?" Qin Qi smiled.

The nephew giggled and said: "Although the son is dark, but it is only for us to have a bad breath, I certainly hope that the son is safe!"

"婉儿!" Rong Er is a low drink.

Obviously I feel that my nephew is too arrogant, and I dare to say this.

Darkness is a fight in the dark, that is their thing, such a child, it is easy to lead to the disaster of killing!

"No problem," Qin Qi waved his hand.

Rong Er smashed, Qin Qi's generosity, indeed does not resemble the dark genus, but like human beings like them.

"The slave family would like to wish the son a success. Compared with other people, the slaves hope that the son can get the sister of Luo Shen!" Rong said with a smile.

"But, the big people on our side will also be there. Maybe, in the end, our people will win!" The girl who peeled the peel on one side couldn't help it.


"No, the final win must be darkness." Ronger shook his head and immediately ridiculed himself: "The big people in our world will not support us at all."

"I don't mean that this time is different, will you win it all?" Shrinking his mouth.

"There are people like this in the guests who come today. They don't want the darkness to win the glory. They want to go all out to win this game, but without the big guys supporting them, everything is just illusory and may even be humiliated."

"And our big men, just to accompany the adults in the dark heavens to play, hope that they are in their early days, it is better to pray that they can bring back a relatively favorable negotiation result," Rong said faintly. The women in this group of museums are really not vases. They think about it, not a fireworks woman.

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