God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2584: Text test

In the Wanhuage Flower Hall, the lights are dark, only a beam of moonlight falls, attracting everyone's attention.

The graceful figure is moving, dancing like a butterfly, and it is intoxicating.

There are singing voices, melodious music, soothing people's nerves, and the shadows are even more beautiful, like a fairy, and between the hopes, it is wonderful.

After a short silence, the low voices are endless, and the entire flower hall becomes hot. The man's gaze can almost burn the void.

This is the squad!

"This is really..." Zhang Quanling and others, can not help but be surprised, did not think that this year's squad, can be beautiful to this extent.

This is completely comparable to the level of the four beautiful women!

It is necessary to know that the squadrons of the group Fangfang are glamorous, and they are only slightly worse than the four beautiful women.

But the feeling of giving people is like a fairy.

So far, no one can shake the status of the four beautiful women, their unique temperament, not the same, but has a fatal appeal to men.

This feeling cannot be quantified and is unpredictable, but it is certain that the entire Taoist world cannot find a fifth person.

But today, this flower squad is shocking, as if one of the four beautiful women was on stage.

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful, but it's a little underestimated," Oslo couldn't help but admire.

They didn't care much about the night of the squad, but they wanted to let the kids out of the limelight, but this time, when they saw Bailuo, they couldn't help but have the urge to fight in person.

Of course, it’s just an impulse. It’s not really going to compete with the juniors.

But the pity of the heart is really true.

"Oh, but a prostitute!" He snorted and his face was ugly.

This is also normal. After all, as a woman, she is a high-powered, graceful city, but now she is compared, and what will not be born in her heart?

The flower squad appeared and gave a dance, not knowing how many people were captured.

Some people who did not intend to participate in the competition, at this moment, can not help but feel hot inside, want to fight for a fight!

"Hey, I didn't say it was such a beautiful woman. This is really going to go bankrupt!" Zhao Cai mourned in the corner, knowing that it was such a beautiful woman, and he was afraid of being crazy.

Of course, to say that a pair of small eyes are staring straight, unable to move half a point.

Although he does not fight, it is good to be full of eyes.

"Pity!" Qin Qi could not help but get excited.

Although he already knew that this time the squad was Bailuo, but it was difficult to calm down when he saw it.

As for the beauty of Bailuo God, Qin Qi is naturally clear. She used to be the first beauty in the past and the past, attracting all the kings to admire, and now come to the Taoist world, the realm of the realm is even more like a fairy.

"But this time, the difficulty can be increased a lot." Qin Qi smiled.

He even worried that the big guys would be shameless in person.

Of course, even if this is the case, today's squad, Qin Qi will be fixed, no one wants to grab him!

Bailuo Shen has already appeared, so the main event will come.

Here is the group of Fangfang, is the man's sales treasury, want to spend the squad, then show the matching wealth and then say, otherwise, even the singer's clothes corner do not want to touch!

"I must have seen my sister, Luo Shen, and I have no intention to wait, then the text test begins!" Mingyuehuakui came out and smiled slightly.

"The rules of the text test, slaves are no longer repeated, starting from a thousand low worlds, each increase can not be less than one hundred low worlds, you start bidding!"

The low world mentioned here does not really require them to deliver a lower world, but a resource equivalent to it!

However, although it is only a low-level world, resources are limited, and even some cities in the same way can not be compared, but the starting price is also very amazing.

To know the glory of the past, the final price is only two or three thousand lower worlds.

"Despite your asking price, this woman, I want it!"

No one has started bidding yet, but it is an incomparable voice that sounds through the entire flower hall.

So arrogant!

who is it!

Everyone has a change of face, and some even sneer, and the darkness is not self-sufficient, but looking at the sound, but it is a tight heart.

The place where the sound is heard is the one that is closest to the top floor. The one sitting inside is the dark genus!

Being able to sit there, their status is extremely high in the dark heavens.

"Hey, your black moon performer lost such a big man, is this going to be brought back to a woman?" But it was a laughter, also from the private room on that floor.

"Nonoro, what do you say?" Yumi Black Moon performer chills.

"Nothing, but Yumi, this woman is not yours, I don't talk nonsense with you, how much do you give me, I have more resources than you, have you heard it?" Nororo Black Lotus singer Faintly.

"You are looking for yourself uncomfortable!" Yumi cold and cold.

"Hey, this is something that speaks by strength. If you don't have money, don't play." Noro does not care.

These two people, you come and go, in the face of everyone's face, as if this battle is only among the two of them.

Don't talk about the people of the Guangming community, they don't even put other dark genus in their eyes.

But soon people will understand why they are so arrogant, because both of them are the true core descendants of their respective names, and they have the right to inherit!

This status can be much more noble than those killed before Qin!

It’s no wonder that it’s so arrogant.

"This article tries to decide the top ten with the highest bid. What is the significance of your fight for the first time?" But another voice sounded, but it was surprising that it was a woman.

"Mina, what do you want to mix with a woman?" Nono said.

"I like women, can you manage it?" Mina is not at all polite.

Nororo is cold, no words.

And Yumi is cold again: "I said, this woman is mine, you don't want to, but it is best to have confidence to fight with me!"

"Youmi, don't be too arrogant, you don't have that skill yet!" It sounded again, and it was dark.

The atmosphere was suddenly more savage.

The battle for the squad also changed from the battle between light and darkness to the game between the dark genus.

Such a naked contempt, so that the bright group of the bright people in the presence, are all face-like, and the heart is burning.

And Bai Luoshen, just sitting on the lotus platform, his eyes filled with grief.

Nowadays, it is a knife for her to be a fish. Even if she is so beautiful, it is only a cargo. It is a powerful bargaining chip for others. Inexplicable, Bai Luo Shen thought of Qin Qi.

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