God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2595: Not recognized by the abyss

Qin Qi is already in the middle of the game, and Mina can't delay, and one of them has entered the arena.

This Mina is a beautiful woman, with a hot body and exquisite face, especially a pair of beautiful legs, extra long slender white, and the skirt is very short, people can not help but look down, want to find out!

In any aspect, Mina is attractive.

However, although there is no problem with the value of the face, it is still a bit worse than Bailuo, and it is not too fascinating.

Of course, it is already a very rare beauty, which is hard to forget.

"The beauty of such a beautiful drop is really difficult for people to squat." Qin Qi laughed.

"That's also asking you to exalt your hands," Mina said with a wry smile.

"Well, you can't just accept the loss directly?" Qin Qi smiled lightly.

Mina was a stagnation, and her eyes were slightly stunned. She smiled shallowly: "If I leave the scene, I can't afford the name. Do you have the heart to let me be humiliated?"

"You are right to say this," Qin Qi nodded, and immediately smiled. "It’s not as good as being humiliated by others, I am coming!"

Mina heard the words, and the light was suddenly tightened, and then the police in the heart of the police, I saw that Qin Qi had been deceived in front of her.

Mina was shocked, but she was not an ordinary person, and her strength was extremely strong. Even if she was an opponent like Qin Qi, she was confident that she could withstand one or two.

It will not be directly defeated.

When Mina shot, a lot of dark particles surged, and behind her, a giant tree appeared, which was derived from the dark wood of the abyss.

The Blackwood Gods have both healing and prophecy. Although neither is combat, it is precisely because of this that the Blackwood Gods pay more attention to combat training.

Mina is one of the best, naturally better at fighting.

Although the speed of Qin Qi was fast, it was stopped by Mina. In front of Mina, a blade was opened, which was actually blocking the power of Qin Qi.

However, Qin Qi will be stopped like this. Now that he has changed his mind, he will explore with one hand and only take Mina.

Mina's look sank, but it was not flustered. It was a slap in the face, and there was a sword, and the dark particles were even thicker, forcing Qin Qi to give up the attack.

One hit, Qin Qi smiled, not anxious, it is such a freehand attack, it seems that the threat is not big, but the rhythm is perfect, Mina has no other way, can only be dismantled one by one.

Mina is glad that she doesn't have the slightest look at her opponent. Otherwise, with the power of Qin Qi, she is afraid that she may be defeated by a face.

Don't underestimate the simple trick of Qin Qi. The power contained in it is very terrible. Mina faces this kind of power and feels deeper.

Can't be hit, otherwise she might not be able to eat!

At the moment, Mina was more cautious and almost took a defensive stance to resist Qin Qi’s increasingly fierce offensive.

"This kid's combat experience is extremely rich, and the shot is hot and fierce. The general Tianzun is indeed not an opponent."

"But how can he just fight around, is there no other trick?"

"Maybe Mina can't force him more strength, but his dark particles are really special and careable!"

The top figures are all Emei. After all, the dark particles of the holy white have a contradiction in them, which makes people have to care.

But in the darkness of today's famous gates, there are no such dark particles. Only those ethnic groups below, the blood is not pure enough, will appear variegated.

However, at most, it is also biased towards gray, and there is pure white, and there is no such case.

"In the temple of the gods, there seems to be a relevant record, but what is specific, I am not sure," Oslo frowned.

Their permissions, can not view this level of information, after all, they are not big masters!

In fact, even the master craftsmen did not have the corresponding accurate information. Otherwise, Qin Qi had already discovered what the so-called holy redeemer was.

Aside from these, no matter whether the color is holy or not, the power characteristics are indeed dark particles.

Then Qin Qi’s identity can be affirmed, but it is darkness.

Just don't know the specific power characteristics, what is it.

Qin Qi has not been exhibiting, and people are also suspicious.

"He shouldn't have no special power at all?" After a while, Sarahi suddenly became gloomy.

The battle in the field has become extremely fierce, and Mina has shown great power and direct communication with the sacred abyss and the blessing of the abyss. Behind it, there are butterfly wings.

Such an increase can be said to be enormous, and Qin Qi is no longer as easy as it was at the beginning.

The balance of the fighting power has begun to tilt toward Mina.

However, Qin Qi’s fighting ability, if it is a powerful force, can already lay the victory.

Even if there is no particularly powerful killer, then the abyss, the butterfly wings, any one, is enough to make Qin Qi master the absolute initiative.

After all, his close-range attack and killing is indeed a strong match.

Mina can persist until now, not only has she had a bitterness in this area, but also her racial talent, the powerful healing power.

Otherwise, I can’t hold it.

But why did the battle drag on to this time, even being mastered by Mina?

Gradually, everyone got out of the impression of Qin Qi's strong position and realized that something was wrong.

"This goods, it will not be able to sway the abyss at all?" The dark scorpion suddenly cried.

And this sound, suddenly let everyone have a feeling of opening.


This is definitely the case.

This guy is not disdain, but has no stronger means at all.

Otherwise, how could it not yet sway the abyss?

Even the butterfly wings have not been used.

"I know that the reason why he possesses the dark particles of this holy white is that his blood is extremely impure, and this is the variation that occurs, and it is an ineffective variation!"

"He is such a blood, unable to communicate with the sacred abyss, even the wings can not do!" Someone shouted, could not help but laugh.

Everyone is enlightened.

This is the case, so the explanation is passed.

The dark heavens are infinitely huge, and the dark genus is even more numerous. There are naturally some special guys who, because of the impure blood, eventually condense the dark particles of variation.

Although there have never been sacred whites, but gray, even red dark particles, there are many examples.

This guy in front of me is just one of those variants, not a special one!

Previously, because Qin Qi was really too loaded, people could not think about it.

After all, whether it is forcing a dark **** to stand in front of Wanhuage, or just slap in the face of the fan, and the kind of unconstrained gesture, it gives people an extremely powerful illusion.

Even Mina is a heavy heart, and Qin Qi is regarded as the enemy, and even has been defeated.

In addition, its dark particles are indeed very thick, and do not lose the core descendants of the door, naturally no one will question him.

But now, the gap has finally emerged, and the truth has surfaced! This kind of goods is simply a lower species, and even the holy abyss can not be swayed. It is a poor insect abandoned by the abyss!

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