God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2600: a fist

Although it seems that Yumi's coagulation seems to be a bit far from the difference, but the difference is not too far, it is conceivable how powerful this sword is.

However, Qin Qi is only moving in a wrong way, avoiding the most sharp position, and then holding his hand.

Yumi’s body is suddenly stiff, and the impact of the eclipse catkins on him is even bigger than expected. This sword, he has been hard to do his best!

"Damn, I want to kill you, kill you!" Yumi screamed.

It is a pity that at this moment, he has no chance, Qin Qi is in his head, stepping directly under the ground!

This battle is still Qin Qisheng!

Under the field, a silence.

No one can predict such a result, and this kind of victory is beyond imagination.

Qin Qi actually used Mina's eclipse catkins to completely defeat Yumi.

For a time, everyone did not know what to say.

"Oh, this is not his strength. It belongs to the goddess Mina. If it is not the nectar of the Mina goddess, how could he defeat the Umi?"

"Yes, it’s a despicable and shameless guy. Every victory is based on this incompetent means. It’s ugly!"

"I thought that if you defeated Youmi in this way, you can really win. The Yuandian is still waiting for him!"

"That's right, he can't escape, he has no bones and catkins, and he can kill him!"

Under the field, the dark screams shouted. They did not think that the victory of this war belonged to Qin Qi. It was Qin Qi’s despicable borrowing of Mina’s power.

Otherwise, it will never be the result.

In these roars, only one person laughed.

The faint smile, it seems that in the end he is the person who inherits the destiny.

He will become the hero to kill Qin Qi, and at the same time, will also be beautiful!

All the glory is to him!

Is there a better arrangement than this?

The ridiculous Yumi, who will be defeated in this way, is really disappointing.

From now on, there will be no Yumi among the opponents, and only those craftsmen are his goal.

And in the future, he will surely be the leader of the master!

"Just here," he left the arena.

In his eyes, Qin Qi has no threats.

The same is true for everyone.

Qin Qi has exhausted his despicable means to go to this step. It is already the limit. He has no power to check and balance, and he is not able to give him any chance.

What to play with.

The current distance will not be considered at all.

He only needs a sword, swords and Qin Qi!


The terrible air waves broke out from the body.

The black river lingers, the abyss emerges, and the wings condense!

Yuan Yuan, directly to the peak of power.

He will not repeat the same mistakes.

Regardless of whether Qin Qi has hidden power.

These are not important. It is enough to kill Qin Qi with a sword.

Under the field, all the dark scorpions are looking forward to it.

They also don't want to see what is tyrannical Qin Qi, they now, just want this mixed to die!

A sword was killed, but I couldn’t understand it before, but now it’s the most fun thing!

Today's one kind of piece, although there are too many variables, but the final result, it will not change.

Yes, everything is over.

Qin Qi stood in the gladiatorial field. He put away the look of the previous playfulness, and a smile was on his lips. It was nothing but sarcasm.

He stood up and stood there.

It seems that the pattern on this has changed.

The distance has become a challenger.

"The **** bastard, and began to force it again, want to use this way to induce the change strategy?"

"Don't leave the adults, don't worry about these little means, kill him with a sword!"

"Yes, pretending, killing and saying!"

He is certainly not affected by the cold, and now, no matter what Qin Qi does, it is impossible to change his mind.

Qin Qi just smiled, one hand stretched forward and hooked his fingers.

That way, don't mention more people, it is really a model of force, arrogant!

"Come on, don't leave, let me see how strong you are in this sword." Qin Qi smiled.

Previously, Qin Qi was just making trouble.

He is not prepared to use real power.

This eclipse catkins is nothing more than a dark particle that uses the power of the infinite core to match the holy redeemer, and controls it a bit.

All the way through, are small means, never used real power.

But now, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. After all, this kind of separation does have some skill. If you really continue to install it, you can put yourself in it.

That being the case, let's move a little bit.

"You dare to say it!"

Heihe River!

The strongest sword!

The sword came out, and Heihe poured down and drowned Qin Qi.

This time, everyone was watching nervously, and saw that the sword fell realistically. In the middle of Qin Qi, the heart was relieved, and then they all cheered up.

This time, finally, there is no more moths. The power of this sword is the peak, not weakened by half!

Yumi’s mistakes have not been reproduced in the distance.

Then Qin Qi, what else is there to survive?

Must die!

"Hey, it’s cheaper to die like this!" Mina chilled in the dark, and finally got a bad breath.

"Damn, far away, count you lucky!" Yumi was indignant in his heart. If he had forced Qin Qi's eclipse catkins, now where is the round of performance?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Yuan Yuan took out this strong sword, proudly independent, he got this glory, and he also got the peerless beauty.

"Tonight, you are a little less!" Yuan turned and smiled at Bailuo.

I am very happy!

"You are so anxious to do something, oh, I will defeat me first!"

It was a voice that rang from the distance.

When I heard the words, my look changed suddenly, and I immediately laughed. "Your life is really hard, but you can't kill a sword, but the second sword is!"

Qin Qi is not dead yet. This is indeed a far-reaching expectation, but he does not have to look at it and knows that Qin Qi must have been the end of the strong, but it is not lucky.

In this way, it can be murdered.

Yuan sneer again and again, faintly said: "How good is it so dead, so as not to suffer again, or just let you die better than death!"

Between words, it is the confidence to control everything.

Just under the field, but there are countless exclamations, everyone is showing their unbelievable eyes!

Yuan Limei, violently turned back, his face was pale and pale.

Qin Qi, standing in the same place, is flapping his clothes.

"The clothes have been crumpled by you. Do you know how much sin is this?" Qin Qi sighed.

"This is impossible!"

The distance was exclaimed.

Qin Qi, even unharmed.

The front bears his sword, and there is not even a single injury.

Didn't that sword hit?

No, obviously hit, this point is clearer than anyone else!

"You have a bodyguard treasure on your body?"

"Do you have it?" Qin Qi asked instead.

"What do you mean!"

"If you have one, you can open it now. After all, you cut me a sword, I have to punch you back!"

"Wastes that are not recognized by the abyss, do you think that you can beat this and you can't do it, with the treasures blocking my sword, then the next sword?" Cried the cold.

Just fiercely, his pupils shrank, and Qin Qi had already come to him.

So fast!

Qin Qi raised his fist and prepared to kneel down.

The tremor in the centrifugation, the rapid defense, the rise of the shield, is his defensive skills, and he does have a defensive treasure, the quality is extremely high.

Just, can you get it?

Qin Qi’s fist is very fast.

But I don't know why, this time Qin Qi's fist turned out to be a bit slower, and the success of the opening of the treasure, in front of him, suddenly gathered a barrier!

The wall of the city!

The lungs sighed in the air, and then laughed.

He felt that when Qin Qi took over the sword before, he was actually injured. Otherwise, why is the speed of the boxing slowed down?

This is, his strongest sword, Qin Qi even if he is wearing a powerful defense treasure, how can it really be unscathed?

That being the case, then everything has not changed!

With this wall of the city, even if it is a big hit, he can also resist.

And this will be the last attack of Qin Qi, the next sword, he will be Qin Qi broken corpse!

Victory, only belongs to him!

"What is he doing!" The big men couldn't help but frown.

"His fist is not so slow, he is deliberately letting the spirits use the wall of the city!"

"Why did he do this!"

"Don't he think..."

In the hearts of the big men, a terrible thought rose.

Qin Qi, is deliberately let the detachment activate all the defenses, and then completely destroy it, and truly feels desperate from the psychological and physiological!

But is this possible?

The next moment, with a loud noise, the thoughts in their hearts were instantly confirmed.

Qin Qi fell down with a fist, and all the defenses were broken in an instant, including the wall of the city.

All defenses are like paper paste. Qin Qi is so punched, ruined and ruined, and there is nothing to stop.

A punch, everything is over!

Everyone was shocked.

I thought this was a sword from the distance.

I thought there was a big battle after the wall of the city.

I thought that the separation will give a powerful counterattack.

As a result, nothing has happened. This battle is like this, so simple and straightforward to draw a full stop.

There is no attack, and there is a sound than this punch.

Because this punch is enough to crush everything.

It turns out that Qin Qi does not need any means at all, and does not need any calculations. These people are full of punches.

The contrast between before and after is really too big. Yumi and others, the status is lofty, is the heir to the famous, but now, it is all gray and defeated.

They thought they were the pride of the sky, but now they find that they are nothing.

The audience was silent, no one said anything.

Immediately, a loud bang broke out, and the forbidden array around the arena began to crack and could not withstand the power of Qin Qi’s punch.

Everyone is cold in the heart, can't help but **** the cold.

Bai Luo Shen looked at Qin Qi with amazement. This person is the winner of this singer night, and will also have her first night! "Beauty, you are mine!" Qin Qi smiled and blinked at Bailuo.

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