God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2608: Zhu Hongmu

"Little friends, it seems that your appearance has made some people feel jealous. Although the old man is interested in you, he must follow the decision of the parliament and kill you."

The voice of Schneider once again sounded in the brain of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi heard the words, and my heart suddenly sank.

What does Schneider mean? The Round Table Council wants to let him die?

Qin Qi took a deep breath and did not expect that the round table parliament would directly issue a killing order to a small person like him. It seems that this holy redeemer has special significance for the round table parliament.

The parliament does not want people of this ethnic group to appear again in the world.

"It seems that it is impossible to be good." Qin Qi sighed, but no matter what, trying to escape in the hands of a big craftsman, the difficulty is too big.

Qin Qi can only do everything he can.

At the moment, Qin Qi secretly runs all the power in the body, and will erupt in an instant, in order to create a chance to escape.

"Little friends, the old man advised you not to do useless work, so that the old man can let you die decently," Schneider faintly smiled.

As a master craftsman, of course he has absolute confidence.

"Predecessors, how important is the god, I think you should be clear, the predecessors are not afraid of me to go with him?" Qin Qi cold channel.

"That's why you have this ability!" Schneider's voice turned into indifference.

The next moment, a horrible pressure, the accurate and unpredictable fall on Qin Qi body, Qin Qi only feels that there is a world to crush him, almost breathless!

Is this the power of the master craftsman?

In front of him, even want to use the secret trick, can not do with the gods?

Qin Qi gritted his teeth, the body of the body of the dragon veins continued to surge, the body of the universe is arrogant, enough to break this pressure.

However, in this way, it is impossible to use the gods, Qin Qi must escape with all efforts.

"Don't listen to the old man, little friend, you want to have no bones." Schneider faintly said that a black moon appeared without warning on the top of Qin Qi.

The next moment, the disaster of extinction will come.

It is Qin Qi, it is difficult to guarantee that it can hold!

But at this time, the change suddenly occurred!

Schneider did not hit this shot.

That is hidden in the void, Schneider, who was always in a half-dream and half-awake state, rushed out of the void, looking gloriously at Gaotian.

"What happened?" Qin Qi was in a tight heart and did not understand what happened to Schneider, but he knew that the opportunity was rare and he quickly got out.

At the same time, Qin Qi is also very concerned about, faintly feel that something has come.


"What is this breath?"

"There are strong people coming?"

"It won't be down to the temple!"

"Lord Schneider is here, unless the night owl arrives!"

The big men who stayed in the group of Fangfang, after Schneider, changed their looks and felt a strong breath approaching.

And before they have too many ideas, a black spot has already appeared at the end of the field of vision, and has fallen sharply!

"That is... a sigh?" Schneider's eyes picked up slightly.

Immediately coldly snorted.

He does not care what the falling thing is, and whatever it means, it will be destroyed directly.

At the moment, Schneider waved his sleeves, and a black moon went straight out. It seemed to be simple, there was no special strong fluctuation, but in fact the power of this shot was enough to kill a big god!

This is the power of the great craftsman.

With a blow, Schneider stood up and thought, and should not have a second shot.

But the next moment, his face suddenly changed.

The black moon he waved didn't even have any effect. When he collided with the mouth, he collapsed directly, even without scratches.

How can this be!

Schneider could hardly believe this scene.

Even if the blow was not the strength of his all-out effort, it was extremely terrible. It was the weapon of the banter level, and it was impossible to leave even a trace.

This is awkward, what the **** is going on!

Schneider's heart sank, but now he can't let him think about it. Nowadays, the particles of the immortality are raging, and the horror of the horror is directly spread.

The power of the great masters began to really show up.

I saw that Schneider was like a lightning bolt, and it was just a moment. Before I came to the raft that was rushing down, I immediately went forward, and the mysterious power laws gathered together to block the raft.

The master craftsman personally shot, this raft no matter what comes, it must stop!

However, it does not.

This vermilion hibiscus, I don't know where it comes from the universe, is really strange, even if the master is in front, it can't be blocked.

Still, in the crash!

"Bring with your Highness!" Schneider's face has changed completely, screaming.

Immediately, there were countless heavy rings behind him, each of which was densely packed, and in the middle, there was a black moon rotation.

This is Schneider's powerful means to turn the black moon into a barrier, even if it encounters opponents of the same level, it is rarely broken.

But at the moment, these barriers are like paper pastes, all the way to collapse, all broken down by Zhu Hongmu!

"Give me a stop!" Schneider snarled wildly, and his body was completely liberated. It originated from the blood of the abyss and almost boiled up.

Immediately, the whole piece of void began to collapse, and it did not carry the ultimate explosion of a great master.

The sacred abyss emerged, and the colored light of the road condensed behind Schneider, and between the butterfly wings, a round of almost the same as the black moon of the essence, integrated into the blade of Schneider's hand.

This is called black moon condensation!

"Second string moon!"

Schneider smashed out with a sword, and the power was smashed, and the void was broken open until the sky was outside.

Such a horrible sword, even if it is far away, can also feel clearly, the people with a weaker realm, even the aftermath of the aftermath can not bear, directly burst.


Hessen exclaimed, facing the sword, they only felt despair.

"So, you should block it!" Rita frowned, behind the black wood, what was being pushed.

Immediately, her face changed greatly.

Only a vermilion light was seen, breaking through the black moon's barrier, and slamming to the ground.

Even the existence of the Datianzun level, at this moment, is also wide-eyed.

Is this sword even a little bit of a role?

The scarlet hibiscus, falling to the ground, looks so plain, like a common cockroach prepared for mortals.

Don't talk about the horror of the atmosphere, that is, there is not even a special pattern.

However, with the fall of this mouth, I do not know when, the sky full of meditation, even this piece of heaven and earth, covered with a layer of pale white, as if not in the world.

This scene is really a heart-warming!

Whose pavilion is this?

Who is buried inside?

"Oh!" Almost at the same time as Zhu Hongmu fell, a shadow suddenly burst, and I saw Shasha fall from it, and the mouth was vomiting blood. The whole person was already trembled.

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