God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2612: Azure purple

The nightingale is shaking his head. "I personally think that there is still a gap between Kunlun and the peak of the peak, but to the realm of you and me, this gap is not enough for one side to crush the other!"

For a moment, the silence was silent, and then it was unclear: "It looks like you don't seem to be as weak."

"This is relatively speaking. After all, your conditions are not low at all!" The nightingale looks the same.

In this way, there is no more fluctuation in the eyes of the Yuanming, only the indifference is left.

He took another sip of tea and immediately said: "Well, I will cut it with you, just right, I want to see who it is!"

The night eyes suddenly brightened.

"So, very good!" Nightingale laughed.

Yuan Ming is a cold cry, "Don't forget that you promised my sacrifice, if it is not available at that time..."

Yuan Ming’s words were not finished, and his eyes fell to the other side of the tea room.

The night blinked and blinked, and then I laughed twice. "Despite this reassurance, isn't there someone who is working hard to become a sacrifice? This must be seen in your eyes?"

"Ha ha ha, it is true!" Yuan Ming haha ​​laughed, his eyes were full of ridicule.

"Well, let's go, or I'm afraid I have to lose track." The nightingale smiled and stepped out, disappearing without a trace.

The same is true, and the same disappears.

On the other side of the bamboo house tea room, there is a small room with a bowl in the room. There is clear water in the bowl. There are several color blocks in the water. It is like a fish swimming in the water.

This color block has two colors, black and blood.

However, black has obviously occupied the vast majority, and almost all the color blocks are blended into this black, leaving only a tiny blood color, free from black.

But this black color block, but now has surrounded the blood color, I am afraid that soon after, these black color blocks are all unique and unique, it is necessary to carry out the final devouring!

This is the night of the night, and the night locusts that have been laid down, and today, finally have a result.

It seems that black is going to devour the blood, but in this battle, any result is possible, blood, not without a chance.

No matter what the result is, at that time, the night will be returned!

At that time, you can look at the mentoring of the nightingale and the night, and the road they chose, in the end, who is right!


The darkness of the genus, and even the round table council, do not know that the ambition has entered the bright circles.

All forces, at this moment, are arguing over the emergence of Zhu Hongmu and the sinful crimes committed by it.

Unfortunately, the Round Table Council was surprisingly quiet and did not pass the exact order.

On the same day, when Hessen and others collected the information of Zhu Hongmu, they collectively returned to the dark heavens, and they had to report to the parliament.

At the same time, the negotiations between the two circles are over, and specific matters need to be implemented. This matter cannot be delayed.

Although the gods are important, although his death has dealt a blow to the dark world, at present, there is no real loss.

Therefore, before the final decision has been made by the Parliament, the Dark Heavens can continue to operate according to the established rules.

By setting up a small dark city in the middle, Shisen and others entered the exile and went to the dark heavens.

It was only when they reached the sixth grommet that they suddenly stopped.

The sky in the distance, somehow, is not a gray, but a boundless purple, the purple seems to overflow, the rich, but it is to be cyan!

And it's not just the sky, it's like the earth.

"This is..." His face changed.

The land of exile was ruined, and it was impossible to see such a scene along the way. Now they are met by them. Obviously, the other party is waiting for them here!

"Who is, dare to stop our way!" Sarah shouted coldly, his face was ugly.

In the group of Fangfang, they have already felt humiliated, and Zhu Hongmu smashed the gods in front of them and made them fear.

And the emergence of this fear makes them even more angry and angry.

Stronger than them, noble as they, how have you encountered such setbacks?

It’s just that the mahogany is so terrible that even the big masters can’t stop it. Although they are angry, they have nothing to do.

Now, they are ready to return to the dark heavens, but they have encountered obstacles?

Really when they are clay sculptures!

Really think of them as a roadside dog?

The existence of several big Tianzun levels has never been so wronged as it is today, and is looking for a place to vent, but now, someone has jumped out.

Several big men are full of anger and sneer.

They don't believe it, the place of exile, and the existence of the mahogany.

No matter who they are, dare to stop their way, they will die!

The next few people are vibrating forces, directly rushing into the purple, so the lineup teamed up, even if it is a master craftsman, we must pay attention to it!

However, after entering the purple, they began to have some hearts in their hearts.

The purple here began to gradually become a flame, burning in every void, and then the purple flame became more and more prosperous, almost instantaneous, and will be covered with the whole world.

This place has become the world of purple flames, both up and down, so I don't know where to break out.

"This, what the **** is this!" Hessen was hidden in a black lotus and isolated from these purple flames.

But this purple flame is like a skeleton of the bones. Once it is stained, it can no longer be rid of it. If it is to inspire the immortal particles against the enemy, more purple flames will come over!

"Get out of the way!" Dai Bila roared, talking about the emergence of the black day, and ending the breath of the end of the world.

However, these purple flames are too many, and they have been blown through, and more purple flames are coming.

"Damn, this purple flame is very different, first break out and say!"

After all, they are big gods and powerful. These purple flames are strange and indelible, but they can't really hurt them for the time being.

Breaking out first is naturally the best way.

However, it seems that they know their thoughts. The purple flame here suddenly changed, and it turned out to be green in the heart of the flame.

Immediately, the purple faded and was completely replaced by cyan.

And this blue world has become more dangerous than the previous purple, whether it is dark particles or fairy particles, they can not stop these blue flames.

They even started to burn in the hearts of others!

Azure purple!

The large piece of azure purple, enveloped the heavens and the earth, only the blue flames are burning constantly, and the big heavens that enter them are like the sinking sea, never appearing again.

No, there is a slight sound.

Until one day later, the blue-violet meaning of this day completely faded, and the heavens and the earth re-emerged into the ridiculousness of the exile.

Green Flame did not leave any traces in this area.

However, if you look carefully, you can see a well-sized well in an inconspicuous valley.

Looking down from the wellhead, it is a cyan.

However, the richness of this blue color is almost enough to cover the body and mind. And between the cyan, a face slowly began to emerge!

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