God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2626: Emerald Palace ruins

"Brother, just buddy gave you a girl back, how about it, not bad!" Zhao Caixiao smiled, said the process of eyebrows and dances.

"She, although it is quite upright, but the flexibility is not enough, or forget it." Qin Qi looked aside.

"Qin Qi, you..." Mina was almost mad.

She gambled and lost enough grievances, and this is good, even she still abandons her!

This girl is such a good figure, where the flexibility is not enough, is it not possible for other women to have a spring?

It’s just that this is not really irritating, otherwise it’s even more unclear, as if she wants a warm bed.

"Your eyes are too high." Zhao Cai screamed, and then a pair of thieves stared at the sword in the hands of Qin Qi, could not help but curiously said: "Qin brother, has this sword been a fairy?"


Everyone is shaking in the heart.

Although everything has been made clear, there should be no mistakes, but Qin Qi personally admits, but it is different.

"Should be it?" Qin Qi laughed, the blood in his hand, has been very different from before.

The **** sword is still full of blood red. If you look at it for a long time, you can see the endless blood rolling, although the murder is restrained, but it is deeper and more terrible than before!

What is different from the previous one is that in this blood color, there is a dragon-shaped appearance, which is 999 heads. When the luster is flowing, it seems to be a living thing.

This is the power of Kunlun.

The dragon-shaped tossing, extending from the tip of the sword to the hilt, gathers with the dragon's head and swallows a little shadow.

This is very different from Kunlun sword.

It is a new force.

"This sigh of breath..." God's scented heart moved, looking at the trace, the look deeper and deeper.

The dark traces are very vague, but in the eyes of God's fragrance, it gradually becomes clear. She can see that there is a dark abyss in the darkness!

Isn't this the sacred abyss of the dark heavens?

Qin Qi also integrated the imitation of the Excalibur Abyss into this sword?

Even this kind of thing can be done, which is amazing.

"Unbelievable, what method did you use in the end, so that the combination of heavy forging, it is impossible to succeed!" The old professor also saw the clue, and suddenly felt shocked.

With his knowledge, I can't even think of any way to complete this kind of integration.

Even he felt that even the stalwart could not be done.

"The ultimate forging method, should you listen to it?" Qin Qi laughed.

"What are you talking about?" the old professor shocked.

The ultimate forging method is a forging method that exists in the theory. Before the master of the jade, it was thought that this was just an idea.

How can this person master this?

"If you don't want to disclose it, why bother?" The old professor snorted. He obviously did not believe what Qin Qi said.

Qin Qi naturally does not care, nor intends to explain.

The **** heavy forging is complete, the power is extraordinary, but the only shortcoming is that it is too strong. Although Qin Qi personally forged, but can not use all its power.

Only the heavens and the earth will be able to fully exert the power of the fairy.

This is also a bit speechless.

"Tianxiang, what are you going to do next?" Qin Qi asked.

There are still some time, and it is wonderful to arrange this side first.

"In fact, this place is good, and this Taikoo mine is backed up, can provide endless resources, is the perfect place to continue to study the lock armor!" God Tianxiang laughed.

However, no matter whether the plan is successful or not, the Round Table Council cannot ask this question, so it is not safe.

"Then temporarily withdraw the outside layout, it must be considered a dark heaven, it is difficult to come in again in a short time?" Qin Qidao.

God Tianxiang looks to the old professor.

The old professor indulged for a moment and said: "It's very difficult. Although many materials and parts are not lacking, most of the participants in this plan are here. If you want to arrange it again, the manpower will not be enough."

"That's good," Shen Tianxiang nodded.

"Just your Highness, are you planning to let us build a manufacturing system from scratch?" The old professor said, the task is very difficult.

And if so, then for them, there is no more benefit to follow God's fragrance.

"I can provide you with the basic production line and some mature technology for locking the armor. As for the next step, you can see your own one," Qin Qidao.

"Really?" The old professor couldn't help but get excited.

What he wants most is this.

"Now the two sides cooperate, and you are in the grass-roots stage, I always give you some support," Qin Qi laughed.

"You can rest assured that although I don't want to reveal my identity, I will help you when necessary." God Tianxiang promised.

"So best!"

The general idea has been set, then the next step is to remove all the arrangements of the dark genus in the pits outside the Taikoo mine.

Soon, the Taikoo mines restored the sights of the past and could not easily get close.

Unless the heavens and the earth are intimate, it is difficult for the master craftsmen to break through to the core of the Taikoo mine.

Qin Qi also abides by the agreement, and sent a yarn to the Taikoo mine in a production line in the outer world, with the basic textbook of the lock armor.

This kind of systematic textbook is undoubtedly the existence of a bright light for the old professors and others who have been smearing and exploring. It is of great significance.

When receiving the batch of production lines, the old professor hesitated and found that there were traces of the same dark genus.

In other words, Qin Qi already has a group of researchers from the gods festival!

I did not expect the power in Qin Qi's hands to be so big!

However, the old professor did not say anything. After all, his current position, but from the perspective of the collaborators, he should have hoped that Qin Qi would become more powerful.

In this way, Qin Qi of the Taikoo mines will no longer be in charge. It is certain that with the qualifications of these people, there will be a highly advanced research institute in the first half of this year.

And these are things that God's fragrance needs to care about.

As for Zhao Cai and Sheng Qian Yu, I have stayed here for the time being.

Soon after the promotion of Tianqian, it takes time to stabilize the realm and stay in this Taikoo mine, which is natural and safe.

And Zhao Cai, the swallow tower also needs to be restored, Taikoo mine is just right, so there is no need to leave.

Say goodbye to the two, Qin Qi will leave alone.

The Taikoo mines and the line, Qin Qi has reached the wish, and even the results are better than expected.

It is also time to face real challenges.

A month's time is coming soon.

Qin Qi is about to be on the top, it is Mo Yun Huang Xiu, is the first Kunlun!

They have been strong for too long, and their strength is unquestionable. Even though Qin Qi and Mo Yun Huang Xi are now in the same position, they dare not underestimate the master of the imperial city!

He must have terrible power that is hard to imagine.

However, Qin Qi believes that he will not lose now, and he is not allowed to lose!

"Small flower, are you still okay, I am coming to the pain in your heart!"

Qin Qi whispered, the key to the secret world appeared, a portal, slowly opened the void in front of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi did not suspect him, and stepped directly into it.

After a fascinating scene, Qin Qi came to a strange world.

This is a very beautiful place, blue sky and white clouds, birds and flowers.

As far as the sight is concerned, it is an endless flower sea. When the flowers bloom, the butterfly dances in the middle, taking a deep breath, and the nose is the scent of the lover.

Standing here is like being in a fairyland.

This is the secret of shameful flowers!

Qin Qi stunned, this is somewhat different from the imagination. After all, Shen Shahua is a retreat, and although this place is beautiful, it is not so suitable for cultivation.

Qin Qi looked around and released the perception, but did not find anyone's trace.

At the moment, he can only walk in the sea of ​​flowers to see if he can find something.

Quickly turned over the endless stream of Huahai Plain, Qin Qi's eyes in front of his eyes suddenly, the pupil, also contracted.

This is a ruin of ruin.

This place has apparently been destroyed for a long time, and the broken walls are everywhere, full of years of scars.

But even so, from this ruin it can still be seen that before this place has been destroyed, what a magnificent!

This is a mountain gate, which is endless, and the scale is huge, I am afraid it is comparable to today's imperial city!

"This is..." Qin Qi looked slightly, and immediately appeared in a flash, and came to a huge broken plaque.

Vaguely recognize the words written above.

"Emerald Palace!"

This is the site of the Jade Palace!

The Emerald Palace was once strong enough to stand side by side with the Imperial City, but it eventually fell and was destroyed in the hands of the first Kunlun.

Shen Shahua is the descendant of the Jade Palace, and this ruin was taken away by her, but it is also true.

"What do she want to do with Xiaohua?" Qin Qi was a little uneasi in his heart.

She promoted herself to the land of the Great Heaven, and chose it in the ruined Zongmen site. It is by no means arbitrary.

Qin Qi frowned, looking at this devastated, so beautiful with the outside of the flower sea is so out of place, no life at all.

I don't know where I am in this place.

"First find the little flower and say it again", Qin Qi whispered, thinking that the shy flower should be in this ruin.

Suddenly, Qin Qi’s look changed slightly, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

Just now, he sensed a breath.

This breath suddenly appeared, obviously, it was deliberately exposed to him.

Although this breath Qin Qi is strange, but it is not ignorant.

This is the breath of Moyun Huangxiu!

Mu Zhou once said that Moyun Huangxi had a key to this place in the same year. Perhaps here, Qin Qi will meet him.

Now it seems that the prediction has come true, and Mo Yun Huang Xiu has indeed arrived here.

Since Mo Yun Huang Xiu deliberately let Qin Qi know his existence, then Qin Qi naturally has nothing to dodge, follow this breath, it will fly straight.

After a while, Qin Qi fell from the sky.

This is a collapsed giant hall, and still gives a grand feeling to this day.

At this moment, in front of this temple, there is a person standing upright.

His body is not so burly, but the feeling is very tall, even if this magnificent grand palace in front of him can not take away the momentum of his own!

This is the owner of the Imperial City, Mo Yunhuang Hugh!

"The prosperity of the Jade Palace, I have seen it with my own eyes, and witnessed its destruction. Even today, I remembered the scene when Lin Biao destroyed this place. This place also has some heart cold!" Moyun Huangxi did not turn around But he is very clear that Qin Qi has arrived.

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