God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2639: Sumiyama

Although the Buddha world and the Taoist world are in the upper position, they are separated by the endless sea of ​​stars, and the entire Buddha world is under the strong will, and it is not easy to go.

However, for the current Qin Qi, there is nothing.

He has not yet risen to heaven.

It is not impossible, but deliberately retains this power.

He didn't know if it was useful, but it was necessary.

But even so, his combat power is comparable to that of Tianzun. This way to the Buddha world, there is no obstacle at all. After a dozen breaths, Qin Qi came to the Buddha world.

Buddhism, this is the first time Qin Qi has come.

This place is really not ordinary, the willingness has been strong to a certain extent, the feeling that the entire Buddha world is one.

This seems to be a nonsense.

But unlike other worlds, it is indeed very different.

This world seems to be used directly as part of the power.

It is no wonder that Buddhism can be so detached.

With the supreme power of Sakyamuni and the power of this Buddha world, it is indeed worthy of supreme.

Of course, the gap between the two is still very large, and it is not easy to say that Sakyamuni will be opposed to the supreme.

The size of the Buddha world is not small, but Qin Qi has locked the position of Sakyamuni almost instantaneously. After all, Sumiyama is extremely conspicuous everywhere.

Buddhism and Taoism.

It is the holy mountain of Buddhism, and it is also the gathering place of the will of the world.

When I came here, there was an endless chanting sound in my ear. The Buddha’s power was like a wave, and the heavy ones went out and the scene was very stunned.

The Buddha’s glory is extremely pure, and the golden light of the Qin Qi body is unconsciously awakened and echoes.

This is the first time Qin Qi came to Mount Sumi.

I have to admit that this holy mountain is even more amazing than he imagined. I am afraid that the world can overcome it. Only Kunlun Mountain is left.

Standing at the foot of Mount Sumi, Qin Qi actually hesitated.

In his perception, this is not a mountain. It is like a collection of heavy heavens. Even if he is, he can't see through it. If he rushes into it, he will be trapped in it.

Of course, Qin Qi does not think that he will be really trapped.

But what he lacks most is time. He doesn't want to delay.

"The donor came from afar, and please enter the temple."

It is a voice, such as Hong Zhong Da Lu generally sounds, and at the beginning of this sound, you can feel that the entire Buddha world is shaking.

The Fanyin is coming, and they are all believers in Buddhism. They worship the Buddha!

This is the voice of Sakyamuni. Does he know that Qin Qi is coming?

Qin Qi’s heart was moving.

But now is not the time to think about it, since the other party is already waiting, then the past is.

Sure enough, the sound began to sound, and Sumiyama began to change. A channel formed by Buddha light appeared, and it could pass through the top of the mountain.

Qin Qi stepped in and went straight to Mishan.

This process, although simple, did not encounter the slightest block, but for the soul, it was a test.

This must be Mishan, it is not ordinary, from the bottom of the twenty-eight heavens, in every heavy day, there is a God sitting in the town, looming, Qin Qi also sensed some more familiar atmosphere.

Such as the Brahma, the self-contained heaven, etc., these were originally in the Tianyuan world, there are powers inherited.

Of course, I don't know that it is the world of Tianyuan. Every world has the inheritance of Buddhism. In the end, it will turn into the original force of faith and gather on Mount Sumi to enter their bodies.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and was amazed at the foundation of Buddhism. At the same time, he also had some hope.

Buddhism is so strong, and in terms of time and soul, it is extremely high in accomplishment. Perhaps there is really a way to save the shyness.

All the way to the mountain must be.

Here, it is said that it is the top of the mountain. It is better to say that it is the heavenly heaven, that is, the thirty-three days of the Buddha’s common saying, Sakyamuni is in it.

"The donor invited," a big man, has been waiting for the profit.

Qin Qi glimmered, this turned out to be a big god!

Buddhism is really profound.

According to his own statement, he is a great disciple of Shakyamuni, Kaye.

Qin Qi nodded to him.

The monk of Kaye is obviously very clear about Qin Qi’s intentions, and he is not willing to be slow, leading Qin Qi into the heavens.

This is a good place, a total of thirty-three floors, even more amazing than the outer twenty-eighth floor, and this place is close to Sakyamuni, the Buddha's willingness is more intense, peaceful everywhere, but also everywhere.

Without Jiaye leading, Qin Qi himself went in, fearing that there would be danger.

Still all the way up, finally, a magnificent hall appeared in front of Qin Qi.


This is the transformation of Sakyamuni’s own mother-in-law world.

"The two Buddhas are in the temple." Kaye made a gesture of asking, and he stood quietly and began to mourn the Buddhist scriptures.

Qin Qi did not say much, stepped out in one step, and the next moment, it has already appeared in the hall.

This hall, the incomparably empty space, is full of grandeur.

What Qin Qi is right about is a huge golden Buddha's platform. On top of it, there is a monk sitting on it, but there is not much Buddha light.

It is like an ordinary monk.

But Qin Qi knows that he is not ordinary at all, because he is the Buddha of Buddhism, Sakyamuni!

At the bottom of Sakyamuni's first place, there is a slightly smaller Buddhist platform. Sitting on top of it is the Amitabha that once had a side.

After leaving the land of creation, Amitabha returned to the Buddha world.

Qin Qi nodded to him and found that the strength of this Amitabha has grown substantially.

But this is also true.

In the land of creation, Amitabha can not touch the outside world, can not absorb the will of the people, the natural strength is not at the peak, but now it is out of trouble, and the body has been repaired, it has been comparable to the master.

In Buddhism, Sakyamuni is indeed supreme, but there is not a small number of people who believe in Amitabha, and even a large part of Buddhism is also a believer in Amitabha.

Perhaps the strength of the two is also between the two.

Of course, at this moment, Qin Qi did not want to manage these things, and bluntly said: "The two Buddhas must know the meaning of the next, and there will be no more nonsense in the next."

"I also ask the two, can there be a solution?" Qin Qi reveals the color of the wings.

Sakyamuni's hands clasped together, read a Buddha number, and then smiled slightly: "I am compassionate and I will do my best."

After all, there was a buddha on his body that was shrouded in shyness.

Qin Qi slightly frowned, but did not stop, and he felt the power of time from this Buddha light.

When I was in the Tianyuan world, the egg of time was returned to Shakyamuni. The egg of cause and effect was attributed to the taboo female emperor. Although it was only happening in the Tianyuan world, the impact was very long-term.

The time of Sakyamuni returned to the Buddha, and it also had a great connection with the egg of light at that time.

Qin Qi was nervous in his heart. He didn't know if Shakyamuni had a way, but the shame was under the cover of this Buddha's light. The state seemed to have stabilized, but it made him relieved. "You look at it too," and then Sakyamuni is facing Amitabha.

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