God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2648: Seemingly end

The true Supreme Powerful is affecting everything behind, and their will, for the weak, is like a fate that cannot be defy.

The conspiracy is intertwined and finally merges into one point, that is, the day of fate.

Qin Qi is already weak at the moment, and now a large master is enough to defeat him.

However, Qin Qi will not sit still. He does not believe that the other party can always control the different Kunlun. He needs time. As long as he delays for a while, everything will be rewritten.

When Qin Qi was in a flash, he wanted to leave the area.

However, his figure was vague, but when he was clear again, he found that he did not leave.

I didn't even move.

This void has been locked.

He can't live without it.

Qin Qi’s eyes were lifted, his body was bloody, his blood was in his hands, and a sword was thrown out.

However, Jianguang did not shine astoundingly. After the smashing out, it began to gradually disintegrate, and finally turned into a blood-colored light granule, which fell and fell.

Qin Qi’s Xianli was actually broken down like this!

Qin Qi’s Kong Tong’s contraction.

This power made him feel a deadly threat, like to devour him all, and split it down.

In the eyes of Qin Qi, the blood is flashing, and under the blood, this area looks completely different.

A special fairy light emerged from the ground, turned out to be twisted, and can be folded and arbitrarily folded. They are close to Qin Qi step by step.

Wherever this fairy light passed, the void began to disintegrate.

This is not because the terrorist forces forcibly destroy the void, but to truly decompose the void into the most basic matter, or the law.

Qin Qi also has some scalp numbness. If it is enveloped by this fairy light, he will be completely decomposed and become the force of the original law.

He must escape!

When Qin Qi gritted his teeth, the power of the indeterminate core was stimulated. This force can change the law, even if it is the fairy light, it will be affected.

Sure enough, the mysterious fairy light is indeed affected by the indeterminate kernel.

However, the impact is very limited.

Qin Qi understands that this is not an indeterminate kernel too weak, but now he can not play the real power of the indeterminate kernel.

In this way, it can only be alleviated. Qin Qi is finally decomposed until the sacrifice.


Qin Qi burst into a burst.

He will never sit still.

At the moment, the only remaining force in his operation, a large number of fairy powers broke out in the dragon's fairy body, and then gathered on the bloody, and then stood down!

Infinite sword!

Jianguang madly fell, standing on the mysterious fairy light, but such a terrible sword light, met the fairy light but did not have a little resistance.

It was broken down.

No matter how many swords Qin Qi produced, the result is the same.

Nothing to do.

Has nowhere to go!

Even if Qin Qi still refuses to give up, he is still shooting, still thinking about how to break, but the result has been set.

Can't resist.

The indefinite kernel can't stop the mysterious fairy light, they are constantly twisted and folded, and they have already touched the body of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi's feet, when Qin Qi did not respond, suddenly decomposition, turned into pieces of flesh and blood, then decomposed more fine, became a blood fog, became the foundation of power, and then become the original law.

And all this, Qin Qi can't stop it.

The dragon veins can't stop it, and Xianli can't stop it. The sword can't stop it, and nothing can stop it.


Qin Qiwei.

His body began to crack from the foot, a little bit up, even if his body was soaring, it only made the process a little slower.

This is also his dragon vein fairy.

If you change to someone else, you have already been annihilated at this moment, completely decomposed, and sacrificed.

But this is also a question of length of time.

Qin Qi still can't escape, can't hide.

"There are so many amazing places on this kid, but everything is over." The nightingale whispered and couldn't help but admire.

After all, the power of Qin Qi has too many unexpected things.

Unfortunately, the power of sacrifice is still unstoppable.

"Can't die, can't die, can't die here!" Qin Qi gritted his teeth, and the soul was burning.

He is absolutely not willing to die here.

He still has too many things to do.


no way!

If this is his destiny.

That Qin Qi will turn it into his own creation!

On the top of Qin Qi's head, there was a faint glow.

However, it was only an instant, Qin Qi issued the last roar, his body completely dissipated, and his soul was completely turned into nothingness.

Since then, the existence of Qin Qi has completely dissipated in various senses.

"There was no accident," the nightingale regained his gaze.

The power of this sacrifice in the Dark Heavens is him. Once he is wrapped up, he will feel very tricky, let alone the Qin Qi.

So in the end everything went well, and it was also expected.

"What is the sacrifice of a supreme, roundtable parliament?" The night whisper.

He also needs to accelerate his plan as soon as possible, otherwise the future will be difficult to control.


The death of Qin Qi was spread throughout the world, and the impact was extremely far-reaching.

The aspiring man is encouraged by his **** battle, his mind is more determined, and he will swear to resist the end.

The weaker generations are even more timid. Even Qin Qi is dead, and they naturally no longer dare to resist.

However, when Qin Qi died, the interest of the dark heavens to the Guangming community suddenly dropped a lot. Even the small dark city was only a rough reconstruction, not the past glory.

They obviously shifted their focus to other places, and they couldn’t take care of the bright circles.

But the dark scorpion shrinks.

Between heaven and earth, it is a big event!

The first big thing was that shortly after Qin Qi’s death, the night was not returned to the sky, and her days were completed.

The result of raising the heavens is that the nightingale can't help but marvel.

It turned out that the **** night was successful and the snake swallowed the image, defeating the black night that had almost successfully swallowed all the night locusts.

What is finally returned is a **** color.

It was exactly what Qin Qi had encountered in the world of flowers, and that **** night was not!

The days of raising the sky, the crazy road, the night has succeeded in taking the most solid step. Her return, the vibration of the Wanjie, is the dark world, and has once again shifted a lot of attention.

But what surprised everyone was that the first thing after the return of the night was actually to hit Kunlun Mountain and fight against the nightingale!

The final result, the outsiders are unaware, but the nightingale is still sitting in Kunlun, but the night is not known, but if you want to come, you can guess the result.

It’s just that when the night is gone, the sound is spread throughout the bright circles.

Everyone in the darkness dares to leave the little dark city and kill innocent!

An iron order, Huanghuang is like a mountain.

The dark scorpion is not convinced.

However, after the small dark city was smashed again by the night, there was no different voice.

Perhaps the returning night is weaker than the nightingale, but her attitude is much stronger than the nightingale.

No dark supreme is coming, no one can clean her up.

It’s just that the darkness is supreme, and it seems that there is no such thing as him.

This is the second big thing.

After the small dark city was destroyed by the night, the dark fortress and the ancient fortress corresponding to the dark city were burned in a purple flame.

This caused panic in the dark world, and because of this, they did not have the energy to take care of the bright circles.

It is a pity that the dark city was destroyed. Any news could not be passed. What happened specifically, who destroyed the dark city, no one knows.

But this undoubtedly makes the hearts of the righteous who resist the darkness of heaven, and the heart is uplifting.

Therefore, in the lower position, the middle position, the resistance forces continue to rise up, and in the absence of action in the nightingale, there is a tendency to slow down!

The world is changing all the time.

It will not stop because of who is missing.

But in such an era, if there are fewer people, they will eventually have less color.

That is destined to be regrettable.


Deep in the universe, a very ridiculous star field.

A little bit of light, drifting in the dark void.

This should be just a pure light, but gradually, it has some differences, and a consciousness emerges from it. This light begins to have life.

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