God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2660: Growth of all parties

"In short, what help is needed, even though the opening is," Raven said, then reached out and a void crack appeared.

Then, a group of strong people who were covered in pure and immortal power appeared here. The person who led the first, Qin Qi’s words here are also known.

It was Liu Yuelan, the owner of the Yuelan Restaurant in the undead castle. She was the right arm of the crow at that time. Nowadays, she is the highest level in the world except the crow.

The crow is just a singularity, but Liu Yuelan and others are coming, which also shows the sincerity of the crow.

"I will not be polite," Tianzhu said, and did not say anything like gratitude.

The crow didn't mind, just said: "I still have something, if there is anything, I will tell Yuelan, she will naturally handle it."

Liu Yuelan nodded and had no objection.

In this way, the crow will once again be turned into a few black-black crows, disappearing without a trace.

"Now there is the help of the dead language temple, do you have anything to say?" Tianzhu looked at people who were disgusted.

I hated the look and moved, and I was going to say something, but in the end I gave up.

In fact, in his view, although the death temple is strong and grows very fast, it is one of the most outstanding in the new forces.

But after all, it is not a giant power, especially the foundation is not deep enough.

Once the war is opened, I don’t know how long it will last.

Therefore, this war should still not be lightly opened.

However, as today, the sacred temples have been pulled out, and the extra strength of Tian Zun has indeed made the battle of the undead world look good.

Plus Scorpio's own will.

Indeed, it is not good to block in the opening.

"It’s all decided by the Lord!"

Finally, disgusting can only be said.

"Very good," Tianzhu nodded.

In this way, there is no other voice inside the undead world, and the war will surely start!

Let the disgusting people and others retreat and designate the war strategy. Only Liu Yuelan and Zhou Jing are left in the hall.

This week, Jing Fuzhuo passed the undead Tianzun, the old man who died in the palace. Nowadays, he assists Tianzhu, and his loyalty does not require doubt. It is the right arm of Tianzhu.

And a realm of realm has also reached a high level of heaven, and is much higher than Liu Yuelan, closer to Tianzun.

It is an absolute trust for them to leave them behind.

"Your Majesty, is this all right?" Zhou Jing asked, and he understood that the weight of the death of the temple alone was not enough to stabilize the military.

In fact, the allies of the undead are not only the dead temples.

When Qin Qi died in a small dark city, he looked like he died, and nothing left, but his death is of great significance to the heavens and the world.

Many forces are beginning to act behind.

Just like a scorpio, it is like a crow, just like the thirteen princes, just like Yu Wenji, just like Zhang Xianyao... The seeds that were buried in the past began to sprout in this dark age.

Whether it is the 13th Emperor or Yu Wenji, or Zhang Xianyao, they are all geniuses in genius, but in addition to Zhang Xianyao, the 13th Emperor and Yu Wenji are not too high in their respective forces.

Although it has been reused since it came out of the land of creation, it is still far away from the control of the entire giant power.

However, whoever makes this a dark age seems to have a catalyst between heaven and earth, constantly urging people to become stronger.

Take the thirteen emperor.

After the fall of the Moyun Emperor, the Zhongcheng Imperial City was in chaos, and the major heirs formed their own forces, proclaimed to be orthodox, and wanted to inherit everything from the Imperial City.

But the ultimate winner is the thirteen princes.

He swept all the opponents with the most orthodox invincible swordsmanship. He had the eldest son of the old and the empire, and all the people were defeated in his hands.

And he also inherited the Imperial City with blood and fire.

Although this is just under the turmoil of the wind, the loss in the civil war is serious, and it has not been able to afford the imperial city of the name of the giant, but the power of the thirteen princes can not be underestimated!

As for Yu Wenji.

The Temple of the Gods where he is located is still strong, and the Lord of the Gods is alive and well, and the realm is getting deeper and deeper, but because of this, the Lord of the Gods seems to have found a chance to lead to a stronger, almost no matter what.

The power of the Shenfeng Temple is now mostly in the hands of Yu Wenji.

There have also been voices of opposition in the Temple of the Gods, but as those voices continue to disappear, everyone finally understands that Yu Wenji is no longer the young disciple who has not been valued in the past.

He has a strong wrist and a matching force!

Compared with these two places, the Zhang family has not had so much blood and fire. Zhang Xianyao is an unparalleled genius of Zhang, just like the original Tianzhu to the undead palace, this is the only successor.

Today, Zhang’s ancestors, Tianzun, have been retired because they can’t get used to the situation. Zhang’s family is in the hands of Zhang Xianyao.

Her words, in the Zhang family, still count.

These three, nowadays, are all benefits of Scorpio, and just like crows, the reason why they can unite together depends on Qin Qi.

They have a kind of unspeakable confidence in their hearts, and believe that Qin Qi will return!

These forces are united and the division of labor is different.

Scorpio needs to stand up, and they need to support Scorpio behind their backs.

In fact, this is not all, the necessary moments, the Yaozu and the Mozu can also be backed!

Looking at the Kunlun Mountains to lead all the bright circles, the rebel forces only have a small fight in the next position, but in fact, hidden under this peace, there are countless dark surges.

Scorpio does not answer Zhou Jing’s question. He does not believe in disgust, but for the time being, it is almost the same to expose it. There is no need to reveal the card.

"There is news coming back?" Scorpio asked.

"Not yet", Zhou Jing shook his head.

The sky was stunned and suddenly it was a little annoying.

The side she is referring to is actually the outside world.

Although the alienation has been blocked, some news can still be passed in. Tianzhu naturally also sent a letter, but still has not responded.

This made her inexplicably annoyed.

After all, she believes that Qin Qi will return, but this belief is unreasonable, and it is simply not emboldened.

On the other side of the world, there is Qin Qi's shackles, but they have no response. Do they not think that Qin Qi will return?

They don't think so, and the conviction that day will be very ridiculous.

"The outside world is blocked, good things are also bad things. Today's aliens, I am afraid that they have been unable to catch up with other upper worlds," Liu Yuelan said.

No matter what the gap between the worlds before, but in the past two years, any gap may be smoothed out.

The blockade of the outside world, self-styled, and perhaps surpassed by some powerful worlds in the middle of the world is not impossible.

"In fact, with the strength of our gathering, the lack of outer boundaries is not impossible. In addition, I have heard that the Eastern Stars in the lower position have begun to counterattack the Western Stars. Perhaps this is the trend of the times!" Zhou Jingdao.

"Oh?" Liu Yuelan was slightly surprised.

Can the Eastern Stars defeat the Western Stars with medium-level and even upper-level support?

This can be a bit unusual.

“Who is helping them behind the scenes?” asked Liu Yuelan.

"I don't know yet, but no one on our side," Zhou Jing shook his head.

From this point of view, there are still many hidden forces in the Guangming community. I am afraid that I will only wait for the opportunity to arrive. At that time, perhaps the general trend will be achieved.

"It’s a pity, it’s just the next position," Liu Yuelan said.

"No matter, the fire in the upper position is from us. When it happens, it will naturally spread the whole three places." Scorpio waved his hand and immediately said: "Continue to send messages to the outside world. If you still don't reply, you can only put them. The calculation is out."

When the voice just fell, Zhou Jing still had something to say in the future, but there was a crisp voice. "Our strength is so scary, are you sure you want to count us out?"

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