The Solomon Lord wanted to swear a swearword, but still did not come out.

The performance of this armor is really excellent, and it is obvious that the use of armor by the gods is better than the dragon.

It can be seen that the strength of the dragon light dance is only the performance limit of this suit.

Solomon had been confident enough before, but now, I can't say that I can beat it.

On the other hand, the head of the Shenfeng Temple is not the opponent of the dragon light dance. If it is really born and died, then the dragon light dance is mostly a half-dead, but the main temple of the Shenfeng is the bones.

Two to two, not too much.

"I have a question," Solomon said.

"Please say," God said.

"I know that the two guys, Devil and Demon, are doing what they are doing. It’s not bad to add chaos. It’s almost impossible to let them shoot."

"That Zhang Quanling, hey, the old guy is similar to Yanfei, and he has already embarked on the road. The future of Zhang’s family is Zhang Xianyao. He will be arbitrarily and arbitrarily, and now he must take the initiative to approach the grandchildren’s will."

"Others, there is nothing to say, but even if they don't say it, there is still a night there."

"As long as there is him, others are not there, in fact, there is no difference, even if you sent the wolf smoke in the past, even if we stopped us here, what win?"

The Solomon Lord is really puzzled.

He commented on those people, but did not comment on himself, but he has already told God the truth with his actions.

He has no interest in moving forward with the nightingale.

If there is a means to deal with the night is not cool, then he will not shoot, if not, even if this armor is different, he can still fight.

Must also fight!

"Do you know why this battle can be done like this?"


"Because of one person."

"Qin Qi?" Solomon's main light flashed.

"Yes, although he has disappeared for a year, everything he has done before has become the cornerstone of this battle!"

Solomon’s Lord snorted and said, “This is the case, but he is already dead.”

A dead person can do a lot of things during his lifetime, but what can he do after he dies?

"I believe he can come back." The gods are faint.

"He will come back", the dragon dances lightly.

Two of them, one is firmly convinced in the heart, but it is uncertain.

The other is completely ok.

The Lord Solomon and the Lord of the Gods are all a glimpse.

Qin Qi, who was forced to return by the Dark Heavens with a peerless Shenwei a year ago?

Is this a look down on their insights, or is it a contempt for the Heavenly Supreme in the round table of the Dark Heaven?

However, if it is really coming back, how can I get it?

I still remember that Qin Qi was alone in the darkness of heaven, and there were countless elite soldiers. The battle value was fierce, and the sight was terrible. It was also the discoloration of Datianzun, and he did not dare to approach it.

The killing power that broke out on the same day can sweep across the world and go straight to the masters and even the heavens and the earth!

Looking back at that battle, looking back at this battle, Solomon and the Lord of the Gods suddenly had some excitement.

After all, compared with that war, the battle is now even bigger, but it is a bit of a difference.

It was the old military commander who was abandoned by the dark world at that time and used to make the new military commander even further. This is not the same as the night mountain and Qing Litian.

The power of the legion on that day was unmeasurable throughout the ages.

Unfortunately, the impact of the power at that time was too alarming, and Datian Zun could not penetrate the perception, and did not see the last blow of the old military commander.

Now that I saw the charge of the wolf smoke, I only saw the style of that time.

Qin Qi, but finally won, but ultimately can not escape the sacrifice.

If you really come back, with this fighting power, I am afraid that I will cross the big masters and go straight to the heavens and the earth!

It is not impossible to be able to return to the night with the heavens.

Solomon Lord and the main temple of the Shenfeng face each other and thought for a moment: "Let's see."

"Don't fight?" asked the dragon light dance.

The main face of Shenfeng Temple is a bit ugly, but it is only aggrieved in my heart. Now I can only say: "No fight."

However, he went on to say, "If Qin Qi did not come back, this battle still has to be played."

Can't beat it, you have to fight.

The dragon light dance converges.

She didn't like to fight, but she had to fight. Now that the other party has taken a step back, she is happy.

After all, she is very clear that Qin Qi has returned.


Qin Qi looked at the woman in front of her eyes and opened her mouth. She didn’t know what to say for a while.

The woman in front of her is bright red, but she is totally different from the warrior. It is a real blood color. Looking at her is like looking at the **** night sky.

This person Qin Qi is familiar, but not familiar with it.

"It's you," the woman saw Qin Qi and smiled.

In the meantime, Qin Qi seems to have seen the Queen, and it seems to see the night that the flower world sees.

She is not a queen. She is indeed the night, but she was not the same person as Qin Qi.

More, it is the night before the nourishment of the heavens.

"How are you here too?" Qin Qi asked, no plans to chill.

Night Weiyang seems to like to go straight, and smiles at the moment: "Look at what the teacher is doing."

Qin Qi was a sigh, I didn’t expect that the night was not hidden.

It was only after Qin Qi came back that when I heard that the night was not coming back, I wouldn’t say anything, and I would like to go directly to the nightingale and fight it. It’s not a matter of learning, but I really want to divide it into life and death.

Although no one died in the end, it is also a failure to stay overnight.

After that, the night was not in the universe, and the outside world was protected.

Just now, how come this Kunlun Mountain again?

Yes, at this moment, Qin Qi and the place where the night is not met, it is Kunlun Mountain!

This Qin Qi longing for a long time, but never set foot on the sacred mountains!

Qin Qi is now a dragon vein fairy, and this Kunlun belongs to the same origin, but it is a little closer than the Kunlun fairy body.

Of course, this is Qin Qi’s own choice, so there is nothing.

However, this is the case. At this moment, Qin Qi stepped into the Kunlun Mountains, and the mountains were all shaken. The power of countless Kunluns swept through, like the 999 dragons vacating and looking back.

That gas machine, when it is the world's first stream, Qin Qi senses the power of the Tao, the body of the force flow, comfortable and abnormal.

In fact, Qin Qi came here to explore the situation of the nightingale and prepare for the subsequent shots, but it seems that the nightingale is not in the Kunlun Mountains.

Otherwise, Qin Qi will not let Kunlun Mountain show such air.

I missed the night and looked awkward. "Kunlun to the dragon, amazing!"

"The days of the predecessors are also very powerful!" Qin Qi said the same.

"It’s a pity that it seems to be a point worse."

I heard that Qin Qi’s heart was moving and I thought about it. I want to ask now.

However, the night is not changed but the topic is changed.

"The teacher is not in Kunlun Mountain, you just took the opportunity to end the war."

Qin Qi was silent for a moment and said: "The night is not cool, but your door, you are not afraid that I will kill him?"

At night, he smiled and said: "The tone is really big!"

Then she shook her head. "The words haven't finished yet. This war, where is the end of what you want to end?"

Qin Qi was surprised that he was about to say something, but he suddenly felt the heart.

Qin Qi immediately smiled. "They don't have big things to do. Are they already busy?" "Who knows it?" The night shrugged.

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