God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2692: Darkness struck

The nightingale is very indifferent.

Of course, it is not aimed at the future, but he is indifferent to the whole war and everything that happened to the Guangming community.

It's as if these things are not related to him.

But in fact, how these things may have nothing to do with him.

It is like Yuan Yuan said today. If there is no reinforcement in the dark world, Kunlun Mountain will be jointly conquered by the light. At that time, even his nightingale will die.

This judgment is still true today.

It’s just the attitude of the nightingale, but it’s also a bit strange.

"Do you think that some of them can kill me?" The night was not always silent, but a faint smile.

Yuan Yuan today's eyebrows.

"At the moment, isn't there any blind confidence in the night singer, you don't really think that heaven and earth supreme is invincible?"

In fact, some words have not been said yet.

Heaven and Earth Supreme is indeed very strong, almost no existence under the Supreme, can kill the Supreme.

But your nightingale is not the Kunlun of the past, even the power of the battle, not as good as the past.

Reluctantly use the road of Kunlun, you are among the most respected in the world, what qualifications are so indifferent, so confident?

Yuan Yuanjin even believes that he is able to compete with the nightingale!

The night looked at the Yuan Zhan, and the deep eyelids had a deep starry sky, but the starry sky was colored and had endless brilliance.

I was watched by the nightingale, and the scalp was numb, and I didn’t even consciously reveal a fairy light and wrapped him up.

This is a source of strength that Yuanming Heihe left on him.

It is used to protect him. Once he is threatened, he will protect himself.

Just now, Yuan Yuan has not felt the slightest threat, and the nightingale did not intend to shoot.

He is just looking at the future, but it seems to be able to understand everything about the future.

The power of the singularity blocked the eyes of the nightingale.

The nightingale smiled a little and said: "I don't think it is the lord of the Yuan, who has lived from the ancient times to the supreme of today. It is said that the whole dark heaven is his strongest killing?"

It’s hard to look at the face.

He found that the darkness of heaven was a little under the eyes of this supreme.

It seems that he is not just taking the road of Kunlun, and taking advantage of the fall of Kunlun, it is so simple to enter the Kunlun Mountains to achieve the supremacy of heaven and earth.

However, even so, he still can hardly really threaten the round table parliament.

"Night lord praises, the strongest existence of the dark heaven is naturally the guardian of the abyss, and he is there, the dark heavens can not be defeated."

The nightingale did not say anything more.

Yuan Fen today, Emei, he once again said: "Night Lord, are you not planning to intervene in this war?"

The nightingale just looked at the void in front of him and said: "They don't just want to fight and fight with me, I am here waiting for him."

"Of course, they may not be able to beat it, aren't they?"

Yuan Yuan found that he really did not like this supreme, but he will not forget his task, is to help the night to stabilize the rule.

At the same time, completely sever the possibility of the second Supreme!

The second one, the nightingale will do it myself.

And the first one, the fold will now smash this so-called bright union.

"Then you are here to watch it. They don't even have the ability to step on the Kunlun Mountains!" Yuan Yuan is proud to say that his body shape has disappeared and disappeared.

Soon, when the folds reappeared today, behind him, there was already an endless army!

The army of the dark heavens!

"Two women's wars? Hope is not too boring", Yuan Yuan is now faint.


"Is there still no movement at the entrance to the exile?"

The United States military big account of Bright United, sorghum face is somewhat ugly.

She has always got relevant information, but now, there is no special situation in the exile area.

This is too strange.

The war has already started, and the army of the United States has entered the realm.

This is already the time of life and death.

It is impossible for the dark heavens to look at it anyway. Even if the price of the passage is big, it will be forcibly opened.

After all, if the night glory is defeated, and the Guangming community will once again have a worldly supreme, then for the dark world, the loss will be greater.

But now, there is no movement.

"The nightingale didn't have any action at all. Didn't he ignore the battlefield's life and death?" Situ Jing's brow was also wrinkled.

It's all weird.

Their army is constantly advancing, and the combination of Honglian and Qing Litian, no one can block it. According to this progress, it can be pushed all the way to the foot of Kunlun Mountain within one month!

"It's still necessary to be careful at all times, and the other party can't admit defeat like this."

This is the same idea for everyone.

"Don't care about the exile, the people in the dark heavens have already reached the road," but Qin Qi suddenly opened his mouth.

His strength is close to the heavens and the earth, just now, he already has the induction.

That is the breath of the dark genus.

And, not one or two, but the army!

"What are you talking about?" Situ Jing was surprised.

Qin Qi smiled and said: "It seems that we have all been deceived. The dark genus has already entered the realm, but it has always created the illusion that they have not come yet."

"Now, I am afraid that the front line of the battlefield has already encountered the dark army!"

Qin Qi’s face is not good-looking, the army of the dark heavens, and this time, the scale is so huge, I am afraid that it is a legion of the parliament, and it is drawn from the famous gates.

The strength of the battle is absolutely beyond imagination!

It is not easy for the united forces of the United States to resist.

And the other party's commander, I am afraid to replace the old military commander's new military commander, the real military first person!

Qin Qi once had a big battle with the old military commander and knew the strength of the other side. If he was led by the old army, the threat to Qin Qi would be even greater.

Yuan Yuanjin can replace him, and let the parliament be willing to abandon the old military commander for him, which shows his ability, must be above the old military commander.

Such an opponent, Hong Lian and Qing Litian, can really win it?

At this moment, I am afraid it is extremely difficult!

Sure enough, everyone has not yet digested Qin Qi, the front line of the battle has been quickly passed back.

The army that has been advancing all the time has been blocked for the first time, and this is not generally blocked, it was hit back!

A face-to-face, the front line army collapsed, was directly repelled!

The momentum of advancement was suddenly pushed to the mud, and several times the battlefield, the united army of light can be said to be defeated!

If the non-Honglian and Qing Litian react quickly, the loss will be very large and may even be completely defeated.

This round of offensive by the enemy is really terrible, and the command is absolutely the level of the master. The enemy's military strength is even more striking. The ability of individual forces exceeds that of light and unity. This battle will be very difficult to fight from now on.

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