God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2697: Find helper

The previous time, it was just a desolate place. Although it was a treasure, it was full of precious minerals, but not everyone could easily use it.

Nowadays, it has been replaced by a piece of architecture. The peripherals are all instruments that cannot be named. The towers rise from the ground and sparkle with strange red light.

Under the tower, it is a small town. Most of the buildings are not high, but they give people a very strange feeling. The style is very different from the bright circles and even the dark heavens.

There is a kind of sci-fi taste, similar to the Tianyuan Stone Institute built by the yarn weaving in the outer world.

A building with a little bit of light above it, countless light paths are running, a lot of pipes don't know what is being transported, extending from the building, and belonging to a huge chimney.

Above the chimney, gas is pouring out.

This should be a lab, or a production line.

At the beginning, Qin Qi gave the old professor a production line of locks and armor. As a basis for cooperation between the two sides, I did not expect that it has been developed into this way.

It seems that there is not much weaker Tianyuan Institute.

This is also related to the characteristics of the Taikoo mine. After all, it is famous for its rich minerals, many of which are very suitable for making lock armor.

"How come you, see what we have developed into?" Mina came to Qin Qi and looked reluctant.

She doesn't want to see Qin Qi anymore. There is no good thing with this bastard.

Sure enough, Qin Qi smiled and said: "It’s playing outside, let me see what can help me here."

“Hiccups?” Mina groaned and said, “Are you finally falling out with the nightingale?”

In this case, Qin Qi will indeed be very difficult.

After all, even if the darkness is not a cold for the night scorpion, but his strength is there, Qin Qi is right with him, there is no good fruit to eat.

"Professor has gained a lot of time during this period. Not only has he completed the technical foundation of the lock armor, but he has also created a number of armor." Mina said, "According to the professor, it should be regarded as a generation of A."

"But I think that even if it is for you, you will not be able to stay overnight." Mina will not comfort Qin Qi, Qin Qi will eat well.

Mina thinks so too. After all, she has been here for more than two years. The outside world is completely ignorant. In his opinion, Zhao Rui wants to challenge the nightingale at this time. It is completely self-sufficient.

"I want to be too early on the night," Qin Qi smiled, followed Mina to the central building.

"I will know", Mina's mouth smiled, but worried that Qin Qi made her embarrassed, and did not dare to laugh, but the taste of gloating is very obvious.

Qin Qi is also speechless.

Isn't it that when she was in the group hall, did she let her lose her face once in a while, as far as I remember now?

"The subordinates of the nightingale, it is quite powerful," Mina thought, only hope that those people are stronger, let Qin Qi continue to defeat, that is good!

"Right, God is incense, how is she now?" Qin Qi asked.

"His Royal Highness has been practicing, and now the realm has reached the Great Heaven." Mina said, she couldn't help but raise a hint of envy and helplessness.

Compared with God's fragrance, she is much worse.

To know that she is one of the core heirs of the Blackwood Gods, her talent is very high, her blood is strong, and she rarely has to press her.

Even if there is, the gap is not too big.

But the **** of heaven, the name of the innocent god, the speed of cultivation is not at all she can understand.

However, Qin Qi knows that Shen Tianxiang’s own talent is extremely high, but it is not a fake, but to achieve these standards, the power of the gods was recovered and absorbed.

To know that the original **** is the existence of the level of heaven, if you are willing, the title of the master can also be obtained, at least the level of power is so.

Nowadays, God's fragrance is cultivated with the blood of the perfect god's master, and it is not incomprehensible.

"Da Tianzun's words should be enough." Qin Qi smiled, and the light shone slightly.

Mina couldn't help but frown.

"What do you mean, should you let your Highness go to war?" Mina said.

The civil war of the Guangming Group should not let God Tianxiang shoot.

"I don't want to be like this, but now I am facing Yuan Zengjin and his seven-way army. I have to rely on the power of Tianxiang." Qin Qi shrugged.

"That doesn't work... Wait, what do you say?" Mina widened her eyes.

Yuan Yuanjin, the dark heavens and the seven roads army?

Isn’t Qin Qi playing the bright civil war?

How is the battle of darkness and light?

Mina, who, after encountering Qin Qi, suffered a lot and looked unlucky, but in essence, it was not weaker than the position of Memphis and Qing in their respective names.

It is of course who is who she is, and she is of course very clear.

Moreover, she still has some secret news. The singularity is only going to replace the old military commander soon, and become the new military commander who leads all the military forces under the parliament.

It was a bad character, and even some special occasions, he was able to enter the hall of the Round Table Council.

Although there is no seat for him, it is already amazing enough.

Such a person came to the Guangming community?

Is it now that the Dark Heaven has changed its strategy and is not going to train the spokesperson to rule indirectly?

Do you want to enslave the Guangming community directly?

How can we change this in less than three years?

Is it that nightingale can bear this?

But if the nightingale is forbearing, then why do you want to make a fuss, not to mention the transfer of the seven-way army.

The dark heavens deal with the Guangming community, is it not crushing?

Mina felt that during her time in this small world, she was already upside down, and she could not keep up with the times.

"No... you have already gotten right with the Yuan, and you have a presence that rivals it?" Mina exclaimed.

That is the future.

Unbeaten in life!

The old military commanders are not as good as they are.

"To tell the truth, for the time being, no one can really compete with him." Qin Qidao, on the basis of the future, do not need to worry about the long-term ambition of others to destroy their own prestige.

He is so strong.

Mina nodded, which is also expected.

"One to one, no one can beat him, but we have two people, two to one!" Qin Qi laughed.

This is certainly not something to be proud of.

But as long as you can win, these are not important.

"Can you win in two to one?" Mina is not very confident.

"Don't try to know."

Mina frowned.

In such a big battle, God Tianxiang should not even be shot.

This is the war between light and darkness, and God's fragrance is the master of God. The blood comes from the sacred abyss. Can she help the light to fight the darkness?

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