God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3099: Freedom in heaven

For the Chaos Beasts and Twelve Witches, each of them will sleep once, but their character does not appear until after the beginning of the era.

As early as the ancestral era, they occasionally entered sleep.

This is a way for them to save power, and at the same time, it is also a way to avoid time.

And this is the only major weakness that the mother ship fleet knows about twelve.

Some researchers have shown that the strength of the twelve witches in their sleep will drop sharply. If they can sleep with them and find them, they may be hit hard by the strength of the mother ship.

Even kill it!

It is a pity that the twelve witches themselves are very clear.

Therefore, the sleeping place they chose is extremely hidden and very difficult to break through.

It can be said that even if the mother ship group has found their sleeping place, it is extremely difficult to break through the obstacles and find the twelve witches who are sleeping.

And this time, enough for the twelve witches to reawaken, at that time, I am afraid it is the prey that was sent to the door.

The place that can be chosen as a sleeping place by the twelve witches is naturally not the usual place. The free heaven in front of the eyes is one of the places where the emperor once fell asleep.

That is already a matter of the ancestral age.

After all, after the start of the three eras, the mother ship group no longer has any information about the emperor.

Some even believe that since the three eras, the Dijiang River has not continued to operate.

And from all kinds of signs, it seems that this is the case. Even the information from the Chaos Wang Ting shows that the signs of the activities of the Dijiang are zero.

In other words, even Chaos Wang Ting, since the three eras, has not grasped any trajectory of the Dijiang River.

Of course, no one will think that Dijiang is dead.

That is also the existence of the name of the war in the twelve witches!

However, some people suspect that he may have slept in three major eras. The reason is probably a battle with the penalty day!

The battle was undoubtedly a sin, and the head was smashed. I still don't know where it was sealed.

However, as the winner, Di Jiang only appeared once after the war, let the world know that he won.

After that, he disappeared without a trace.

This is not a big deal. After all, it was a great battle with the criminal day. Although it was a great defeat, the emperor must be seriously injured.

He needs to sleep to recover his injuries.

But no one thought that the emperor would not appear after that.

And his injury will be so serious that he needs to sleep three times, it is a joke.

Only the twelve witches have always been full of secrets, and outsiders can't explore them at all. Even Chaos Wang Ting himself has no guts to trace all the information of Dijiang.

And as strong as they are, even if the Dijiang no longer appears, there seems to be nothing to care about.

Since he came to the hunting mountain, Qin Qi naturally used the various Kunlunlun to check all the materials of the criminal day, which naturally involved the emperor.

So also check it out together.

It is a pity that even the record of the different Kunlun is not as detailed, but how much makes Qin Qi understand.

Qin Qi also did not understand why the criminal day should place the free heaven in the emperor in his hunting mountain.

They are the enemy of life and death. The most hated thing in the punishment day is that the emperor is right!

I feel that every day I look at this free heaven, I will think of the emperor, and then I firmly believe that I must revenge?

Criminal days, should not be so busy.

But no matter what, Qin Qi has come here, and the heavens are in front, they must first say it.

As for the reason, it is not important for the time being.

"Say, Lin may not believe, there is a friend under him, he is also the emperor," Qin Qi laughed.

Lin Bijun stunned, and some did not quite understand the meaning of Qin Qi.

In the entire chaotic fairy world, there is only one emperor, that is, one of the twelve witches, the top of the immortal world.

What is a friend is also Dijiang.

Dijiang is not a race, but specifically the ancestors!

Even the chaotic beast that spreads the blood of the emperor in the body can only be called the descendant of the emperor, the subordinate of the blood.

But they are never qualified to call themselves Dijiang!

No one has ever dared to do this.

“Is Lin Girl heard about the wild animals?” Qin Qi asked.

Lin Bijun frowned, this is the first time he heard it.

This chaotic fairy world is only a chaotic beast. I have never heard of any wild animals. Is it a certain kind of chaotic beast?

Qin Qi’s reaction to Lin Bijun is also expected. After all, Yi Kunlun has already told him this, but he wants to give it a try and see if there is another intelligence network in the boat of the end.

The guy who dares to be an enemy of this world, claiming to have the existence of historical truth, may know some intelligence that even a Kunlun does not know.

However, it seems that at least Lin Bijun does not know.

In the lower bounds, Qin Qi did have such a friend, who is a man, but who is even more beautiful than a woman.

In retrospect, in the wilderness and beasts of the lower bounds, other aliens have appeared in different individuals in history.

Understanding it as a race is not wrong.

But the emperor seems to have only one.

Originally, there was nothing. Qin Qi did not consider these things at all.

It’s a bit strange to think about it now.

These two emperors, there will be no connection!

Qin Qi thought in his heart.

Of course, this is just the way to think about it. The difference in strength between the two is not the same within the same measurement framework.

However, when I think of the Dijiang, the other side should now also be able to advance, and it is not impossible to become a fairy in the lower bound.

It is even possible that I have already left for the chaotic fairy world.

After all, this has been over for more than five years!

If there is an opportunity, Qin Qi also wants to check the information of Dijiang, it is best to find out the other's body.

In this way, you should be able to have a judgment.

You know, no one knows what the body of the twelve witches looks like today.

They are too powerful, even if they are metamorphosed, they are already invincible in the world. They may only have great wise men, and they have forced them to show their bodies.

But outsiders are simply not qualified to snoop, so there has never been a trace of related traces left.

"Qin Gongzi, let's take the time to go in," Lin Bijun said.

Qin Qi nodded.

Those things, I will explore later, right now, I will go to the West Wangting first.

On the day of punishment, I am still waiting for them.

In the heavens, there are countless stone forests intertwined. Here, Qin Qi and Lin Bijun did not dare to break open the void, but flew between the stone forests.

As the place where the emperor once fell asleep, it is not necessary to say more about danger.

But it seems that there are some discrepancies with the rumors.

Qin Qi and Lin Bijun went into the three days, met the power of the law, the power of the heaven and earth resonance, and even the space knob.

Everything is enough to let the strongest of the five gas dynasty die.

It is not easy for Qin Qi and Lin Bijun to pass these, and they are wounded.

However, it still survived, and continued to the limit of extinction, there are still some gaps.

Is it because the prisoner’s day was forcibly placed in the hunting mountain, and the power of the heavenly court has weakened?

Maybe only this is possible.

But this is the best.

Passing through here as soon as possible, for Qin Qi, can also breathe a sigh of relief.

"We are probably halfway through, and maybe there will be more dangerous things, be careful!" Qin Qidao.

On his body, Long Wei trembled, and the **** murderousness continued.

Lin Bijun nodded, her face was dignified, her body was almost inconspicuous, and it was the burning fire of Suzaku!

Crossing a row of vertical stone pillars that are rare in the heavens, the pictures in front of Qin Qi and Lin Bijun suddenly changed.

As if, came to another world!

This is not hunting in the mountains!

It is not free in heaven!

Or, this is the independent world inside the heavens!

West Wangting, above the supreme throne, a headless stalwart body suddenly moved, as if to stand up.

And just such an action, the heavens and the earth are beginning to scream, like the twisted gold and iron, the line will break and make a squeaky voice!

This piece of heaven and earth can't bear the power of him!

"Dilijiang, you really left a world in the heavens!" The opening of the sentence, such as Hong Zhong Da Lu, creaking.

Since the fall of the heavens, the hunting hills have been nearly two epochs, and the punishment days are well known to the land.

He has always suspected that there is the power left by the emperor in the heavens.

However, it can never be found.

However, I did not expect that today was triggered, and Qin Qi and Lin Bijun were rolled in!

"What have you left in the inside, I am very curious!" He took his finger and used his power to break through the barrier and enter the independent world.

However, he hesitated, but still let go.

He chose to wait. He wants to see what Qin Qi and Lin Bijun can get from it!

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