God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3101: An axe

The iron curtain is a red one, and I don't know what material it is made of.

However, in Qin Qi’s judgment, this iron curtain is a kind of barrier, similar to the existence of a world barrier.

On the other side of it, there should be something else.

Is this a twin world?

Qin Qi’s heart is skeptical. Of course, only by breaking through here can the answer be obtained.

However, if you want to get through this heavy iron curtain, the power of Qin Qi and Lin Bijun seems to be completely unsatisfactory. Their ultimate combat power is on the iron curtain, just like itching.

It is worthy of the handwriting left by the emperor.

There is no realm of three flowers gathering, or do not think about breaking this place with brute force.

The iron curtain is extended, I don't know where the margin is, there is no special place elsewhere, only the strange axe.

An axe, the axe blade has not entered the iron curtain nearly half, do not know what material is forged, can actually break into this iron curtain!

Qin Qi and Lin Bijun are close, take a closer look.

This axe is not made of metal, but of stone. There are such ores in this world, which can create such sharp weapons!

"Or, take it and try it?" Lin Bijun said.

She did not intend to shoot.

This axe is unusual at first glance, and no one knows what kind of power is there. If you are not careful, you can be countered.

Wuqi Chaoyuan, in this place, is very fragile.

Maybe it will be destroyed in the next moment.

Qin Qi did not care about this point. Lin Bijun didn't think so, he must try to pick up the axe.

To penetrate this iron curtain, this axe should be the key.

Different Kunlun analysis for a while, and finally, nothing.

This kind of situation is rare, even if it doesn't touch the core, but I have been able to push something in the past.

But this time, it is a blank.

Obviously, the power of this axe has exceeded the calculation limit of the different Kunlun, not the level he can touch.

In this way, Qin Qi can only rely on himself.

When Qin Qi vibrates the power, all the fairy powers in the whole body are mobilized, and the physical strength of the dragon's body is also flocked to his right arm.

The nine-generation lock fairy armor is added, the other hand is ready to open the Panlong!

Ready, the momentum of Zhao Rui’s outburst has been extremely strong, and Lin Bijun can’t help but retreat. The surrounding magma is even more than a few hundred miles away.

A huge hollow was formed at the bottom of the magma.

Qin Qi looked dignified, he stepped forward and held his hand on the handle of the axe!

"呲" sounded softly, Qin Qi only felt that the right hand was uploaded with a hot, that is, the lock armor can not resist!

That is not caused by high temperatures.

It's a majestic force that can't be carried at all!

It is like a flood of water into a small river. Where can it be tolerated?

Qin Qi snorted and quickly released.

And his right hand, almost lost consciousness, is the armor of the nine generations, there are also tiny cracks!

Can't stop it!

Where can this be blocked?

Qin Qi sighed, it seems that this axe, he can not get up.

This does not need to continue to try, because just now, Qin Qi is unreserved.

"Do you want to try?" Qin Qi asked.

Lin Bijun hesitated, nodded, and tried to try.

There is nothing in this world of ridiculousness. Only if it is special here, if they are both unacceptable, they can only be trapped here.

Although it is dangerous, you can only try it.

Lin Bijun shocked Xianli and stalked the fire of Suzaku. Then she reached out and touched the axe.


The sound of the flames of disillusionment, Lin Bijun's right hand directly exploded, turned into countless Mars.

She couldn’t even hold it!

Lin Bijun stepped back a few steps, his face was pale and he had been injured, but he could bear it.

Her flames burned and re-agglomerated her arms, but it kept shaking and it took time to recover.

"Next, what do we do?" Lin Bijun smiled.

They are helpless again.

Qin Qi shook his head and said: "It seems that we can't get out, but fortunately, there are girls to accompany, and I don't want to be lonely!"

Lin Bijun snorted and said: "How about that, always sleep here, like a dungeon!"

"But also, you and me are sinners, and the dungeon is really suitable for us."

"Tianjie", Qin Qi snorted.

He also promised Hongnan to go to the dungeon to save those innocent people.

Just how do you go out?

"Try it again," Qin Qidao, no matter what, it is impossible to give up.

There are countless treasures in Qin Qi, but I don't know which one might work.

After that, Qin Qi used countless materials to refine hundreds of treasures and cooperate with the knives such as the knives.

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to shake the handle.

Instead, the nine-generation armor from the grip of the evil can be destroyed.

This thing is so great that it is so ruined. It is a pity.

However, there is no way to the road.

Nine generations of armor can not work, then eight generations.

Qin Qi also has **** evil spirits.

If it is ruined again, there are some eight-generation spare armor that has been robbed, all of which are ruined and desperate!

In this way, Qin Qi used the materials at hand to create a battleship-class Xianli engine, which is extremely powerful.

Qin Qi is going to use it to provide even greater thrust. In the extremely short grip time, pull out the axe!

This is the only way Qin Qi can think of at this moment.

Everything is ready, Qin Qi starts the blood-sucking evil spirits, and the ship-class Xianli engine roars constantly, and the vortex sounds loud.

It will hold the axe handle in Qin Qi, the limit will provide thrust!

Lin Bijun, this time did not look at it.

She took Qin Qi's left hand, all the power on her body will erupt at the same time, and Qin Qi left.

This will be their greatest strength today, able to pull out the axe, just look at this!

"Begin!" Qin Qi gave a low drink.

He reached out and held the handle of the axe.

Almost instantaneously, the huge unparalleled power was concentrated on Qin Qi, pulling him back.

And he himself, the limit is also erupted, his legs are on the iron curtain, his right hand is exhausted and pulled out.

Silk, not moving!

The results are somewhat unacceptable, but it seems that it is also expected.

The axe did not loosen in the slightest, Qin Qi, the convergence of their strength, for the axe, the nine cattle only a hair.

I can only think of another way.

Qin Qi will release the axe.

After all, he can't bear the unimaginable power of the axe.

However, this time it is different.

Qin Qi suddenly became suspicious.

He noticed the surprise in an instant. This time, the extremely powerful force was poured into the right hand, but there was no previous tearing.

These great forces are attracted again and flow to Qin Qi!

Undefined kernel?

No, yes, that blood!

The blood from the dripping prototype!

The sacred blood of the goddess, the core of the first generation of the lock armor prototype!

To this day, it is still full of endless mysteries.

No one knows why the prototype of the lock armor needs a drop of source blood to start, and eventually develops into one of the greatest strengths of the mother ship.

No one even knows where the source of the goddess comes from.

At this moment, this source of blood turned out to be awakened by the stimulation, and a sturdy force overflowed from the blood!

This kind of power was never felt before Qin Qi.

He did not even think about it, this blood reason, actually has this power!

These changes far exceeded Qin Qi's imagination. He only knew that the blood had a connection with the axe.

Start resonance.

The mighty Wei Li no longer tore Qin Qi, but began to wreak around it.

Qin Qi seized the opportunity at the moment, not to pull out, but to move forward, to break this axe!


The iron curtain collapsed. With this axe as the center, it quickly extended in all directions and collapsed layer by layer.

This barrier no longer blocks the world!

Qin Qi’s heart was shaking. He looked forward. In the world behind the Iron Curtain, there is endless chaos, just like the chaotic sea outside the hunting mountain!

This axe.

As if to open the chaos and flood!

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