God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3105: Sacrifice

Chaos Xiwangting is very huge, leaving from the temple, Qin Qi they came to the depths of the West Wangting.

There is also a relatively independent group of buildings, the shape is integrated with the architectural style of the entire West Royal Court, but the internal structure is different.

It seems to have come to another era.

Here, it is full of sophisticated instruments, arrays, huge Xianli machinery, installations, and many treasures that even Qin Qi can't see the function.

These things are placed in an extremely mysterious position, obviously, they will all play a huge role.

This area is the laboratory of the criminal day.

There are many people inside the laboratory, because they are easy to operate the instrument, so they are all incarnate.

However, the realm is not uniform.

Some have reached the five-dimensional dynasty, but some are just the Jinxian level.

It seems that being able to enter this place, the realm is not the only measure, the Xianli technology in the hands is the most critical.

When they came in, they had an old man greeted him. He was the head of the lab.

"Oni, how is the situation, have you analyzed the Xianli technology passed over from the human side?"

The sentence has not yet been opened, and the second has already been asked.

Naoni clearly knew the relationship between the second and the punishment, so he did not dare to neglect.

At the moment, he replied, "The whole analysis has ended. The hidden doors left by humans have not yet been discovered, but this is not absolutely safe!"

"As far as Xianli technology is concerned, we are many behind humans. Even if we do our best to search, we may not be able to discover the hidden doors left by humans!"

When I heard the words, I was disappointed and couldn’t help but complain: "In that case, can this technology not be used?"

The criminal day is the owner of the hunting mountain, and naturally cannot take such risks.

Once he is subject to human beings, it is equivalent to the entire hunting mountain used by humans.

"It is subordinate incompetent", O'Neill face dew.

There is no change in the penalty day. He just made a slight decapitation and said he knew it.

This result, in fact, did not exceed his expectations, since the mother ship group sent Xianli technology over, it should be absolutely certain.

Either, this is a technology without problems, or the hidden door inside is impossible to be discovered!

However, the key now is that the criminal day needs such a brand new head. Before he finds his head, he has no choice.

Fortunately, now I am not at a loss!

"What about the specific preparation?" asked the sentence.

O'Neill cheered and quickly replied: "The trial run has been completed and the process is very smooth and can be used at any time."

The penalty day nodded, indicating that O'Neill led the way.

After a few spatial changes, Qin Qi came to an almost independent world.

Here, there are countless pipes criss-crossing, gathered from all sides to the center, and placed in a transparent container similar to a petri dish.

There are countless arrays on the container, the complexity is the most that Qin Qi has seen!

Seeing this, Qin Qi also realized that this should be the place where the new head of the criminal day was made.

Hunting Mountain has completely digested the technology given by the mother ship group, but did not dare to make it!

However, in this laboratory, Qin Qi also noticed that there were four different containers in addition to the transparent petri dish in the center, distributed around the laboratory.

Even at the foot, where there is a densely covered pipe, there is a bigger container!

That container, I am afraid it is not prepared for human-sized things, it is enough to put down a huge chaotic beast!

"These are sacrifices?" Qin Qi said.

At about the same time, he also got the answer from the different Kunlun.

The results of the different Kunlun's deduction are consistent with what he thinks.

Except for the petri dish in the center, the other few did not create this layer of law in it, but destroyed!

Obviously they will all become the nutrients of the new skull, being absorbed and absorbed.

"Yes, these places will be stored in sacrifices," and the punishment is faint.

From this point of view, Qin Qi really has a deep understanding of these Xianli technologies, which is what the criminal day wants!

In fact, the criminal days do not understand these, but since Qin Qi dared to kill Yuan Yebing, it is obvious that he must rely on it.

Qin Qi has the conditions to exchange with the criminal day, and this condition is what it seems to be able to guess.

Because the criminal day needs the head, then Qin Qi's qi is naturally derived from this, and the criminal day will avoid the mother ship group leaving a secret door in this technology, a little bit of brain can think.

Then Qin Qi’s relying on most of it is here.

Of course, this is just a guess of the punishment, not accurate, but it doesn't matter if it is wrong.

After all, for him, this is just a try, no loss in any case.

Obviously, the guy who can reach the top of the world is not relying solely on powerful combat power!

“What kind of sacrifice do you need?” Qin Qi asked.

"The sacrifices of these four parties are the power of the four holy beasts."

Wen Yan, Qin Qi and Lin Bijun are all changed.

The power of the four holy beasts!

That naturally includes Suzaku.

It seems that the criminal day to let Lin Bijun come here, is to treat her as a sacrifice!

"You can have a sacrifice when you can kneel down," Qin Qidao said.

"Yes, since the mother ship group gave me this technology, the raw materials naturally have to be responsible for them."

"The power of these four holy beasts, they have already prepared for me. After all, the four saints of the year are now made into ports by them, providing some blood, and naturally nothing to do!"

"Since this is the case..."

"If you only need blood, you don't have to make it look like this."

Such a large and expensive arrangement, and there are many petri dish-like containers, obviously not for accommodating blood!

"Does it need a living thing?" Qin Qi Shen Sheng.

Qin Tian glanced at Qin Qi and said: "It is a pity that the power of the Four Sacred Beasts is difficult to play all by relying only on the blood. It is necessary to cultivate that part of the blood into life in advance so that it can be used as a sacrifice. !"

Lin Bijun is a living person. She is a life. Since this is the case, the punishment day will certainly not retreat to the next level!

Wen Yan, Lin Bijun's face pale.

She knew she was facing a dead end, she wanted to resist, and wanted to escape, but this strong desire was instantly oppressed.

This is how she can do it in the face of punishment!

Qin Qi is silent.

In order to improve the quality of the new head, Peng Tian will not let Lin Bijun, this material, he will never let go.

In this case, Qin Qi has no way to do anything.

After all, he will not make dangerous choices for Lin Bijun.

After all, it’s just Lin Bijun.

It makes no sense to Qin Qi.

"Not just her," but the punishment is heaven.

"What does this mean?" Qin Qi frowned.

"This time I came to the little guy in the hunting hills, and there are a few very interesting guys that can be used as sacrifices."

After all, the punishment will be waved, and a portal will emerge in the void, and at the other end of the portal, there will be a large number of souls gathering.

These should be the sacrifices needed for the punishment day!

Most of them are chaotic beasts, which should be put into the giant container in the bottom.

However, several of them were there, but they made Qin Qi shrink.

Red Naner, Green Glass and even the half-orc who escaped are all there!

They will hold them on the day of punishment and use them as sacrifices?

Yes, Hongnan has Zhezi blood, green glass is a humanoid chaotic beast, and the half-orc, with Qinglong bloodline!

Like Lin Bijun, he is very suitable for the existence of the four sacrificial offerings.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and he even saw Lin Yixue!

Did she even come to the hunting hill?

How can merchants put her out?

Is it sneaking, for, he?

"The power of Zhu Rong, maybe there will be a miraculous effect!"

Qin Qi's fingers trembled and his eyes gradually changed.

"Your Majesty, how about making a deal?" Qin Qi looked at the punishment day and looked directly at the emperor!

Two moments, Qin Qi at the moment gave her a completely different feeling.

Actually, you can resist the pressure of the punishment of the day, and face it!

It is necessary to know that such a existence of the criminal day has reached the point where the immortal world is extremely extreme. In front of him, no one can actually remain calm.

Even if I think I have recovered my calmness, in fact, the pressure of the punishment is everywhere, but I can’t perceive it!

In the face of punishment, Qin Qi, although calm, has always fallen behind the wind, because of this.

This is a direct suppression of strength and weakness. The weak do not say rebellion, it is difficult to feel it!

Now, Qin Qi has broken free!

Is it pretending from the beginning?

The sentence was not angry with Qin Qi’s performance, but he was very satisfied.

If there is no resistance to his invisible pressure.

Naturally, it is impossible to recapture his head!

At least for now, this candidate is eligible!

"What transaction?" asked the sentence.

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