"You, jump in there," the blue scale pointed at the half-orc.

The Orc did not say anything and jumped directly into the container belonging to it.

It is here, only fear, the power from the punishment of the day makes him breathless.

"Qin Qi, you said that he can do it, his brain is so bad, it is a brain-dead, blame people worry," Qing Sui sighed.

These days, she is quite happy with the half-orcs.

After all, the same as the orc.

And this half-orc is very obedient, so what to do, if it is dead, it is a pity.

"You can only see it yourself," Qin Qidao.

When the half-orc left, Qin Qi also said hello in his heart. It was not until this time that he learned that it was actually called by the blue scales.

White is a strong man who is the second gas of the five-dimensional dynasty.

Imagine the joy of green scales.

But now, it is between life and death.

However, because of the need to prescribe the right medicine, all the designs of Qin Qi are specially modified according to the situation of no one.

Therefore, Qin Qi has a very detailed understanding of the half-orcs for two months.

In fact, its potential is very huge, and the growth rate may not be much weaker than the green scale, but his upper limit is not high.

At most, it is to reach the level of Qinglong.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it is also the potential of anti-sky, after all, the four saints are second only to the ancestors.

Although the green scale firmly believes that the half-orc is not good, in fact, the other's brain is very good, and extremely sharp, can accurately grasp the extremely fine details.

Qin Qi tells everything about it, it is kept in mind, and it can evolve very perfectly.

Its chances of success are not small!

"Then I also went in", the blue scales.

"Be careful, don't make mistakes!" Qin Qi reminded.

"Reassured, I am amazing, I will not die here!" Green scales full of confidence.

But the green scale is right.

Among the five, she is the biggest opportunity!

The humanoid chaotic beast has never existed in the past, and its potential is too great. If she does not work, then no one of these five people can survive.

The blue scales are relaxed and jump into the container, which looks like a diving.

I hope that she can really handle it so calmly.

"Qin Gongzi, then I also went in," Lin Yixue said.

Although she was nervous, she was able to see Qin Qi here, she was very happy.

Moreover, she will work hard to survive!

Qin Qi opened his mouth and finally nodded, saying: "Be careful!"

If the green scale is the highest probability of success among a few people, then Lin Yixue is the lowest one.

I only hope that she can go well and don't have to let Qin Qi take the last step!

"I will, I still want to repay the kindness of Qin Gongzi, can't just die!" Lin Yixue laughed.

Her heart is awkward and nervous, but Qin Qi is here, but she is also able to face it!

Lin Yixue turned and entered the container.

"That Nan is also gone", Hong Naner waved his hand and walked toward the container.

"The chances of your survival are not small, you have to have confidence in yourself." Qin Qidao.

Hong Naner nodded and smiled, but stopped and said: "If I am dead, can the son save me the innocent people in the dungeon?"

Qin Qi frowned.

"Speaking something stupid, do your own things yourself," Qin Qidao.

"That's okay," Hong Naner smiled, not talking about anything, entering the container.

"This girl seems to have no confidence," and he stunned his head.

Qin Qi silently.

Hong Naner, also considered to have died once, Lin Bijun has some disadvantages she also has, but Lin Bijun has the advantage, she did not.

This time for her, it is really difficult!

But things have come to this point, and there is no choice. The only thing that can be relied on next is their own!

After they entered the container, other materials were also put into the container.

It can be seen that Lin Bijun is sitting suspended in a transparent liquid, and in front of her is a small Suzaku!

That power, the kind of breath, is that it is difficult for Lin Bijun to play out now.

This is the real power of Suzaku!

It is the blood of this holy beast!

What Lin Bijun needs to do this time is to use this drop of blood to survive the Jedi!

To survive, it is another new realm!

Similarly, in front of the half-orc, it is also a small dragon.

The other two square containers are Xuanwu and Baihu, respectively, which are not the form of strength of blood.

It's real life!

This is the best bearing form of the sacrifice!

Under the soles of the feet, the huge container is like a small world, and thousands of giant chaotic beasts are presented in the body.

And for the sake of safety, they are all sleepy at the moment.

Also, the nodes are placed according to the special array method.

In this way, Hongnan children can better absorb the nutrients, and in the process of sacrifice, surpass themselves and be able to survive!

These are the original designs of this laboratory, and for Lin Yixue, Qin Qi added a container.

There are a lot of patterns on the top, connecting all the pipes!

It can be said that the power of the sacrifices everywhere, in the process of sacrifice, there will be some power flowing through her.

This is her dependence on promotion!

But it may also be the power to completely destroy her!

If you want to complete the transformation within such a short period of time, is it necessary to face death?

"Father, you said that these few, can you succeed?" asked the second.

This kind of interesting thing, of course she will not miss it.

"This is a life of nine deaths. It is too difficult to do it. Even if these talents are very special, the kid has made a lot of preparations for them. Some of them even I don’t even understand. ""

"But the success rate of these can be improved for them, but it is very limited!" said the sentence slowly.

"That said, in fact, all this is in vain, these people are dying?" Two sighed.

He watched Qin Qi do so much. In the past two months, all the energy has been spent on it. As a result, nothing can be changed. It is indeed embarrassing.

"That is not necessarily", the punishment is faint.

The second screamed and said: "Father, can't you finish the words at once? Do you think they will die or live?"

You can use this attitude to talk to the criminal day, and there should be only two in between.

"Human ethnic group, although according to different talents and some appearance characteristics, can be divided into chaotic families, the branches of blood are not less than our chaotic beasts, but they have one thing in common, that is, the potential to transcend everything!" This is probably something that humans can let me wait for the ancestors to endure!"

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