God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3113: Lin Bijun

Qin Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Before the critical point, someone finally succeeded in taking a step.

Those cyan sensations are getting richer and thicker. You can see that the blue scale itself has been completely destroyed, but it is alive, but it bottoms out!

She had already been sacrificed, and at the crucial moment she successfully broke through the limits and gained the power of transformation. She was able to retain the brand new one!

It is really difficult to do this step, and a mistake can lead to failure.

Fortunately, the blue scale grasped.

Relying on its own potential and talent, relying on the conditions created by Qin Qi for her, she will succeed even further!

In the container, several arrays are lit, and the instruments around the two robotic arms are running in an instant, and the pointed parts each emit four rays of light, forming a perfect prismatic body!

The prismatic body covered the blue scales and completely separated her from the whole set of Xianli equipment.

This is to prevent her from being sacrificed. If she is not isolated, even if she masters a new power, she will be sacrificed and turned into a nutrient!

The prismatic body keeps spinning, changing the law and the fluctuation of Xianli, and resonating with the whole set of Xianli equipment.

Only in this way can we ensure the safety of the green scales.

These are all derived from the different Kunlun, Qin Qi personally set, so Qin Qi is very clear about its energy.

At this moment, the green scales don't have to worry about being sacrificed. Just stabilize the power of transformation and reunite the soul of the body.

Then she completed the transformation of this time!

Even, can become a witch!

Even if the realm is less than three flowers, it can become a witch!

This is also extremely rare in the history of the Chaos Beast. The guys who have done it, nowadays, are the top of the chaotic beast.

For example, the twelve witches, such as the punishment days, such as the four holy beasts, and the ancestors of the Zerg.

These existences existed in the long-term past. Since the long river of history entered the chaotic era, no chaotic beast has done this step.

I did not expect that the first case appeared in front of me!

After the appearance of the prism, the situation of the blue scale has stabilized. I believe that it will take only a certain amount of time, and she will be able to master it all!

One, success!

"It’s incredible to use force, blood and potential to force change.” He whispered.

He naturally sees that the key point that contributes to the transformation of the blue scale is not the will of faith, but the potential of talent.

It is an excellent condition for the young scales to let her get rid of death.

Qin Qi did not answer the words. With the strength of the criminal days, I believe that I will soon be able to understand the inside story of the emergence of the blue scales. At that time, the Chaos Beast may have to make another judgment on the mother ship group.

"What are these?" The second is also a lot of mood.

She pointed to the position of the second-order chaotic fairy, and the body of the blue scale was slowly reuniting.

Among them, there are many bands of light dancing, connecting the body of the blue scales.

These are the fairy marks!

"This is a fairy mark", the punishment is heavenly, and the eyes are different. "But even beyond the limit of 16, she is still able to use the law of the ridiculous?"

Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly.

The green scales have indeed passed down the inheritance of the wild, and the fairy marks in the body can exceed the limits of the sixteen.

This is what Qin Qi wants, but it has never been done.

Now, the body of the blue scale reorganizes, the power of the fairy marks is the first to be aggregated, and every step, every change, no matter how subtle, is recorded.

Qin Qi can see any details.

This may not be a problem for others. At most, it is a little more understanding, but it can't be imitated, and also master the power to break through the 16 scars!

But for Qin Qi, it is an opportunity!

He is not alone!

And different Kunlun has always been his back!

Different Kunlun has been unable to analyze the specific methods of cultivation, because it cannot be integrated with Qin Qi’s current system.

Unless Qin Qi gives up the existing power, specializes in the law of the wild.

But that is obviously impossible.

Therefore, this force has been put on hold, and different Kunlun, also need to collect more data, in order to further deduct.

Originally Qin Qi was planning to go to the barren tower in the future.

I believe that with the countless wild people of the waste tower, it should be possible to let the different Kunluns finally perform the method of the wild people suitable for Qin Qi!

Let his fairy mark break through the same 16!

Unexpectedly, such an opportunity has now appeared.

The original green scales, the method of practicing the ridiculous people, and the cohesive creation of the fairy marks cannot be borrowed by the different Kunlun.

But now, everything starts from the beginning, and different Kunluns grasp the details of the whole process.

Whether it is the avenue, the law, or the pure physical shock, all the different Kunluns are recorded.

This will be the best example. Through countless analyses, different Kunlun may be able to let Qin Qi get the inheritance of the wild people in advance!

Unexpectedly, the transformation of the blue scales, so that Qin Qi has benefited!

But now is not a happy time.

So far, only the blue scale has been successfully transformed, and the rest are still in danger.

Time, have never had a stop!

The yellow dots of the green scale have been transformed into green dots, and the remaining four yellow dots are getting darker and darker.

It seems that it will not take much time to go out!


Be sure to be fast!

"Oh, there is a change, it is that pretty girl!" Second shout.

What she is referring to is naturally Lin Bijun!

Did she complete the transformation?

It’s really not a simple guy!

Regain your faith.

No, it should be said that after the belief is more firm, Lin Bijun can no longer fear death.

What she thinks, this is to give everything for a great cause!

How can you lose to such a desperate situation now?

She, but Suzaku!

The dripping blood of Suzaku became the best nourishment for Lin Bijun, although it will eventually be absorbed by the head of the criminal day.

However, after Lin Bijun’s body has passed, let her have the possibility of transformation!

How strong the will is, it is impossible to make people change. In the end, it is this embarrassment, this is coexisting with the opportunity!

Suzaku's blood has opened up the way for her.

And she, caught it accurately.

It can be seen that the container is covered with a flame, and the fire of Suzaku is burning, and it is powerful!

Just like the old sacred beast is coming again!

"Nirvana is born again, so great!" Second sighed.

Qin Qi immediately started the Xianli device, and the eight beams were re-formed into a prismatic body, and Lin Bijun was shrouded in.

Next, she just has to do her best to make herself change.

"The distance from the second-order chaos Xianli is still a little worse. In the end, there is still no humanoid chaotic beast to come pure!"

Although Lin Bijun has also begun to change, look like this, it should be successful.

But the fire of Suzaku on her body is not far from the sacred beast. This is because her Xianli has not yet reached the second stage.

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