"Oh, these human beings, offending me to be so guilty, but always like to master my strength, I slept three times, as if there are three pieces of fairy stones for them!"

"If you don't care about your identity, you really want to use your fingers to crush them!"

"But it's okay, this is okay, at least it's a pretty little girl, I am still very happy, let her live!" Zhu Rong haha ​​laughed.

However, the sentence did not mean to chat with him.

"Zhu Rong, you are more and more like to make jokes," and the sentence was cold and sardonic, looking at Zhu Rong's eyes.

Zhu Rong helplessly turned and said: "Of course, I did not expect that you have fallen to the point of needing to cooperate with the mother ship fleet, and even borrowed their technology, hey, I really don't know what you think."

"But well, since you have already rebelled against Wang Ting and established this chaotic Xiwangting, your business, we are not good at interfering."

"It's just that human beings are not credible. We already know that if you use the heads they made, it is quite another thing if you can keep yourself."

"Since this is the case, I don't mind helping you. If I have a shot, no matter what the humans of the mother ship have done, they can help you clear it!" Zhu Rong laughed.

"You are kind, just why you only dealt with that material. There are so many processes to make the skull. There are so many devices that you need. Why don't you search them all?"

"This is not enough power," Zhu Rong sighed. "I just borrowed this power from the past and accidentally left, how many things can I do?"

"Of course, if you don't mind if my body falls on your West King Court, I can come over and help you carefully examine it again!" Zhu Ronghe laughed!


"You see, this is not because I don't want to help you all the time. You don't want to, so I can only choose one of the materials, but you can rest assured that the one I choose is the most crucial!"

Wen Yan, Qin Tian and Qin Qi are all slightly stunned.

Zhu Rong is obviously aware of what is happening.

However, Qin Qi was also the most suspicious of Yuan Yebing, so he carried out the most important repeated deductions and analysis, and the results were not harvested.

This is really strong enough to be so direct, can you directly sense?

The realm of the ancestors is still hard to understand!

But with such a keen insight, how did the human trap in the past?

"What do you see?" asked the sentence.

"Nothing is there," Zhu Rong directly replied, and then laughed: "No way, they all said that power is limited."

The punishment day no longer says anything.

And Zhu Rong, is a haha ​​smile, "Don't look at me so much, in fact, why do you have to see what?"

"After all, there should be something different about that material. Is it for you?"

The sinister eyes blinked and snorted, "It is true."

"The human being is very embarrassed, you have used their technology like this, and their materials are also courageous!" Zhu Rong laughed.

The face of the punishment day suddenly sank, and snorted, and did not say anything.

However, Zhu Rong did not intend to stop here. He continued. "It seems that there is not much time left for you, otherwise why should you make this decision?"

"How do you say it, looking at the old companions, after losing his head, now even life can be lost, I really can't bear it."

"Or that sentence, as long as you like, I can help!"

"No," the sentence is still indifferent.

With such an answer, Zhu Rong is obviously not surprised. They have met endless years. From the three eras of the ancestral era to today, how can they not understand each other's temper.

And even if it is not a character, the criminal day will never agree that a ancestral witch will intervene in his life!

If you change to Zhu Rong, you will not do this.

Zhu Rong’s coming here today seems to be just a look, and then he has handled the materials for the punishment day. As for whether there is any problem with the material, it is not important.

Because Zhu Rong has already shot, he should not let go of the mistakes of the past.

This head should not have any problems!

"Oh, unfortunately, you are so careful to die," Zhu Rong sighed.

The penalty day is a sneer, "Don't think that it has nothing to do with you. Whoever lives and who lives is really hard to say!"

Hearing words, Zhu Rong was silent for a moment, and finally said: "So, this is not to stop sleeping!"

"Okay, this power is almost the same. After all, it only comes from a stone. It seems that I can't see the last good show. I wish you good luck!"

After saying that Zhu Rong will no longer look at the punishment day, or look at Lin Yixue, the look is slightly complicated.

He was quite depressed. "It was just a glimpse of the excitement, but I didn't want to make a coincidence. It turned out to be this human gimmick. Although it is beautiful, it is really a bit uncomfortable."

"But forget it, I am a ancestors, and I am not going to compete with such a little girl. If this power is given to her, give it to her."

"I hope that in the future, she will not stand on my opposite side, otherwise I will be a little shameful."

Zhu Rong said, but it is a turn of the word. "But some people are happy and worried. My unintentional move can help people, but it can also hurt people. This is a change."

After that, the flame slowly disappeared, and the eyes of Zhu Rong lost their light.

What Zhu Rong said, Qin Qi and others did not understand, but his existence, saying a few words that others can not understand, is not a strange thing.

The appearance of this wishfulness is completely unexpected, and it is impossible to predict this situation even if it is a criminal day.

Of course, only Zhu Rong’s existence can bring his will to this place at this time. I have to say that the ancestors are indeed powerful!

What makes people laugh and laugh is that Zhu Rong has indirectly contributed to the transformation of Lin Yixue.

Originally, Lin Yixue was the most difficult one. Now she has completed the transformation faster than Hongnan, and her transformation is very thorough. She even surpassed Lin Bijun and the half-orcs, and got the second order like the green scales. Xianli!

I have to say that this is her creation, it is really too strong gas, the block can not stop!

In this way, four of the five people have turned into metamorphosis, and there are prismatic bodies, and their transformation will not be affected.

No accident, every one can succeed, and then become stronger than ever, truly turning this crisis into an opportunity! But there is still one person.

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