God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3144: How strong is it?

"Come, I will give you another chance. Do you really want to fight with me?" Qin Qi smiled slightly.

His body is indeed not as tall as Yu Wen, but at the moment, the blood of the corpse is constantly surging, and the shock of the heavens is so low that the gods are short.

The fierceness of Yu Wen’s battle, the horrible warfare that was honed in the road of war.

This moment was completely suppressed.

Not being crushed by a powerful realm, but being directly suppressed in the same field!

Not convinced will not work!

"How is it possible!" Yu Wen battles suddenly changed.

How many battles can the people of the mother ship, how can they have such fierceness!

This is even a teenager in the land of chaos.

Only a few big cockroaches can have it!

However, the Qin Qi in front of it is actually powerful, and the realm may be able to deceive people, perhaps with strong potions, or seniors.

But this kind of breath that can only be possessed by countless times of escape can not be done.

Yu Wenzhan now understands that the guy in front of him is far stronger than he thought, and it is not the kind of chicken that is not good at fighting.

It is the existence of countless times living from the test of life and death.

Just like the warriors of their land!

However, in the face of such Qin Qi, Yu Wenzhan did not show the slightest comfort, but the war in the eyes was more intense.

Such an opponent is worthy of his full shot!

"I admit that I have looked down on you, but don't think that I can scare me. Who is strong and who is weak, I know when I have played!" Yu Wen warned coldly.

He has already put away all the scorns and treated Qin Qi as a big enemy.

This kind of squatting is everywhere and it feels like it can only be felt in the land of chaos.

Unexpectedly, the battle of the fairy king has not yet begun, and it will be able to face it.

Then come to the battle!

This Yuwen war is really a battle madman. It is no wonder that he can survive in the land of the chaos.

Not only did not die, but the strength was changed.

Such people, indeed, can not have fear, even if you know that Qin Qi is extremely strong, you have to fight.

It is not a big deal for him to be weak and strong.

Since the other party is so eager to fight, then Qin Qi did not give him the opportunity.

"You play, I go to see the bone." Second, she has a strong fighting power, but she does not have much interest in fighting.

It is better to look at the spine of the king snake.

"Come on," Qin Qi smiled lightly.

Standing with a hand, there is no action.

Yu Wen war looked at Qin Qi, and looked at the red Nan children around Qin Qi, his eyes were cold.

"Let this woman walk away, otherwise, I don't care what the consequences are!"

Hong Naner smiled, just standing on the side and not leaving.

"You are the shot", Qin Qidao.

"Okay, very good!" Yu Wenzhan was furious, Qin Qi did not put him in his eyes at all.

I feel that while dealing with him, I can still protect Hongnan?


Yu Wen screamed with anger, and the fairy power on his body was like a tornado.

He pressed his hand forward, like a demon glare, and a palm pressed down like a mountain.


The strength of the complete five-gas-to-yuan level, look like this, is the first to connect the lungs!

The enhancement is the attack power, it is unparalleled!

The blow, the onlookers on the scene could not help but exclaim.

It is worthwhile to come back from the land of chaos, this shot is terrible, direct horizontal pressure, full of power!

Under this circumstance, I am afraid that the guy who is the first qi of the ordinary five-dimensional dynasty will not be able to catch it.

It is too strong and strong!

This is the style of the road of war, sweeping the front!

Just facing such an attack, Qin Qilian did not lift his eyelids, just stretched out a hand and moved forward.

A loud bang rang and the ground shook a little.

The powerful fairy force spurred out, and it was extremely fierce.

However, the attack of Yu Wen warfare was very loud and not fancy, but it was impossible to go half a minute!

Just like a child wants to push a boulder, even if he uses all his strength, he still can't shake it.

There is a feeling of abrupt end.

Yu Wen wars his eyes.

He did not expect Qin Qi to be so strong to this point!

However, this is not over yet!

"God three, cross-pressure!"

Yu Wenzhan screamed, and the celestial force on his body suddenly became even more terrible. It was still the kind of gesture that swept everything!

Moreover, it is more powerful.

There is a taste of everything!

Such a power can be shocked out, it is indeed terrible, let alone the spur of the force, that is, the waves are rolling, not ordinary Luo Jinxian can resist!

This kind of power, even if it is Qin Qi, it is impossible to deal with it easily!

However, Qin Qi’s hand was only once again shocked, just like a mountain suppressing the world, it could not shake!

Kunlun is the top, the gods are easy!

Yu Wen war broke again.


The second type of magical magic is to turn its own power into a frenzy, and it will continue to impact, and every impact will be superimposed!

If the two styles come together, even if they are the strongest of the five gas dynasty, they must pay attention!

I dare not respond easily.


A few bursts of sound, but the frenzy of the waves, the power is constantly superimposed, more and more amazing!

Even the world is discolored, and there is a vision of the gods and dances!

In this way, you can always force more power from Qin Qi!

Everyone is shaking their hearts, and at the same time staring at Qin Qi, want to see how Qin Qi should respond.

Just, nothing has changed.

Qin Qi is in front of him, just like cutting off the heavens and the earth, Yu Wenzhan constantly strengthens the attack, and can't affect him!

"Is this the case?" Yu Wenzhan smiled.

He now understands that he can't beat Qin Qi.

However, he will not give up on this, even if he knows that he will lose, it will break out!

The third type of magical magic, anti-corruption!

This is the strongest force in Yu Wenzhan.

Exercising, the demon roars the heavens and the earth, the tyrannical fairy force begins to sweep up and sweep the world, is a state of rebellion!

With a powerful and unrivalled force, it will reverse everything!

Qin Qi and Hong Naner were instantly enveloped by this force, and the terrible fluctuations of Xianli were chilling.

Those who are not good at fighting, even at this moment, have pale face, all over the body, and even standing is difficult!

The fierceness of Yu Wenzhan can be seen!

In the face of this move, even if it is the strongest of the five gas dynasty, it must also be true.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it is necessary to turn over the ship in the gutter!

"Give me a burst!" Yu Wenzhan screamed.

He was violently violent, his blood vessels were distinct, and he was obviously under tremendous pressure.

And the rebellious fairy power, when his voice fell, suddenly tightened, and then burst open!

The whole platform is swaying, and the power that swept out of it has turned people up.

If the non-overloaded Xianli activates the array of this place, blocking nearly half of the power, while the onlookers are far enough away, I am afraid, it is a serious death and injury!

The so-called onlookers are almost like this.

Of course, Yu Wen war will not care about these.

The people who have the lingering fears have no time to go to the unscrupulous fighting style of Yu Wenzhan. They have looked at Qin Qi.

They want to know how Qin Qi is.

It should not be defeated.

But at least, it’s impossible to be as calm as before!

Xianli spread out and revealed the people among them.

Qin Qi and Hong Naner, still standing there, minute movements.


Still innocent!

Don't say that it hurts Qin Qi, it is the clothes corner of Hong Naner, and there is no slight fold!

The whole audience is the sound of sucking in the air. How strong is this Qin Qi?

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