God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3146: Dijiang

"Sikong Tuo?"

"Hey, when the grip of the evil spirit came out with such a character, lighting up the elbow, it is really a great prestige!"

On the top of the fairy kingdom, inside a palace, several high-ranking merchants gathered together.

They are all sneer.

"It seems that in order to kill Qin Qi, the grip of the evil energy is not only the blood, but even the face is not!" Lin Wangnan snorted.

Outsiders don't know, but the real top is understandable. This is not a young generation.

The ten mother ships, the information penetration between them is very strong, and the level of the strong power of the sinister grip is roughly the same. Everyone has a number.

Sikong Leopard is definitely the core genius, the most talented column.

But even the Sikong Leopard, I am afraid there is no such expressive power.

And the spine is only a test of Xianli, not the appearance of real power.

That Sikongtuo, apparently powerful, at the same time, the combat power is even more amazing, it is much stronger than the performance of the eleven bones!

This level, the fifth gas, the fourth gas, may even be the fifth gas.

Younger generations, under the millennium, no one can reach this level except for Qin Qi.

Can only be the strong of the older generation.

"The grip of evil spirits does not make such a thing, but their means are indeed brilliant. On the surface, it is indeed rejuvenation. No one can see anything." Another humanity.

"Does this let him enter the battle of the fairy king? This is not a joke!" Lin Wangnan angered.

"Otherwise, the battle of the fairy king has its own rules, no matter which old man he is, but now, he is a younger generation, is eligible." Lin Zuo near faint.

"Oh, it seems that you are looking forward to killing Qin Qi with the grip of evil spirits!" Lin Wangnan's eyes are cold.

Lin Zuojin didn't care, but said: "Qin Qi does have great potential, but I don't have to rush to protect him."

"In fact, he did not know that you are not here this time. Since he has his own considerations, what is the battle of the King of the Kings?"

Everyone heard the words, they all changed slightly.

The attitude of Qin Qi is obviously not to have a deep relationship with the merchants.

"Wangnan, what is Qin Qi's attitude?" On the first seat, a majestic phantom asked.

He is the captain of the merchant world, the first person under the great wise.

The relationship between Qin Qi and the merchants of the world should be furthered. Nowadays, this situation is rather alienated. This is naturally not what the merchants want to see.

Lin Wangnan showed a few minutes.

After Qin Qi appeared in Xianwangtai, the news came to the merchants world in an instant, and there was a lot of natural discussion.

Lin Wangnan asked Lin Yixue, and the answer was unexpectedly scared.

Lin Yixue's mind can be seen, Qin Qi's attitude is also clear, so it is better not to see.

But this is not Qin Qi's intention to alienate, but rather to pay attention to Lin Yixue.

Just don't want to have a relationship between men and women.

"Falling flowers are intentionally flowing," Lin Wangnan smiled bitterly, and he naturally hoped to become a success.

But it can't be done, nothing.

"But as long as Cher is in the business, the merchants will never lose this friend!"

When you hear the words, everyone will know what you are in, and at the same time, there are some mistakes.

I did not expect Qin Qi to have such a side.

If you change them, you will be caught by this kind of thing!

Moreover, Lin Yixue and other women, Tianzi National Color does not say, now is the core of the merchants of the world.

Not even!

It is also admirable!

However, there is such an answer is enough, as for the grip of the evil spirits.

"For the time being, let's go with the flow. If Qin Qi can win, it doesn't matter, but if it loses, we need to guarantee his life!" said the captain.

The plan has been fixed, and there is nothing to object to it.

Even Lin Zuojin is only looking at the development of the situation.

For the cultivation of the genius of the younger generation, Lin Wangnan has far surpassed him. Lin Chenxi was dazzling before, but now, it is only Lin Yixue's foil.

In the future, if you can keep the fire of the pale, you have to say two things.

Lin Zuojin is no longer hopeful.

However, these are just follow the traditional promotion of newcomers, and they will be defeated, nothing.

His own strength is the most important thing!

The excitement above the Xianwangtai continues, and the geniuses of all walks of life continue to gather, but the most dazzling, almost all have already been exposed.

The eleven bones are the limit of this time, creating history and being shocking.

Undoubtedly, this battle of the King of the Kings is a long battle, and Qin Qi, who has been infinitely optimistic, no longer has an absolute advantage.

Now, it is to see the appearance of Qin Qi, light up the spine.

Until the last day, Qin Qi finally appeared.

"Almost?" Qin Qi asked.

No. 2 nodded, "It is already full. If there is any arrangement, then after you light up the spine, it will react."

"It is necessary to see what it is!" Qin Qi smiled slightly.

Now, he went to the high platform and came to the spine.

Above the square, everyone is paying attention, the big man in the dark, or betting on the spot, or looking at the projection of Xianli Radar.

Everyone knows that Qin Qi’s performance must be amazing, but it can’t be more than eleven bones, but it’s not known.

"The snake, the ability of space, can not be the ghost of the emperor", Qin Qi stood in front of the spine, thinking in his heart.

Many possibilities, these days Qin Qi has already thought about it, but now it is no longer necessary to consider those.

At the moment, Qin Qi shakes Kunlun Xianli and directly injects into the spine.

For a time, the audience was quiet, all looking at the changes in the spine.

Just, no change!

The ordinary genius, Xianli injected into the spine, almost all can light a bone.

Not to mention Qin Qi?

Yes, there is still no response.

But after a few breaths, there is still no change.

For a time, they are all noisy and don't understand what is going on!

Qin Qi, Xianli is extremely strong, and the previous crushing of Yuwen war has proved this.

How can it not even light a bone?

Even those big men, and even the strongest of the three flowers at the top level, are all Emei at the moment.

This is a situation that has never been seen before.

Only the captain of the merchant world, the scorpion flashed a little, is looking forward to what.

There are many outside discussions, so it is unknown.

But Qin Qi himself is completely different.

His fairy power is connected to the spine, like a cannonball filled with gunpowder lit up.

The power that has been accumulated for a long time has exploded all of a sudden.

It is the flame of Xianli, layered, like infinite, gorgeous.

Senro, including the universe.

All the powerful powers that have been injected into the spine in the past few years have all appeared.

The scenery is incredibly spectacular, unprecedented!

You must know that none of these Xianli can be weak, all of them are left by the genius.

Just, what's next?

Qin Qi squinted and looked at the countless fairy powers burning like fire, just like there is something in Nirvana!

World snake!

Qin Qi’s hole shrinks, and he sees the figure of the bounded snake among the flames of Xianli!

But is this really a snake?

Its shape is slowly changing, it is no longer a snake!

Such as the yellow sac, red as the fire, six feet and four wings, London no face!

This, this is not the emperor?

Qin Qi took a deep breath and suddenly turned back.

He felt the gaze he felt when he came over the first day. This time, it was especially strong, as if he could see it back.

"Dijiang", Qin Qi looked at the person behind him and spit out two words. Dijiang, standing behind him!

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