God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3149: God Magic King

Yu Wen’s defeat has been fixed.

Even if Si Qiaotuo keeps his hands, he only ruined his half of the liver. However, in the current state of Yuwen, even Sikongtuo does not need to continue to shoot. The power of his own body will save him!

Yu Wenzhan retired a few steps, the blood poured out, his face was already pale, but his eyes, but nothing changed.

The power in him is constantly violent and raging in his body.

No external force is needed. He is already like a soap bubble at the moment. It is extremely fragile. If it is not good, he will burst open.

"If you go on like this, you will die, and return to my grip of evil spirits. I can help you survive!"

"This is no harm to you, but what do you have to insist on?" Sikongtuo said lightly.

In his view, Yuwen warfare is really stupid. At this time, what are you still insisting on?

Nature is the most important thing to survive!

"You are coming for Qin Qi?" Yu Wen battle forced the riots of the body's power, hoarse.

Si Kongtuo has a slight glimpse.

I did not expect Yu Wenzhan to ask this question.

"I did come to kill him," Sikong Tuo.

"Then you must not kill him!" Yu Wen war sneered, revealing a bit of ridicule.

"What do you say?" Sikongtuo's eyes smashed, and it was extremely dangerous.

"If Qin Qi will understand, people like me may be afraid of life and death. If so, I can't stand this position!"

"And he and I are the same kind of people, we are seeking, is to die and then born!" Yu Wen battle cold channel.

“Is it?” Sikongtuo sneered. “Since you don’t know each other, then die here!”

"After birth?"

"Where is the birth?"

Sikongtuo looks indifferent, since Yuwen war does not know how to live and die, then he will be perfect!

He would like to see how Yu Wenzhan died and died!

This joke, he will puncture again in Qin Qi, now, just an appetizer!

Si Kongtuo reached into the claws, and the evil spirits on the claws directly covered the entire platform.

Yu Wen war, even hiding can not hide!

In addition to surrender!

However, he did not choose to surrender, but instead urged all the forces in the body, regardless of the balance, whether or not it will explode and die, and all the kills to Sikongtuo!


A loud bang, the power of violent raging, and the big bursts were shaking.

Everyone is staring and wants to know the result.

Even if most people already know, in this case, Yuwen warfare has almost no chance of surviving.

"I want to live? Only the grip of the evil can make you live, but unfortunately you have chosen the wrong one." Sikongtuo is indifferent.

The choice of Yu Wenzhan can only be a dead end.

Si Kongtuo took the lead and he looked at the field and watched Qin Qi, who was watching the game.

The next one is Qin Qi.

How can a guy who has a huge humiliation of the sinister's grip be allowed to continue to live in the world!

I thought that if I participated in the Battle of Xianwang, I could avoid the killing.

It is naive!

"The boring battle, I hope that the next game will be a confrontation with Qin Qi, and I will be able to go back as soon as possible." Sikongtuo faintly said.

Such a fight is really boring for him.

The horrible energy is spreading, no longer raging, and Sikongtuo knows that Yuwen war has been annihilated and does not need to be seen.

"what is this?"

But someone was exclaimed at the show.

Amazed at the **** black scorpion on the ring!

Immediately, the scorpion moved, and one arm broke out directly!

This arm is very strong, the muscles are bulging, and the top is full of runes, and the spirit of the gods sweeps the audience!

Just like the valley gods are born again.

The next moment, the scorpion was directly propped up, bursting on the spot, and Yu Wenzhan, like the demon of the gods!

"What!" Sikong Tuo 瞳 hole 狠狠 shrinks.

Yu Wenzhan, actually did not die.

As he said, he was born and died.

"Through the attack of Sikongtuo, the forces of chaos in the body have been reorganized in one breath. Not only have they survived successfully, but they have also absorbed the power!"

"This is the whole picture of his creation!" Qin Qi smiled.

Yu Wenzhan is somewhat similar to him in this respect.

In desperation, seek hope!

Yu Wenzhan’s soaring body slowly returned to normal, but the runes on his body did not disappear.

Everything is mysterious and powerful!

"God Magic King!"

Si Kongtuo's eyes were picked up, and there was speculation before, but the power of Yu Wenzhan is not yet profound, and it is difficult to judge.

But now it seems that I am afraid that it was once the **** of the gods!

One of the kings, the name refers to the existence of the second flower of the three flowers, it is the horrible guy!

Once, there was such a dangerous person in the land of chaos. In his active years, the death rate of the land of chaos was much more than it is now.

The blood of the corpse is arguably common!

The chaotic beastmaster who died in his hands, has one hand!

However, later, he fell into the hands of a chaotic beast, the bones are gone, only legend has his inheritance to stay in the land of chaos, but no one has ever been.

Now it seems that it has been won by Yuwen!

However, the previous Yuwen war did not grasp the essence at all, until now, I really got the power!

For a time, the audience cheered.

And some of the older generation's strongmen are taking a deep breath and feeling the power of the gods and gods in Yuwen's battle, and can't help but admire!

"Liver, recovered!" Yu Wen battle stared at Sikongtuo, indifferent, "and, already connected!"

Five gas Chaoyuan, the second gas!

"And, spleen!"

Five gas Chaoyuan, the third gas!

I got the fairy power left by the **** magic fairy king, Yu Wen battle and Jin Jin, and the choice is the resilience and defense!

He wants to fight again with Sikongtuo!

Si Kongtuo smiled and he reached out and applauded.

"Yes, really good!"

"You have borrowed the power of me to successfully master the power of the gods, and I have to say that it is beyond my expectations!"

"So now, I will ask you once again, join my grip of evil spirits, how?"

"We can help you become the second **** of the gods, even the gods and gods!" Sikongtuo slowed down.

By now, he is still drawing.

"I refuse!" Yu Wen battle indifferent.

Si Kongtuo sighed and his eyes chilled.

"That's a pity. I don't know if this time, can you still die and die?" Sikongtuo smiled.

Even in the face of the complete mastery of the inheritance of the gods and magic kings, and the realm reached the fifth gas of the five gas Chaoyuan Yuwen war.

Sikongtuo is still calm.

It seems that such power is still not enough in front of him!

"Try to know!" Yu Wen battle cold drink, the body rune lights up, immediately shot!


More than a few times stronger than before, the power of terror is shocked, and the void must be broken, as if the demon is roaring against the sky!

The power of the giant, can be clearly felt outside the ring.

Although this Yuwen war is new, it is no worse than the old guy who has been immersed in the third millennium!

It’s just Sikongtuo, just a cold cry, and the evil power of the body suddenly surged.

The void is like a moment of cohesion.

Everyone is discolored.

This power. The second order of Xianli?

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