God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3158: Sword repair of Thousand Swords Throne

"Thank you in front of the door," Qin Qi whispered, and did not understand the meaning.

What the great wise man thinks, Qin Qi can understand that the supreme sword between the lines is almost rushed through the paper.

The sword is on the other side, and it’s really aspirational!

But the content written by the latecomers, Qin Qi can not understand.

Thank you in front of the door.

Is it the front of the other side?

Is it ridiculing the great wise, or is it otherwise pointed out?

"The Wei Li left on these words does not seem to be a Kendo Power. Isn't it the person who is the throne of the Thousand Swords?" Qin Qi was puzzled.

Then Qin Qi carefully examined the entire note and found that there was nothing special.

In this way, you can only give up.

Qin Qi spent a few days here, saw a lot of things, had the power to understand, and also knew some secrets that the outside world could never know.

Help is not small.

Then, on the ninth floor.

The ninth floor, the sword is so shocking, criss-crossing, not so much the top of the thousand swords, it is better to say that it is a prison.

There is a lock on the Thousand Sword Throne that does not want to make it a thing of the world.

Qin Qi boarded here, killing and smashing the sword, protecting himself, and entering the eyes, it is surrounded by four transparent square pillars.

"The heart of Chaos Beastmaster!" Qin Qi whispered.

One of the transparent square pillars, which contains a heart inside, is still beating vigorously today!

It’s amazing that it’s the power of the beastmaster.

Maybe, let it go to the outside world, it can be reborn again!

No wonder you need to be held here.

"But compared to the level of the holy beast, it is still a poor one." Qin Qi whispered.

The power of this heart is similar to the spine on the stage of the fairy king. The chaotic beast is still not as good as the holy beast.

As for the other three transparent stone pillars, there are sword body fragments, as well as mysterious crystals, exuding the supreme power.

And there is one, it is a box.

Inside, it should be the dungeon debris.

Qin Qi took it out, and sure enough, it was the same as the piece of debris that the goddess gave him.

The rules can be perfectly matched, but the key fragments are not fake.

And this is the biggest purpose of Qin Qi's trip.

There are two pieces left, one in the ancient times, one in the endless chaos of the sea, want to get together, it is not so simple.

In this way, Qin Qi left the Qian Jiange.

At the moment of the cabinet, Qin Qi felt the sword, and outside, countless swords were built here, like a sword, sharp and unparalleled!

Moreover, they are all old people, or disabled, and their life is unstable!

Qin Qi blinked and said: "What kind of battle is this?"

"Qin Qi, are you going to the sword?" In the sword repair, an old man spoke.

He is very old, but the realm is not top, but the first thing.

It is worse than the Yijian.

And on his body, the breath is decaying, life is coming to an end, and it won't last long.

But even so, the smell of his body is still very sharp, like a sword, not to see the slightest setback!

"Yes," Qin Qi nodded.

"The sword is the will of our kendo, and it is the ultimate return of every sword of the throne!"

"Sacred, inviolable!"

Qin Qi raised his eyebrows and said: "What are you going to do?"

"Want to go to the sword, step on us!" The old man sighed, and his voice was like a sword!

Qin Qi Emei.

He does not want to kill.

"We are old, and we will soon reach the end of our lives. However, we will wait for the sword to die, and we should die in the duel!"

The other guy with only half of the body left, nodded, coldly said: "Yes, we have sword repair, if it is safe to die in the homeland, it is a shame!"

"Let's go on, we are not qualified to enter the sword!"

"So, today!"

"If you want to go to the sword, you will cross us. If you go in, take our sword and go in together!"

Listening to these people's words, watching this group of old, weak and sick, they survived on the battlefield, but they have no strength to continue to return to the battlefield.

They can only die in this homeland.

This is not what they want.

For other mother ships, it may be possible to return to their homeland and die in their homeland.

But the sword is different.

They just want to go to the end on the kendo.

Death, you should also die in the battlefield, after death, after the last sword of all efforts!

Old die?

Sick and die?

What a joke!

Such a sword is already blunt, and what qualifications are there to enter the swords of the ancestors of the heroes?

They are ashamed.

Because the rest of my life has no hope of dying like a sword.

They were allowed to insert the accessories into the sword after they died, but they did nothing to do so.

But they want to get this glory that belongs to the sword of the Thousand Swords!

And now, this opportunity is in sight!

Qin Qi wants to go to the sword, it is the provocation of the throne of the thousand swords, they are in front, with swords against the sword!

It is the perfect return!

Even on a certain level, the Thousand Swords Throne acquiesced in this situation.

For Qin Qi, there are many voices inside the throne of the Thousand Swords, and ultimately they can't make up their minds.

In this case, it is better to let these old guys do this!

Qin Qi is silent.

But the will of these old, weak, and sick, he can clearly perceive.

The same person who is a kendo, he knows that these people are coming to die today.

But ask for a death!

"Okay, I am fulfilling you!" Qin Qi took a deep breath and slowly said.

The old, weak, sick and sick eyes suddenly brightened.

They are afraid that Qin Qi will stop here!

So, exactly what they ask for.

From the moment they started holding the sword, they were destined to die under the sword!

In this way, you can enter the sword!

Do not humiliate the ancestors heroes!


The old and the weak shouted, as if they were young again, as if the body was again sound, as if there was no pain in the solution, all disappeared!

They all have swords and shake the last force among the wrecks!

The sword starts!

Heavenly sword net!

Blood, sweeping all directions.

Qin Qi stepped forward and killed the kendo.

Every sword can kill the enemy!

For a time, it became the cruelest battlefield, and the death of one side fell red.

But at the same time, here is also the most awkward kendo, numerous swords, countless powerful kendo, bloom here!

Even if there is only a shortfall.

But they are all so powerful!

Qin Qi constantly out of the sword, naturally there is no pleasure to kill the enemy, but it is in the completion of these sword repair!

For them, life should end like this!

At the same time, Qin Qi also saw this endless sword, and Yi Jian stood there quietly.

He stood in countless old and weak, watching their servants and followers, and igniting the fire of kendo with the last strength!

"Ijian, see clearly, this is the old man's sword!"

"Kid, have you seen it, this is my sword!"

"See clearly!"

"See it, the meaning of this sword!"

Yi Jian no expression, watching this scene, his sword is slowly growing!

The Thousand Sword Throne is to take the opportunity to let Yi Jian, go further! ""

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