God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3180: Leaving the dungeon

Ancient unparalleled.

For this person, the Lord of the Last Day is extremely hateful, because without him, the Lord of the Last will never fall to this point.

But at the same time, for the ancient unparalleled, he is also very admired.

Or to say, I have to take it.

Because the ancient unparalleled is too powerful, it is the crown of the ancient and the present, no one in the chaotic family can be right!

Since he brought Qin Qi here, he would not have imagined that Qin Qi could open the second floor of this stone platform.

The second layer is opened, and the history of dust seals will surely reappear on earth.

This kind of thing can never show people, but it appears. Naturally, it has its necessity.

The ancient unparalleled choice is Qin Qi.

It seems that the ancient Wushuang is intended to use this as a rocker to shake the world.

It’s just that the unparalleled choice of the ancients is not too risky.

The Lord of the Doom will also be involved.

This is undoubtedly a variable.

Or to say, the ancient unparalleled does not care about this point, do not think that the Lord of the End can change?

The Lord of the Last Day snorted.

However, perhaps this time, it is the unparalleled arrogance.

As the world's first, the ancient unparalleled nature can be arrogant, but I do not know why, the Lord of the Dooms feels that choosing Qin Qi will be the biggest mistake of the ancient unparalleled!

Even, this is just a feeling of no reason.

The Lord of the Last Day does not know what the ancient unparalleled and the emperor wants to do, so there is no way to judge what he should do. After all, it is possible that what he has done is in the calculation of the other side.

Instead of holding hands, it is better to continue as you want.

Even if you are in the game.

Break the game!

The mind of the last day is not calm, but it will not reveal the points.

Just Qin Qi, still aware of it.

“Presidents know?” Qin Qi said.

The Lord of the Last Day is just silent.

Qin Qi nodded, since the other party is not willing to say, then he will not continue to ask, but it seems that this ancient fairy festival is indeed very unusual!

"Is there a connection with the sacrifice of the ancient fairy that Dijiang once left?" Qin Qi thought.

He is going to give it a try.

But still hold back.

He instinctively felt that this should not be displayed in front of anyone, let alone the Lord of the Last Day!

The sacrifice of the ancient fairy is collected.

The Lord of the Last Day did not stop.

He understands that robbing now does not make any sense, but may put himself in danger.

He still has things that have not been done.

Wait until he goes any further.

He has the capital and the unparalleled wrist!

The stone platform created by the ancient stone of the heavens is not closed. It seems that under this second layer, there is something sealed.

But there is no blood line to condense new keys.

Obviously, Qin Qi’s blood can only go to this step.

Perhaps Qin Qi’s blood is not strong enough, but it does not fit the standard for opening the third floor.

Maybe, you need a specific blood.

"There should be nothing else?" Zhao Sheng took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

"Go," the Lord of the Last Day is faint.

Qin Qi has no objection.

The three left the palace.

Immediately, the palace shook, and there was a huge whirlpool behind it, swallowing the entire palace!

It disappeared without a trace!


Directly out of the dungeon?

"Look, there is something left!" Zhao Sheng whispered.

After the vortex swallowed the palace, it quickly shrank, but it did not disappear.

Instead, a square alloy block is left, and above the alloy block, there is a keyhole!

This is the lock of the dungeon. After opening, the dungeon will open!

"Let's go, it's time to leave," Qin Qidao.

The three returned from Gao Tian and re-entered the sin mountain.

Next, Qin Qi will leave with Hong Naner, gather the innocent people in the dungeon, and then take them away.

As for the big sinners, Qin Qi will not let them have the opportunity to leave.

If anyone wants to be strong, it is to give Qin Qi experience.

Going back to the cave, the evil spirit is talking with Hong Naner.

Of course, it is said that it is a talk, it is more like a sinful demon in the aspect of instilling some knowledge.

And Hongnan children, pretty face red, see Qin Qi they come back, it is the whole person to jump up, let the evil spirits do not continue.

The evil spirits giggled and looked at Qin Qi with a look. "The slaves taught the little sister a lot of knowledge. If you don't come back, I will start teaching."

Qin Qi’s eyes trembled, isn’t that to give Hong Nan’s guidance on the strength of the Virgin?

How do you think about this, but also taught a lot of things?

"Are you alright?" Qin Qi coughed and asked.

"Still, there are still some gains," Hongnan said, but can not tell which harvest, cheeks reddish.

Qin Qi no longer asks, but leaves with red Nan.

Knowing that it was to gather some innocent people, Hong Naner quickly adjusted his mood and walked with Qin Qi.

The dungeon is huge, but both of them are means of the heavens. It took two days to gather the sinful descendants.

They are only born in the dungeon, do not do evil, but they must be imprisoned forever, not free.

The world is too unfair to them.

And Hong Naner, the wish of life is to change all this, so that they can leave this prison.

Everything is ready, just insert the key into the keyhole and the dungeon can be turned on.

Among the sinners, only Zhao Sheng and the evil spirits can leave, and the rest of the people, Qin Qi will not give opportunities.

"But we have gone this way. In a few years, the new poor people will be born again."

Qin Qi nodded, it seems that some means should be left, and the power of sinners is not allowed to offend the mountain!

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, I will cook it," but it is the indifference of the Lord of the Last Day.

Qin Qi looked at him and had some doubts.

“Predecessors don’t leave together?”

"No, the palace is gone, you have opened a dungeon again, this place, can't stop me," the Lord of the Last Day faded.

On him, the vision of the doomsday is coming back and forth, overlapping, giving a very dangerous feeling.

When he heard his words, Qin Qi’s heart was slightly shocked.

Obviously, the Lord of the Last Day has something to ask for in this dungeon. That should be a very amazing thing.

However, Qin Qi does not intend to explore.

The purpose of his coming here has been reached, and there is no need to have anything to do with the Lord of the Last Day.

This is a very dangerous guy, the great wise man does not dare to let him relax.

Although Qin Qi is strong today, it is not yet able to resist it.

Still, don't go along as well.

In this way, Qin Qi opened the Tianzhu, with the innocent people, and Zhao Sheng and the evil spirits, and quickly left.

Has disappeared in the dungeon.

The Lord of the Dooms is independent of the sky, and the chain of law extends from the sin mountain to trap him.

Just this time, it seems to be a little hard work.

Between the rings of the ropes, they are making abnormal noises, as if they are going to be broken, they have reached the limit!

A round of black days appeared.

That is the end.

Under the last days, the earth of Jiaozuo continues to expand and flock to the rest of the world!

This is scorched earth!

The doomsday earth, at this moment, really came, shrouded the entire dungeon!

"Tangjie is a sacrifice to open the way!"

The Lord of the Last Day gave a low drink.

Dungeon, attracting the end! And this will become a further force for the Lord of the End!

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