God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 801: I surrender

Chapter 801 I admit defeat

"The performance of the performance, plus illusion, this Wu Qingqing, born in an invincible place!" Domain owner laughed.

"But the Nangong family did have a personal genius. To see the Nangong Yinxian in the end, the old man did not have no spare time to fight back. He just gave up. The result of this war can not explain the strength and weakness." One big shout.

The owner of the Nangong family smiled and humbly made a few words, but there was not much disappointment on the face, and it seemed very calm.

"Your brother can, in the end, is it going to move the strings? It won't be the string you used last time in the moon?" Qin Qi stood next to the Nangong dancer, he laughed.

Nangong Dancer was a little surprised. I didn't expect Qin Qi to see the strings, but then he took a look at Qin Qi and said, "I won't tell you, the guy who gloated!"

"Why do I have that kind of bad taste, although your brother said that he lost, but he also proved his strength, and Wu Qingqing, the guy, is not sure that your brother will not use the string, it can not be lucky." Qin Qi Road.

"I don't listen to me, I don't listen, my brother is the best!"

"You are still lucky for your brother, but fortunately he is not me, or I will flatten him in public."

"I bite you!" Nangong Dancer's face was fierce.

Qin Qi immediately shut up, did not dare to continue to play, and the battle over the Soviet side, almost to come to an end.

Xue Ning, the strongman from this battlefield, it is really strong. Qin Qi also has to admit that the other party’s combat skills are extremely deep and not weaker than him. Therefore, even if he masters the artifact and ancient Wu, he can only fall. Under the wind.

The battles along the way can be described as extremely exciting. The growth of Su Shi in these days has also been seen in the eyes. It can indeed be said that it is progressing rapidly, but it is difficult to make up for the gap between the two.

At this moment, Su dialect has been scarred, and although Xue Ning has been injured, but to tell the truth, this is normal for her in the battlefield, so she does not affect the combat power at all, but her war is even more intense.

"Saints, be careful!" Xue Ning avoided the words of the Soviet Union as a sword, and the huge sickle in his hand suddenly burned endless fire.

Thousands of troops broke, kill!

This is the battlefield martial arts, the blood of the killing of the air instantly rushed to the face, as if the thousands of troops and horses rushed to the rush, the momentum, enough to suppress people breathless, not to mention the momentum, is a strong knife.

This knife has brought out the style of the soldiers on the battlefield. The knife is still there, and the frontier is forever!

Without my knife.

This kind of momentum, the Su dialect has never been seen before, even if Qin Qi, the heart can not help but shock, this is the strong out of the army, and the great family and the masters of the Zongmen training is really The difference is too big.

If this style is not baptized by the battlefield, I am afraid that not many people can resist it.

"..." Qin Qi took a deep breath and dared not blink, staring at every move of Su.

Nangong Dancer is holding the arm of Qin Qi tightly, and the heart is also tense to the extreme.

Su said, it is obviously not willing to retreat.

"Desperately want to win, I promised him!" Su dialed his teeth, the starlight of the body was extremely embarrassed, she had already smashed out, the body's acupoints illuminate, and the power of the stars has inspired the ultimate.

The star-shaped nuclear fragments of the Moon Temple, which is derived from the temple, are like a star, and provide an endless stream of stars for the Su dialect.

"God sees the fairy!"

Moonlight bursts out, if the moon is flying, the power is strong, that is, Su’s own self is a weak, has been unstable, but the power of this sword, using the artifact to greatly enhance, even Xue Ning, can not resist .

"Unfortunately..." Qin Qi sighed.

Many strong people are also sighing.

The combat experience, after all, is far less than Xue Ning.

This shot is stronger, if it is not hit, what is the use?

Xue Ning avoided this sword, and her incomparably rich experience helped her to avoid a sword that was almost impossible to avoid.

Immediately, the defensive shield above the ring suddenly shattered, and it was unable to withstand the Shenyue Jianxian of Su.

"You lost, the saint!" Xue Ningdao, the broadsword, the thousand army easy to open!

Qin Qi intends to shoot, to stop this knife.

The four-like Ruo Zong’s referee has already opened his eyes. They will not allow the dead, and will save the Su dialect, but at that time, the Su dialect will be defeated.

Even when it comes to artifacts, even if it inherits the inheritance of the Moon Temple, it is still not as good as others.

The name of the three phoenixes is separated from Xue Ning, leaving Wu Qingqing, some far away.

Is it far?

"Hey!" It was a burst of flesh and blood, and the people who listened were shaking.

Su dialect, actually went one step ahead. When Xue Ning’s power had not reached the peak, he greeted him. His shoulders were directly opened, and the bright red blood soaked half of the white clothes.

The star nuclear debris, stuck in front of the blade, the body of Su’s words was not split in half by the sickle that killed the demon.

In the eyes of Su Shi, it was a decisive color. So the injury did not even scream, not to mention the saint who had never suffered from the moon, but the soldiers at the border could not do it.

"You!" Xue Ning apparently did not expect that Su will actually do so.

So desperate!

"I can't do the dodge of my sister. My fighting skills can't be compared with you, but I have to win this battle!" Su said, biting his teeth, his blood was faded, but the sword in her hand, the moonlight of the artifact, It has already been pointed to Xue Ning's throat.

The same scene as another battle.


Su Shi is not Wu Qingqing, she is already weak.

Xue Ning is not a Nangong law killer, she never keeps.

Therefore, the same sword is pointed at the throat, but Xue Ning will not admit defeat like the Nangong law.


This is what Xue Ning learned when he was six or seven years old.

However, after all, it is the moonlight of the artifact, not the sword of Wu Qingqing.

If Xue Ning is desperate at this moment, she may not be able to protect herself.

But her counterattack, Su Shi also must not resist.

Qin Qi feels that the heart has mentioned the eyes of the blind man. He looked at the half of the body that was soaked in blood by the blood. He suddenly regretted letting the words of the Soviet Union desperately.

This kind of comparison, what can be desperate, as long as he is strong enough, who will be afraid?

This is because of distressed and annoyed.

And, damn, why the opponent of Su is Xue Ning, this has long been used to the desperate battlefield woman!

"This battle, how is it a tie?" Qin Qisheng was afraid of their shots and quickly flew up to the ring. The powerful force shook out and both of them could not move.

"This..." The four-like Ruo Ruozong's referee was white-browed. It is obvious that Qin Qi did not conform to the rules.

However, at this time, the army also had a big opening, saying: "This war is so far, both of them are strong, no need to fight again!"

Obviously, the military is also afraid of Xue Jing's situation. This is the most optimistic military star in their army. Of course, they are not willing to have problems here.

"In this case, then..." The referee coughed twice and was about to announce that the two were tied.

But before him, Xue Ning spoke first. "I admit defeat."

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