Eighty-one hundred and seventy-seven chapters

"According to the rules of the alliance, the Huang Daolong Palace is only a member of the alliance. It cannot forcibly interfere in alliance affairs. If the alliance suspects that Qin Qi is guilty, naturally there will be a law enforcement elder who personally comes, and you are neither a law enforcement temple nor a real evidence. Only relying on the Huang Daolong Palace's prestige will have to take away Qin Qi, Yu Li does not meet! "The talent is high, not humble."

"Hey, it’s a nonsense. This is the right way. The alliance is led by my Huangdaolong Palace. We have to take away a sinner. Why do you have to go through the law enforcement hall? But you guys who don’t know where to come out, even question my Huang Daolong Palace. It’s a great courage. Do you want to go with Qin Qi?” Yao Zhi said coldly.

"The right way alliance has been established, and it is the responsibility of supporting the righteous road, and accepting the righteousness of people of insight in the world, then everyone should be restricted by the alliance law. If the Huang Daolong Palace can easily surpass, talk about the head of He Zhengdao?" Love to drink, such as the sound of the heavens, to the middle to the positive!

Yao Zhi is a little tired. He hates the temperament of his talents, the kind of temperament that is more pure and true.

"What do you think, Wei Weizheng is also you can comment, tell you, my Huang Daolong Palace represents the right way, if you dare to be against us, it is the evil demon, and even you will take it with you!"

"Today, Qin Qi must be taken away by us. If anyone among you is colluding with this sinner, you can stand up and try it!" Yao Zhi coldly, almost shameless.

It is said that everyone is daring to speak out, and that the child’s feelings are justified. In the face of absolute power, nothing is.

The genius is standing there, the body is as straight as a javelin, but in the heart, it is like a winter, a cold.

This is not the right way he has always believed in!

"Senior brother..." Jiang Xueting was extremely worried. She did not want to see the disappointment of her talents.

One of the three giants of the Zhengdao Alliance, known as the head of the right path, is the same as its disciples. It is undoubtedly a blow to talent.

That will be a denial of its own existence, how cruel.

"It’s a big tone, the Huang Daolong Palace, really good!" But it was a laughter, full of sarcasm, unscrupulous, and did not care that these people came from the Huang Daolong Palace.

"A big courage, who is it, stand up!" Yao Zhi's face changed, cold and cold.

"Miss Ben stood up, how, can you resist me?" Ye Yuexin appeared, and stood abruptly in the air.

"You are... Ye San?" Yao Zhi slammed his eyes.

Ye Jiasanjie, Miss Ye San, is now not a nameless generation, and the outstanding son who is far more famous than the other seven powers is the Huangdaolong Palace, which is also highly valued.

But even Ye San is not qualified enough.

"Miss Ye San, what are you doing, do you sing against me in the Huang Daolong Palace, or do you want to openly criticize the authority of the right-wing alliance?" After Yao Zhi, a woman was cold and cold.

This woman's name is Lu Yiyi, looks very beautiful, but unfortunately reveals a arrogant and mean, people are not happy.

"How about singing against you, as long as Miss is happy, what does Miss Ben dare to do?" Ye Yuexin smiled.

"Ye Yuexin, don't forget your identity, you represent the Black Lake Ye Family!" Lu Yiyi shouted. When he talked about two sentences, he wanted to pull the whole Ye Family, and his mind was very sinister.

"Miss Ben is just a child of Ye Family. It can't represent the whole Ye Family, but you are the same. Do you really think that you represent the Huang Daolong Palace, or even the right way alliance?" Ye Yuexin snorted.

"You!" Lu Yiyi gritted his teeth and was furious.

"Ye San, even if you come out today is useless, Qin Qi must be taken away by us. If you have to step in, then you have to bring back to the Huang Daolong Palace, and then your family will come to lead people!" Yao Zhi Indifferent.

"I don't have time, I can't let my older brother lead me. How do you see it?" Ye Yuexin narrowed his eyes and his body gradually became dangerous.

When I heard Ye Yuexin’s words, the people in the Huang Daolong Palace suddenly felt stagnation and their faces were hard to look.

Although they are not willing to admit it, they are really fearful from the heart.

Ye Yuexin's big brother, Ye Yigongzi, Ye Wuxin.

That is definitely a madman who dares to kill the Quartet in the Huang Daolong Palace!

After that incident, among the same generation of the world, I am afraid that few of them are opponents of Ye Yigong.

It is the older generation who can suppress him, but no one dares to kill him.

Yao Zhi and others are ugly, and it is difficult to answer at a time, but the old man in the car will not be easily shocked. Immediately, the old voice will ring again, which is unquestionable.

"This matter cannot be changed. If the Ye family's Taoist friends are willing to come to my Huangdaolong Palace to be a guest, I will naturally welcome it, but Qin Qi's sin is not a crime, and no one wants to defend him. So is the Black Lake Ye Family!"

This is the attitude of the Huang Daolong Palace. In this case, they will not have any concessions!

When I heard this voice, Yao Zhi and others suddenly got a sigh of relief and couldn't help but pick up a smug smile.

Ye Yuexin, his eyes are rising, but it is also somewhat powerless.

She is stronger, and it is impossible to compare with the old man in the van. She told Qin Qi that the worst situation still happened.

The Huang Daolong Palace is obviously completely out of the face for the body of the Dragon.

However, with the importance of the body of the dragon vein, it is not impossible for Huang Daolong Palace to do this step.

"Hey, your sterling dragon palace is so strong, openly violating the system of the right way alliance, is it because he is really sinful, or the existence of the body of the dragon vein threatens the body of the dragon god, so you want to remove him as soon as possible? Ye Yue hearted his teeth and shouted.

These words should not be for her, because the impact is too great, but now there is no choice.

Qin Qi heard the words, his face suddenly changed, and Ye Yuexin said such a thing, it was an extremely dangerous accusation against the Huang Daolong Palace, and the Huang Daolong Palace would never give up.

"It’s ridiculous, Ye Yuexin, you know what you are talking about. You are questioning my Huang Daolong Palace. Even if you are the daughter of Ye Family, you must pay a heavy price if you say such a thing!"

"My ecliptic palace, which has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, has always been the head of the right path. It has helped the world, the outside against the demon, the internal pressure, and without my ecliptic palace, there is no human race today!"

"Ye Yuexin, you know that this sentence is extremely vicious and filthy. You are questioning the heart of the guardianship of the Huang Daolong Palace!" The voice of the old man was like a thunder, shaking the whole world.

The impassioned words resounded through the sky, so it’s so stunned!

"Sure enough, I have completely shameless. This old guy has lived for so many years. Ye Yuexin said that he is not his own. It seems that for the present, he has only escaped!" Qin Qi looked at all this, and his heart was full of mockery.

However, when Qin Qi wanted to use the shadow of the shadow sword, he saw Ye Yuexin shook his head at him.

Ye Yue heart gritted his teeth, not pleasing to the extreme, but not good.

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