God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 836: Ground palace

Eighty-three thirty-sixth chapter

Along the way, Qin Qi naturally did not want to disturb anyone, hiding the breath, and went all the way to the depths of the wind house.

This courtyard is the place where the core members of the Feng family live. The elders of the family and the family are living here. But for some reason, here is the array of methods, and most of them are magic arrays.

It is reasonable to say that such a core area, there are many things to guard against the law is not a strange thing, this place is the family's key protection, how strict is not excessive.

But in general, the array method should be based on defensive bursts. How can the illusion be the first?

Do you want to hide something?

Qin Qi’s flash of light, regardless of what happened, went in and saw it.

This array of methods is numerous and one has a heavy connection. Obviously, this style of the Master is still good, but for Qin Qi, it is not difficult to break through, just because it can't be sounded, so the speed will be slower.

After spending half a day, Qin Qi finally used this to break into the core courtyard, but when he first entered, Qin Qi felt a sinister sin, and what he saw was a piece of scarlet light, as if it were in the night sky. The stars are average.

It’s a crow!

In groups of crows, the eyes are blood red, incomparable.

Qin Qi saw this kind of picture, but also was shocked in the heart, could not help but slightly discolored, this crow is too much, and so ominous, people instinctive feeling disgusted!


The crow realized that someone had broken in, suddenly called, and all flew into the air, the dark feathers falling, it seems to be snowing, making people uncomfortable.

The crow fluttered, and the sound was so uncomfortable. When Qin Qi snorted, the power of the ice system suddenly emerged, and all the crows instantly turned into ice sculptures, falling down and falling into pieces.

However, these crows were very special, and they turned directly into a black gas, and they broke away from the broken ice and reconstituted an ominous crow.

They are not living things?

Qin Qi's eyebrows, his eyes became colder and colder, and the ancient swords were shocked by the air, directly shattering these crows.

The sword is the head of the Wan Bing, the killer, the sword is even more so, it is the supreme killing idea. Under this power, these crows will only collapse and can no longer reunite.

In an instant, the crows in the courtyard were dissipated. It can be seen that Qin Qi’s ancient sword is far stronger than before.

After doing this, Qin Qi went to the depths of the yard, but this place is really like the passers-by before, like a cemetery, everywhere is very empty, no one.

Qin Qi's mental power is constantly sweeping, but there is not much gain. At present, Qin Qi has chosen a hall to go in, but it is empty.

However, these places have traces of moving, although the ground is clean, but there is a trace of **** smell.

Before, I died here.

"Is the Fengjia people ever to clean up?" Qin Qi flashed a light, from the outside of the fantasy array, apparently the people of the Feng family later arranged to conceal what happened inside the inner courtyard of the wind home.

It seems that someone had come in and cleaned up at the time, only to finally choose to isolate the area and block the news.

The entire inner court, living in the high-level of the wind home, but also a lot of slaves are waiting, but now it is a blind, afraid that they are already dead.

Qin Qi's face is not good-looking, and several independent courtyards have been inspected continuously. It is found that it is all like this, and there is no one.

"There should be a secret floor in this inner court." Qin Qi whispered, running up the pulse, using the power of the ground to spy on the truth in the inner court.

Sure enough, there is a hidden position in the inner courtyard, but it is full of lines, it should be a secret area, and maybe there is something to gain.

Qin Qi did not stop, and quickly passed, the crows continued to be stunned along the way, and then under the suppression of the ancient swords, they turned into black fog to dissipate.

"Is it here?" Qin Qi came to a large hall.

According to the fluctuations transmitted by the veins, this hall is not only a little on the bright side, there is still a huge space in the underground, and Qin Qi wants to go there.

"Wind King Hall!" Qin Qi glanced at the plaque above, the three words imposing momentum, should be written by the wind ancestor Feng Wang.

Feng Wang was once a strong man in the throne. It can be said that he is the strongest person in the history of Fengjia. He has reached the peak of Wuwang and has entered the realm of Wuzun.

With such strength, the original style of the wind is ranked among the six giants, but unfortunately it is now down, I thought that the wind can provoke the girders, but now, it is estimated that the wind can survive for a long time is a problem.

When entering the Wind King Hall, there will be a large array of direct opening, killing the machine, this wind king hall is the wind home, only the core members of the wind family can enter, Qin Qi an outsider, will naturally be excluded.

However, for Qin Qi, who is practicing the pulse path, the lethality of these formations is really small, and Qin Qi’s current strength is also extraordinary. It is not difficult to directly enter.

After turning around in the circle and breaking the majority of the formation, Qin Qi followed the spiritual feedback and walked to the statue of Feng Wang.

The passage to the underground palace should be under this statue.

"Predecessors, offended." Qin Qi took a gift, he still maintained enough respect for the predecessors.

After all, the color power of Qin Qi flows out, and the muscles are like a dragon. He knows that there are many prohibitions on the statue. If you don't know the method, it is difficult to move. However, Qin Qi intends to directly break the prohibition with brute force.

Qin Qi hands forward, the muscles are tight, if there is a dragonfly humming, and the statue suddenly shines, prohibiting the full opening, blocking the power of Qin Qi, but the power of Qin Qi seems to be continuous, like the rivers and seas The statue is directly promoted by the physical strength.

The sound of "咔咔咔" sounded, and the statue was finally unable to withstand the power of Qin Qi, and was slowly removed. Under the statue, it was a step down to the underground palace.

"Let's go down." Qin Qidao, walking down the stairs with ghosts.

Just entering the underground area, Qin Qi feels cold and cold, and the air flows from time to time through a black gas, and occasionally it will become a form of crow, extremely ominous.

This palace is a heavy place for the wind, and the nature of protection is extremely strict. However, unlike the outside of the Wind King Hall, the ban on the law here is all closed. Perhaps after the accident, no one has ever entered the outside of the Feng family. here.

All the way down, Qin Qi is extremely careful, his strength is indeed not the same as before, confidence is really a real crow, can also compete, after all, Qin Qi can beat him once, you can beat him a second time.

But the power of the crow is still too special and has to be guarded.

The size of this palace is not small, but Qin Qi has not encountered any troubles along the way. When entering the center of the underground palace, when a huge stone room is, Qin Qi, can not help but widen his eyes, his face is slightly White.

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