Chapter VIII war

"Block it!" The generals of the demon screamed loudly, and dozens of attacks suddenly rose, trying to withstand the power of the gun.

But not at all, this gun is too strong, no one can resist it.

"Boom!" The gunfire fell, half of the flame, half of the frost, and the wounded war mammoth was the first to bear the brunt of the two forces directly smashed the last bit of life!

This is a mammoth war. It is also a rare war resource for the Tigers of the Tigers. This time, it was hard to send a few to join the war. I thought I could take the Battle of the Fortress directly, but I didn’t expect to lose one. .

"Hey!" Among the Yaozu, many of the warriors made a scream, and the wildness in their blood was stimulated, and they began to scream.

The demon's legion is powerful, especially the monsters are almost fearless soldiers. The more fierce the war, even if it is a rookie who enters and exits the battlefield, it can also show the quality of the veterans.

But the Yaozu has a congenital flaw. Once it is provoked, it will be wildly controlled and start to go mad.

Once mad, it is not very constrained, and a difficult to constrain the demon corps, whether the strength is rising or falling, is not a good judgment.

If you encounter a master of the formation, this disadvantage may be infinitely magnified.

"Why, why is there such a presence among human beings, and it is possible to achieve such a range and power!" One of the demons will marry, which is too unexpected.

They have been playing with the battlefields for so many years, and they have already known each other very well. They certainly know what power is the Vulcan cannon on the fortress.

If you don't know this, they will not choose such a tactic. This time, using the war and mammoth, the pressure is not small. After all, Tigerson's Forest is not the only battlefield, and the demand for war is huge.

It’s hard to be done, there is a Wu Zun in the battle for a battle!

If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about them.

But now, it is still necessary to break through the defense of the Battle Fortress!

When the next demon war will send out a shocking sigh, the pressure will fluctuate, and the power of the blood will directly shake it out, so that those maddening demons will calm down again.

"This kind of attack is that Wu Zun can't afford it. Continue to launch the arrow, first break the defense of the Battle Fortress!" The Yaozu war will command.

However, from the point of view of insurance, the demon war will still arrange a number of defenses to prevent the attack from coming.

Here the Yaozu is re-arranged, and among the fortresses of the hundred battles, there has been a lot of cheers.

It was a daunting war mammoth, and it was so inspiring that it was killed like this.

"Qin Shaoxia, you, you are too strong!" The lion has been shocked and can't speak.

I used two guns together and I have never heard of it.

The female chief nodded and nodded.

Qin Qi coughed, and then said: "Look at the meaning of the Yaozu, I want to break the defense first, even if I am there, this defense is broken sooner or later, but I will weaken their strength as much as possible. The predecessors will go to the overall situation first."

"Okay, then please Shaoxia!" The mad lion nodded, and now the morale is booming, even if it is a battle, it is not empty.

However, the mad lion is going back and preparing to go, but he hears Qin Qi and the female sergeant saying, "Take the Thunderbolt again." This is not the same thing, the mad lion almost fell to the ground.

This is to be, three guns together!

The mad lion feels a bit whirlwind, and the world is too crazy.

No reason, the lions have some sympathy for the outside of the Yaozu, they must not think of this hundred battles above the fortress, come a enchanting.

Of course, this is the idea of ​​a moment, the lion rushes to express emotions, and re-examines the cold and cold look.

Prepare the army, ready to fight!

The female sergeant, along with a few sergeants, gave Qin Qi the Thunder Cannon when she said nothing, and Qin Qi did not want to waste time, one-handed operation of the Vulcan cannon and the ice **** cannon, and the other hand was drawn Pattern, you must connect the three guns together.

This scene is incredible, and it feels completely unreal.

At the same time, it is only necessary to display two cannons. It is also used with one heart and one while playing with guns. Is there anything more exaggerated than this?

If someone is now claiming to be strong on the face of a woman, the veteran Wu will definitely slap him to the ground.


Look at Qin Qi, is this invincible?

The smashing guns continued to shoot, and the demon family clearly realized the variables, and did not want to delay. The remaining wars of the wars slammed the guns. Every arrow was as heavy as a mountain, and it also had an armor effect. Defense, the line will be broken.

On the other hand, Qin Qi is also controlling the three-door squadrons, and it is obvious that he is only alone, but the artillery has completely overshadowed the alliance of several wars.

The **** cannon fell, even if the Yaozu had been fully resisted, the wounds and deaths were not small, and they were beaten back and forth.

The only pity is that the demon's protection of the mammoth war has been raised to several levels. Qin Qi wants to kill one of them again. With the help of the gods, there is no chance.

In this case, Qin Qi changed direction and rushed to the ordinary Yaozu warriors, and the three guns were all in one. In addition to the high-level demon king, there are not many demons that can resist.

Even if they have formed a defensive battle, and the demon is indeed thick and fleshy, the loss is not small. From time to time, the demon is blown up and the flesh is blurred.

The two sides are facing each other, the scene is horrible, and the defense of the ultimate battle fortress is still broken, but the demon family has also suffered heavy losses because of the attack against Qin Qi.

A full force of 10% was lost before the battle was actually started.

"The defense is broken, and the next is the short-handed!" The female servant has not seen the horrible outbreak of Qin Qi, and it has not yet ended. It is not a human being at all, even the war mammoth is inferior.

However, even if Qin Qi is stronger, there is only a limit to what he can do now. Because there is no defense, then the Yaozu will never be able to wait.

They will rush over until the entire Battle of the Fortress is swallowed up.

The attack by Qin Qi was naturally strong and scared the courage of the Yaozu.

But this time, the Yaozu assembled a large army and wanted to break through the fortress of the hundred battles in one fell swoop. The preparations were also extremely sufficient. At least the battlefield was completely crushed.

Therefore, even if Qin Qi destroyed 1/10 of the Yaozu fighters before the war and defeated their morale, the Fortress of the Battle is still at an absolute disadvantage.

Sure enough, after the defensive shield of the Battle of the Battle of the Battle, the demon army issued a series of embarrassing shackles, most of which were restored to the body of the Yaozu, extremely large, and now it is swift and powerful, but Qin Qi has never seen it before.

When the soldiers meet, there will be flesh and blood in the blink of an eye, cruel and incomparable.

This is war!

The Yaozu has already stormed, and the Terran has to fight naturally. Fortunately, the fierce gunfire of Qin Qi has already regained confidence on the side of the family. At this moment, morale is flourishing, not a battle!

As the deputy head of the lion, the battalion experience is extremely rich, and immediately made adjustments, headed by the regular army, other mercenary groups, hunter groups live on the flank, while using the city defense, began to fight with the demon army blood!

Qin Qi’s demon army has not yet rushed under the wall, and it has been fired again and again. How many can be killed until the two armies meet, and then using the Vulcan gun to attack will probably hurt their own side. Qin Qi will have to give up the war weapon. .

"Please take the rest of the heroes to the rear, and hand it over to us!" The female sergeant quickly stepped forward and prepared to protect Qin Qi from the back.

So consumed, Qin Qi how to metamorphosis should also be exhausted, if at this moment by the demon people sneak into the situation, Qin Qi's situation will be extremely dangerous!

"I'm fine, you go do your own thing." Qin Qi shook his head.

He is indeed a little weak now, his face is pale, but he has not yet reached exhaustion, and with his ability to recover from the sky, he will be able to recover in a short time.

The female sergeant opened her mouth and finally could only shake her head. Today, the shock has been enough. Then Qin Qi will not be surprised no matter what she does.

Now that the Yaozu has attacked, the female servant does not want to waste time. Seeing that Qin Qi is indeed innocent, he will leave on his own and join the battle.

"You are the gunner, killing many of my people, and now give me life!" But at this time, a huge monster from the demon army broke out and jumped into the battle of the hundred battles. City wall, straight to Qin Qi.

It is a demon tiger, the atmosphere is extremely powerful, it is the existence of the demon king level!

A character like Qin Qi has a strategic significance that exceeds the war mammoth of the Yao family. It must be put in the first place to kill.

No matter how powerful Qin Qi is, the continuous opening of so many guns must have been exhausted, and this opportunity to kill them is of great significance to the Yaozu.

So at the moment of the war, the Yaozu has sent a strong man to go straight to Qin Qi here. The price of doing this is to lose a lot of soldiers all the way, but the Yaozu has been constantly in the end, continuous breakthrough, to the most The speed quickly rushed to Qin Qi.

"Qin Shaoxia!" The female chief suddenly exclaimed, but she did not expect that she had just left, and the strongman had already rushed here.

This speed is too fast. Obviously, the Yaozu comes more than the determination to hold the kill, at all costs.

The female servant also simply returned and rushed back. Her strength was far less than that of the demon tiger, but in any case, she also wanted to protect Qin Qi!

"Qin Shaoxia, you go first!" The female servant shouted, shaking the whole body to prepare to block in front of Qin Qi, dragging the demon tiger.

Only with her strength, what can be done is really limited. Even if it really blocks the demon tiger, I am afraid I can only hold it for a moment.

"Human, I don't know how to live and die!" The demon tiger made a long scream, and the demon power shook, turning into a huge tiger shape, rushing in, ready to use the arrogant force to directly crush the female servant.

In this way, the female sergeant may not be able to stop for a moment.

However, the female servant did not mean to retreat. Instead, she madly shakes her strength and must protect Qin Qi.

The soldiers are indeed different, and they are not afraid of death.

However, it is still far from the time of death.

The demon tiger rushed, but did not touch the female chief, a fist like a dragon head fell, and directly flew out, and then smashed into the earth, crushing a lot of demon warriors.

"If Laozi is weak, it is not a small demi that can kill." Qin Qi is surrounded by colorful light and slowly.

"You have to do your own thing, don't worry about me." Qin Qi snorted and jumped directly from the wall.

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