God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 855: Under the demon

Eighty-five-five chapters under the demon

This 979 is indeed extremely powerful. In this case, it still reacts. It intends to directly dissect the ontology and resist the deadly sword of Qin Qi.

Unfortunately, the power of the Dark Wizard has disturbed its soul, making it impossible to react in an instant.

The master has made a move, and the loss is a thousand miles. This pause is enough to kill it.

"Not a demon, they are all mixed soldiers." Qin Qi snorted.

This time, Qin Qi did not waste a bit of power, Thunder hit, killing these powerful Tiger God guards.

It can only be said that this Tiger God Guard is still somewhat arrogant. Its literacy in all aspects is extremely top-notch, but at the beginning it did not directly reflect the ontology, and it has already placed itself in a dangerous place.

However, this is no wonder that he, under the shape of the gods, Qin Qi's power is too strong, and did not give it any chance.

Killing 992, Qin Qi got 5,000 orange shields. This product is almost half-deviled, and the experience value is higher than the fangs.

Just for the current Qin Qi, it is only a slap in the face, still far away from the 55 level.

A sword picked out the demon 999 on the 906th, and Qin Qi left the ghost and flew away.

Qin Qi has a small map, and at a glance, he can see the situation in the Battle of the Battle.

In addition to some sporadic battles, most of the battles are centered around the central camp, and most of the Terrans have already retreated into the Central Camp. This will be the last major defense of the Terran.

From the time of the war to the present, the time is not long, but the situation has been so tight, showing that the demon is in a position to win.

But even if it is fast, it has already left the opportunity for a hundred battlefield response, but now that there is no support yet, it is really a doubt.

However, Qin Qi did not have the time to consider these things. He flew to the central camp with ghosts and ghosts. The Yaozu who stopped the road did not need him to personally shoot. The cold ice of the Ice Queen was enough to bring a large number of Yaozu. Warriors turned into ice sculptures.

"Well?" The situation was noticed on the ninth, and the eyes suddenly changed.

Nine hundred and ninety-six died!

Each of the Tiger Guards is extremely strong. It is a real warrior. It has a strong fighting literacy. Although they are not bound by the realm, they are not without opponents, but each of them has the power to weaken and win. Even if you encounter a higher level of existence, you can persist for a while.

But now, with a blink of an eye, the 906 was actually killed, which is beyond imagination.

"Damn human!" On the 919th, a loud roar was heard and the blood was boiling.

This is the battle of the Yaozu, with its own powerful blood to stimulate the power of the low-level Yaozu, which is equivalent to providing a group of BUFF, which is a common means of the Yaozu warfare, and the higher the blood of the trenches, the promotion The bigger it is.

Obviously, the ninth and ninety-one can get the title of "one", it has absolute strength, and the blood is stronger than other nine tigers.

With a trepidation, the warriors of the Yaozu were infected, and they all picked up. The blood in the body boiled and the strength soared.

Such an offensive, the defense of the central battalion may soon be broken.

"Hey!" Qin Qi was cold-shouldered, throwing out the ghosts and letting her go into the central camp. It was impossible to have something from the warriors.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Qi's wings spread, and instantly flew to the most violent place of the demon attack.

Here, the two wars of mammoth are breaking.

Although Qin Qi had already killed a head before, but after all, it used the weapons of war, and the distance was extremely far away. Now that I really saw this war mammoth, Qin Qi couldn’t help but feel a slight shock.

Your uncle, it is really like a mountain, and this power is too violent, and every movement is shaking with the earth.

It is worthy of being a living war weapon. It is a rare strategic resource for the entire Tigers of the Forest. It must not be underestimated.

However, if you run into it, leave it!

When Qin Qi came, the ice and snow came with the wind. It was the hurricane of the ridge, and the icy cold, as if the space had to be solidified.

Heart of frost!

趁 Now can also support the consumption of the shape of the gods, Qin Qi must kill the demon as much as possible, and this frost heart, no doubt is the strongest group injury skills at this moment.

This is not the general scope AOE, but almost the full-screen skills, the ice and snow with Qin Qi as the center, and constantly extended out, wherever the demon warriors directly turned into ice sculpture.

If you are brave enough, then how to fight well, in the face of such power, there is no possibility of resistance, and some are just silent death.

The large-scale charge of the demon, directly into the ice crystal, lost vitality, this scene in the eyes of the demon warrior, I am afraid that it is an instant red eyes, angry to the extreme.

It is a pity that this is a war and it has never been a soft place.

Killing is the theme of war, and all killing is cruel!

"No!" No. 999, crazy, it has to be shot to Qin Qi, but Qin Qi's speed is too fast, even staggered it, but attacked the demon army.

A shot, almost a one-fifth legion, such a loss, who can afford it!

"Human, dead!" roared at nine hundred and ninety-one, accompanied by a strong **** smell in the voice. It directly turned out the body, but it was a one-horned tiger.

Sure enough, I was able to enter the ranks of the Tigers and the guards, and I was awarded the title of "one". The 911 has the blood of the tyrants, and the concentration of this blood is much richer than that of the previous Jiyuan. .

Of course, this is only relatively speaking. If it is compared to the blood of the authentic bulls, this is still too far.

But even so, it still makes the ninth ninety-one have extraordinary power, weak and strong, and it has a realm of nearly half-step Wu Zun, which broke out at this moment, and the force is directly against the realm of Wu Wang. limit.

Can be called the strongest under Wu Zun!

On the ninth, the power broke out completely. The power was indeed terrifying, and the breath was shaken, so that the ice crystals of the Ice Queen could not be condensed, blocking the power of the frost heart.

"Hey!" Qin Qi snorted, and thought that the other party could not let him easily kill the enemy, but this victory is already good, Qin Qi is not greedy, a sword to the ninth.

Killed this tiger **** guard, worthy of the upper half of the demon army!

On the ninth and ninety-one, Qin Qi was attacked by it. The heart was even more angry. The killing was straight through to the Han, and one of the claws was shot, tearing the void, and flying the sword light of Qin Qi directly.

This overbearing does indeed inherit the power of some of the tyrants.

Qin Qi’s eyes are stunned, and he will not retreat. The Tianshen form does not know when it can be persisted. If it is retreat, it is a waste of time.

Now that you are strong, you must expand your achievements.

At least these tiger **** guards are so threatening to the Terran that they must all be killed!

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