God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 859: Future **** of war

The 805th chapter of the future God of War

"This..." The central camp, the Terran continues to assemble, solidify, heal, but at this moment, they have stopped their work, watching this scene.

Such a scene is so vast that the veterans of the battlefields have never seen it.

This kind of power is the fact that the weapons of war are bursting and far from being comparable.

This is simply the power born to the battlefield!

"I seem to see a new generation of God of War..." The lion whispered, completely stunned.

The fire dragon is falling, the sound of the explosion is one after another, and the whole battlefield is covered. The two demon corps, madly retreating, the qualities they have shown are indeed worthy of the regular army, that is, the retreat is also orderly, giving each other power.

However, after all, it will be turned into a scorched earth on the ground.

The roar of the fire dragon rang for a full quarter of an hour, and the scorpion of the demon warrior also rang for a quarter of an hour, and it continued.

The flame eventually went out, and there was still a burning smell in the air, and the earth was already devastated, and even the shadow of the previous building was completely out of sight.

It is like the battlefield outside, not the inside of the fortress, the area where the human race lived.

In the distance, the Demon Legion is regrouping, but in each of them, there is only fear, and there is no longer any war.

Under the power of Qin Qi, the two regular demon squadrons are now only half a mile. That is to say, Qin Qiyi shot, and a whole half of the Yaozu regiment stayed here.

That is more than 10,000 demon warriors!

The cruelty of the battlefield, even the veterans can not bear.

The sound of the bang sounded, and the mammoth war was also heavy on the ground. Their size was too large. Although they had a huge amount of demon support, the speed was a big weakness, and they naturally suffered more attacks.

The fire dragon of Qin Qi is too blazing, and there are various forces attached to it. The defense will be destroyed and greeted with death.

The two heads of the army were still alive, but they were all wounded and burned. They had a lingering fear. Looking at the figure of Qin Qi, they were flustered from the heart and could not help but tremble.

Is that the Terran warrior?

"How can this be, damn, why is this!" The demon army, the savage young man roared, and the handsome face became extremely distorted.

It is almost crazy, and the blood in his eyes is dense.

These great armies are not all of their subordinates. Half of them are drawn from other war zones, in order to break through the battle of the hundred battles and win this great achievement.

As one of the possible successors of Tigerson's future, it needs more than just to improve its own strength, but also must build enough merits to be able to draw off from many throne candidates.

These candidates are still young and can't be truly independent, so the merits are not too many, and if it wins the Battle of Fortune this time, then its merits can undoubtedly raise a level and rank among the candidates.

This is his plan, the ladder arranged for the throne.

This matter, prepared for a long time, it even did not hesitate to transfer the army of other places to participate in the war, and all this is smooth, and winning the battle of the hundred battles can be said to be a nail.

But now, even by a person ruined, the empty fire dragon has disappeared, but the blazing temperature, but still in the battlefield, is chilling.

If the young people lead the remaining Tiger Guards and other strong players, and the cover army retreats, I am afraid that the losses will be even more devastating.

But even so, the current losses are already unbearable for young people.

This time, I invested in four legions. Now there are only two less, and the state is very poor. The morale has already fallen to the bottom. Not only that, but the four wars are mammoth, and now there is only one end. This is even more huge. loss.

In this way, let alone build meritorious service, I am afraid I will be severely punished after I go back!

"I want to kill him and kill him!" The young man groaned, his face was twisted and his eyes were even more incomparable.

On his head, a single-angle appeared, more eye-catching than the Tigers and the guards. The above is full of brilliance, and at the same time, it exudes extreme overbearing power.

The blood of the tiger!

The young man tore up his own human form, reinvented the demon's body, and the violent temperament scattered, shocking the demon.

This is a tiger that is bigger than the Tigers and Guards. It is awesome, not angry, and has the power of a king of beasts.

At this moment, the surrounding Yaozu were shocked by blood and their faces changed, but they quickly stepped forward to prevent young people from taking the next step.

"Adults, can't go, waiting for the people in the family is the best policy!"

"Yes, this person is special, the combat power is too strong, it is impossible!"

The demon strong people shouted and blocked the young people. One was that they had fear in their hearts and they were scared. Second, they were afraid that young people would be embarrassed. Now the loss is huge. If young people are hurting this, The tyrants blame and they must follow.

"Are you all these wastes, idiots, have you been scared by the **** Terran? You are like this, violating the military order, you can now be executed!" The young man roared.

"Overlord, you are a master, you can't be tempted. Are you really sure to overcome him in the past?" A tiger guard guarded the road, it was the ninth.

The tyrants heard the words, suddenly bursting their teeth, the power of violent raging, but in the end they only converge.

But it is impossible to stop it.

Qin Qi broke out like this. The power consumed before and after is that both wars are exhausted. The hegemony does not believe that Qin Qi is really a bottomless pit, and the power is endless.

At this moment, Qin Qi, like the gods, stands on the upper sky and looks down on the gods. It is daunting, but if it is the end of the strong, just pretending to want to shock them?

Hegemony can be one of the candidates for the throne of the Tigers, not a fool, even if he can not personally risk now, but must not give up any chance because of threats.

In fact, it is not wrong, Qin Qi now, indeed, there is no more power left.

"I don't believe he has more strength, you have a look!" The tyrants looked cold and cold, looking at the 992 and 999, but at the same time they took out an appliance and gave them to them. .

"This is the shield of the tortoise shell, enough to help you withstand an attack!"

This thing is a life-saving thing, precious and incomparable, and it is taken out at the moment. Once it is damaged, it is really painful!

"Yes!" On September 9th and 999th, it was ordered to have a shield of tortoise shells. However, it was a bit of a heart in the heart. Even if Qin Qi had enough strength, he could live a life.

When the two tiger **** guards turned out the body, the demon power furiously rushed toward Qin Qi.

Obviously, they dare not have a slight eye for Qin Qi, even if they are tempted, they are fully committed.

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