God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 863: Extremely angry

The 865th chapter is extremely angry

Is the reinforcements arrived?

This is undoubtedly the most encouraging morale.

At the moment, the mad lion rushed out, and Qin Qi glanced at the transmission array, shook his head and followed.

He does not have the time to arrange the formations, especially this complicated large-scale formation. What he can do now is only to kill the enemy.

However, this transmission array has been unable to transmit. Where does this reinforcement come from?

It is a mistake to blame the view of the city, the failure of the transmission array has nothing to do with them?

Qin Qi followed and came out. There are already many people cheering here, and indeed there is a team of people who have passed the weakness of the Yaozu Front and entered the Central Camp.

Now that the Yaozu regiment has retreated and rested, it is not difficult to break through. The Yaozu is waiting for the arrival of the demon, so it is not forcibly blocked.

Headed by Li Quan, the avant-garde of the mad lion, and the son of the mad lion, he was out of the city with information, looking for reinforcements, and now he is back, it really makes people feel shocked.

Those surviving hunters, or mercenary members, are cheering in and out at the moment. There is a violent performance before Qin Qi. One person has shaken back the demon army. It has already inspired people. Now there are reinforcements coming. It is.

Now is to quickly digest the Qi medicine issued by Qin Qi, restore the injury, so that you can do another battle with the demon army!

It’s just the soldiers of the 100-war corps. These veterans, the joy of their faces are gradually fading. They have been dealing with Guanlan for a long time. They know what kind of power Guanlan has, and what Li Quan brought back is not the power of Guanlan. Defender.

This is the soldiers who had been drawn from the Battle of Fortress in the name of the city defense in the early days of Guanlan City. They have always been stationed outside Guanlan City, which was originally part of the Battle Corps!

In other words, Li Quan did not bring back the support of Guanlan City!

This shock is not the same, but the clues are all veterans. Of course, I dare not speak out. Now is the time when the morale is the most prosperous, and the truth cannot be announced, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"This..." The lion and other people rushed out and saw that the people brought back by Li Quan had changed their faces and looked extremely gloomy.

Sure enough, it is not a real reinforcement. That is, after all, the city of Guanlan has made a common indignation!

But even the veterans know the truth, the mad lion will naturally not understand, and now laughed twice, deliberately increased the volume, told everyone that this is only the first batch of reinforcements, and then there will be a hundred battlefield strong.

This is undoubtedly a reassurance for the soldiers.

It’s just that no one can see that the lion’s smile is so stubborn, and the anger in her eyes cannot be suppressed.

"What happened!" The lion came to Li Quan and lowered his voice.

Li Quan bite his teeth, his eyes are glaring, and he sighs. "Go inside!"

At the moment, the lion sent the soldiers brought back by Li Quan to take over part of the city defense, and then took Li Quan and others back to where the transmission array was.

There are no outsiders here, the lions are no longer patient, but they whisper: "You told me that the chopsticks raised by the girls in Guanlan City are not willing to send troops, or even destroy the transmission line?"

Li Quan nodded his face and said that he had to say things again.

At first, Li Quan came to Guanlan City from the Battle of the Fortress through the transmission array. He went to see the city of Guanlan City without stopping. He thought it was an urgent military situation, and he was in a hurry. Even if Guanlan City had great joy and timidity, it would not be delayed.

However, Li Quan never imagined that he could not even see the city master.

"General Li, the city owner retreats, what is the matter, just say it!" The city government, a manager laughed low.

"What do you mean, this time the Yaozu made a big intrusion, the military situation is urgent, and it is related to the survival of the Terran in the hundreds of war zones. You even told me that at this time the city owner is closed and can't be seen?" Li Quan almost snarled, his eyes could almost kill dead.

The management smiled and said: "General Li, you make the small embarrassment. The urban master is not retreating now, but is closed for a long time. If he is expected to have this change, he will not go to retreat. There is no other way to do it now. What General Lee has to say is that the general will be deployed for the generals!"

Li Quanqiang resisted the anger, cold channel: "The demon army gathered, the battle of the hundred battles will be lost, this is a major event related to the life and death of a domain of people, what are you, are you qualified?"

The management of a city government in the district is also dare to intervene in such a major event. With his identity, what resources can he allocate?

Even if he can, when he is deployed, the Battle of the Battle has already been broken by the Yaozu, and Li Quan has that time.

This matter, only the master of the city, and then the domain owner sitting in the town, can be resolved.

The matter was ugly by Li Quan's words, and his eyes showed a touch of sinful color. At the moment, he snorted and said: "General Li, waiting for the courtesy, you are so overbearing, too much!"

"Tell you, the city owner retreats, at this moment is the key, you must not bother, otherwise it is the fire, the result, you can afford the responsibility?"

In this way, I really planned not to let Li Quan meet the city owner.

Such a big event, such a villain under the daring dare to hinder, this view of the corruption and corruption of the city can be seen.

Li Quan is a soldier. He does not know how to bend around. He knows the power of the demon army. The fortress of the hundred wars is extremely difficult to defend. If there is no reinforcement, it will be defeated!

Thinking of this, Li Quan has the time to talk nonsense with such a villain and go straight to the depths of the city government.

"Bold, Li Quan, you know where this place is. You are just a small deputy head of the 100-war corps. You dare to force it here. If you can't watch it, you can take it with you!" Drinking, quickly shot to stop.

It’s just that this kind of person, where Li Quan is the opponent of the army’s army, was knocked down by Li Quan only once and stepped under his feet.

Li Quan’s resentment in his heart is because these villains are constantly making small moves behind them. The situation of the 100-war corps will become more and more difficult. He really wants to step on this person.

But in the end he still resisted, and now is not the time to use things.

Li Quan forcibly went to the depths of the city's main government. He must see the city owner today, and the stewardship is on the ground, yelling at someone who forced the city's main government, and the Fuzhong **** took it.

When Li Quan saw this, he became more and more annoyed. If they did not guard the fortress of the hundred wars, how can this city be so comfortable and prosperous? Today, the military situation is so urgent. He came to ask for help. Even the city owners could not see them, and even they were even Forcibly hindered.

"Well, I have to look at it, who can dare to stop me!" Li Quan angered the crown, and his hands were raging, and there was no longer any scruples. Whoever dares to resist will kill anyone.

The iron and blood in the army is what these guards in the government can match. No one is Li Quan’s opponent.

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