God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 887: Dreams always have to

Chapter VIII—The dream always has to be

"This, I really don't know." Qin Qi spread his hand, the name expressed by the system, and did not accompany your life experience, where does Laozi know?

Ink did not believe Qin Qi’s words, but since Qin Qi knew her name, she did not insist on it. “My tribe was destroyed by Wang Ting, the tribe died, only one was left, so I want to revenge and destroy the tiger. Xiao Wang Ting!"

Simple and straightforward, full of reasons, and smooth logic.

Ink and ink obviously did not intend to tell Qin Qi about the conspiracy tricks behind that year, or the tragic death of the tribes, and Qin Qi did not intend to listen, such a reason, how is enough.

The emergence of ink and ink has undoubtedly given Qin Qi a chance to choose. Gao Song said that he is right. He is too strong and too insulted. He wants to fight, wants to live, wants to lead. The Chaos Era Alliance is powerful and must unite forces from multiple parties.

Gao Song wants to send people to the Huang Daolong Palace. He wants him to send Xiao You to the Dark Dragon Nest, which is to prepare for the future. Now, perhaps there is a chance to penetrate the Tigers.

The Tiger's Forest is not the most powerful force among the Yaozu, but it is definitely not weak. It is equivalent to the Five Elements Empire. It can be said that it is the strongest under the Shen Dynasty and the Jiupian forces!

Hu Xiaozhi has a lot of seats in the Wan Clan parliament. If such power can be controlled in the hands, then for Qin Qi, the benefits are enormous.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to do this, but if you want to succeed in anything, you must start from the end. The seeds are small, but they have a day of growth.

Moreover, this does not require Qin Qi to do it himself, just leaving an opportunity.

"Let's do this, change the conditions, do not destroy the tiger's forest, you go to the king's throne." Qin Qidao.

In fact, there is no difference. Before you can reach the throne, you must kill the previous king. For the ink and ink, the goal has not changed much.

"Good." Ink and ink directly agreed.

Anyway, if you board the throne, you must first kill the royal family and say that even this can't be done. It doesn't make sense to consider the future, so ink and ink directly agreed.

Just two guys, one is just a rising star of the Terran, the strength can only be considered weak, and the other is only ranked in the ninth place of the Tiger God Guard, the strength is a little stronger.

This kind of power, even in front of the country, such giants, even the ants can not count.

But they have to decide the future direction of a Yao nationality, how absurd!

"Give me, your blood!" Ink does not feel ridiculous. Since the tribe was killed, only after she was left, this is the reason why she lived.

"Okay." Qin Qi nodded, and he did not feel ridiculous.

Dreams always have to be there, in case it is realized?

Besides, there is no loss.

Qin Qi used his nails to draw at the fingertips, and suddenly there was blood pouring out. However, these bloods are different from the usual hooligans in his body, but his blood, with a touch of color, is extremely beautiful.

As soon as the blood appeared, the ghosts and eyes were straight, the throat rolled, and they wanted to grab it.

However, Qin Qi will certainly not be allowed, so the ghosts are very unhappy, and the cold eyes sweep toward the ink and ink, which is full of hostility to the tigress who is robbing her blood.

Ink and ink only snorted, and the body's strength moved, and the blood was rolled over, and her heart was raised by the storm.

Before the explosion of the Battle of the Battle, she tested the blood of Qin Qi, and indeed satisfied the conditions, which allowed her to grow rapidly. Now, the power of this drop of blood is far more than the ordinary blood, it is unparalleled. !

The eyes of ink and ink have never been blazing. With it, her blood can be sublimated and her strength is accelerated!

Extremely careful to take Qin Qi this drop of blood into the body, ink and ink did not delay, will force a drop of blood out of the body, but her blood is different from before, bright red with a silky ink, especially overbearing !

This feeling is stronger than Bajing.

Qin Qi’s heart is solitary, the blood of this ink and ink will not be closer to the tyrants than the hegemony.

Moreover, it is understood that the real bulls and white tigers are just the opposite. They are dark as ink and the markings are white. Although the ink on the ink is very light, it is closer to their ancestors than the golden one. Fighting tiger.

Of course, it's just that the color is closer. It doesn't matter what you can represent.

The ink of the ink was collected, Qin Qi immediately refining with the dragon and the tiger, and the effect turned out to be immediate. The power of the silky silk penetrated into his limbs with the blood, and the power of the body seemed to be stronger. A few points!


With this, Qin Qi's strength on the flesh will not fall behind the realm, and even be able to take a step forward.

"This drop of blood is enough for refining for a month, and come back to you next month." Ink and ink.

Another month...

Qin Qi’s eyes shook a bit, and suddenly there was a feeling of deja vu.

"This is for you, when you need to see me, you can crush it." Qin Qi handed a jade jade to ink ink.

With Qin Qi’s current forging division, this jade jade has already been transformed, reaching the level of heaven, and the transmission distance has been greatly improved. As long as it is not in another country, it can be dealt with.

"Good." Ink nodded and then quickly left.

She is the guard around Ba Jing and can't leave for too long.

Until the ink and ink left, Qin Qi had some unreal feelings. He carefully re-discovered everything that had just happened in his mind, and did not let go of any details, but still found nothing wrong.

In this way, Qin Qi no longer thinks about it. After all, anyway, this time I earned it. If I want to go deeper, I can only say that he is long-lasting and unmeasurable.

趁 Now, a lot of refining ink and ink drip blood, enhance physical strength!

Only Qin Qi turned his head, but saw the ghosts put a piece of jade jade on the chest, and gently pushed it, completely submerged in the two groups full of people, let people watch straight swallow.

Qin Qi’s forehead, the bad habit of ghosts and ghosts, seems to be unable to change.

"Well, drink and drink." Qin Qi helpless, had to let the ghosts drink blood.

However, Qin Qi discovered a strange law.

He used the dragon essence tiger to refine the blood, strengthen his blood and physique, the effect is indeed very good, and after the increase of the ink intensity of ink and ink, the effect should continue to improve.

In this process, Qin Qi will produce some impurities in the body. After all, the ink of the ink is still not pure. This is not a strange thing, but it will be a waste of time to re-extract the impurities.

But there are ghosts, all these are not problems, those impurities were actually sucked out of the body in the process of ghosts sucking blood, directly let Qin Qi omitted the elimination of impurities, greatly improving efficiency.

This ghost is quite useful!

This is the first time Qin Qi has been sucked by ghosts but not feeling uncomfortable.

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