God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 889: Come again

Chapter VIII, Zhang Yulang

"Hey!" Qin Qi secretly bit his teeth, this can be a bit bad.

However, even if the night of the demon is over, the time has already been staggered a lot. Presumably, Liao Tianyi and Xue Ning will definitely not stay there and remain in place, at least for a period of time.

And the night that the demon night said may not be a lie. He may be more curious about where Liao Tianyi went.

"How can the young man go over?" Qin Qi whispered, the perception continued to expand, and he wanted to find traces.

Unfortunately, there is no gain.

However, when the demon night returns several days, it must have a special meaning. Perhaps it takes a certain amount of time. Will the passage here be opened again?

If so, then Qin Qi can't do anything at all.

"Go to the Zhang Lang first." The ghosts are cold and cold.

Qin Qi glanced at her and nodded. "Indeed, maybe there will be an idea for the goods."

Now Qin Qi has no other way, and can only expect Liao Tianyi and Xue Ning to be long-lived and will not have an accident.

In this way, Qin Qi did not delay, and the ghosts quickly left, in accordance with the agreed position in advance, to find Zhang Lang.

This battlefield has been stretched for a long time, and it has been offset a lot since the millennium. In addition to the current theater, there are ancient war zones, which are inaccessible places.

However, although the battlefield is huge, it is not difficult to go back and forth at the speed of Qin Qi. After several hours, it has arrived at the area where Zhang Lang is located.

"It should be here." Qin Qi landed with ghosts and ghosts. Before the news came from Zhang Lang, the location marked by the map is here.

However, here the ancient forest is a piece, the mountains are flowing, the birds are fragrant, and it is really not connected with the cemetery.

"This place, is there really a tomb?" Qin Qi wondered.

"You know a fart, Lao Tzu said there is, can you lie to you?" But it is a familiar voice.

Zhang Lang, the goods jumped from a big tree, still looks like a skinny monkey, with a blade of grass on his mouth, hanging out, it is not a serious person at first glance.

However, his breath has changed a lot, the strength is much stronger than when he first saw it, and he has already come to the realm of Wu Wang.

Damn, it seems that stealing the tomb is really a promising career!

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Qin Qi smiled. When he saw an old friend, he was very happy inside.

"Mom, the name of Lao Tzu is Zhang Lang, and you will call Laozi to fight with you!" Zhang Lang angered.

"I have done it, not the mothers, what do you care about this!" Qin Qi laughed.

"Roll your eggs, this is a matter of principle!" Zhang Lang said.

Seeing what Zhang Lang said, but the ghosts came forward, the dark scorpion stared at Zhang Lang, so that Zhang Lang suddenly fell into a stiff.

"Tomb the tomb, don't talk nonsense anymore!" The ghosts are cold and cold.

Zhang Lang suddenly swallowed his mouth and piled up with a smile: "You are right, the matter is important, look at you, I don't know him!"

Damn, still so embarrassing.

"So, where is the tomb?" Qin Qi said.

"Follow me, it is you, but now, if you have delayed your time, you will be first and foremost, and Lao Tzu will fight with you!" Zhang Lang compared a Qin Zhong to a middle finger.

Qin Qi snorted, naturally it was unkind than going back.

Although Zhang Lang looked at it very hard, although it was a professional, it was also a model.

"Tell you, don't look at the scenery here, it's like a fairyland on earth, but according to Feng Shui, it's a fierce place!" Zhang Lang said while leading the road: "Plus here is the ancient battlefield, the soul gathers The place, and the tomb is just attracting these souls, so now it’s very lively now, there are ghosts everywhere!”

"You look at these trees and look good, but in fact they only grow in the dead. The flowers grow in the hustle and the flowers are beautiful again. They can't cover the buried bones, and the water, inside. With a lot of corpse fluid!"

Zhang Lang said, Qin Qi could not help but feel a little cool, feeling the sun has become cold, the birds and flowers in front of the eyes seem to have become a little gray, like a piece of white bone forest, there are ghosts dancing.

Who can think of such a beautiful place, is it so fierce?

"The entrance is here, then you have to be careful." Zhang Lang came to a mountain wall with Qin Qi. In a hidden position, there is a deep hole that is vertically downward. If you listen carefully, it seems to be able to I heard the snoring of the devil.

"Mom, this is not going to be a sinister house?" Qin Qidao.

"Yin Cao fart, if there is a real yin, the old man really wants to go and see, maybe the mountains are all over the wild!" Zhang Langdao, took the lead and jumped.

This hole is not formed naturally. It is excavated by Zhang Lang, commonly known as the thief, and the technique is special. The layman can't see anything.

However, at the beginning of Xiaojing Tianfu, Zhang Lang was able to pass through the big array and dig into the Beijing Sky Tower. It is indeed true.

After the Zhang Lang, Qin Qi and the ghosts went on in order, while keeping their vigilance in the heart, just in case.

Although Zhang Lang said that the peripheral problems are not big, but the ghost knows what kind of ghosts will appear in this ghost place?

The pirate hole is very deep. Qin Qi fell for a while. In the end, the distance is probably tens of thousands of meters deep. It seems that the owner of the tomb is really unusual. He built the tomb in this area.

"Hey, it's really gloomy." Qin Qi fell to the ground, could not help but sway up, this place is too gloomy, everywhere is yin, the ground is more white bones, and from time to time there are ghosts rising, showing a bitter green .

It is indeed a ghost place.

On the other hand, she took a deep breath and her hair was slightly open, which was obviously very comfortable.

Well, when the dragon enters the sea, she likes to stay in this place, and the dead air can't be turned on.

"Go, come with me." Zhang Lang whispered, looking very calm.

He had already figured out this place, and some of the things on the outside were more well-known. Now it’s hard to wait for Qin Qi and ghosts to help him explore the tomb. Of course he doesn’t want to waste time.

Therefore, the evil spirits around them directly skipped and used the ghost powder to disperse. After a while, they came outside the tomb.

"This is the tomb?" Qin Qi whispered, and couldn't help but shake.

This is a very huge building, the color is red, the obvious demon style, the scale is never in Guanlan City, but the tomb is completely closed inside and outside, there are all kinds of strange symbols on it, and there are prohibitions and arrays. The power of the pattern.

Above the tall façade, there are many murals and statues that reveal the demon.

At this time, Qin Qi can only see each other far away, because there is a river in front of this closed tomb, the river slowly flows, but it is as dark as ink, revealing death.

There is a bridge on the river, facing the tomb door. The bridge is lined up and turned into a railing. It still looks like a crystal clear feeling. It can be seen that these white bones are always strong, not ordinary.

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