God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 892: How do you move my soul?

How do you move my martial arts in Chapter VIII?

Zhang Lang’s little devil seems to be really useful. The ten statues begin to tremble, and the scarlet eyes are watching everything underneath. It seems that some kind of judgment is going on.

However, Zhang Lang is obsessed with words, but Qin Qi can't understand a sentence. They are some extremely grotesque and weird syllables, which makes people feel cold in their hearts.

Zhang Lang is in communication, discussing with ghosts and gods.

However, the effect did indeed pull out the group, and the tomb door began to tremble. The friction between the stones continued to scream, and the tomb door was receding inside, revealing a straight passage.

The air inside is very old, I don't know how many years have been preserved, but there is no smell, just people are very uncomfortable.

"How long can you lie, go in!" Zhang Lang snorted and took the lead into the tomb.

Qin Qi and the ghosts naturally followed the words without saying anything.

Among the ancient tombs, the ramps of stone piles are extremely long, and there is no end to the end, and there are no illuminations such as the night pearls along the way, adding a bit of gloom.

Qin Qi, they are slowly moving forward, while paying attention to the surrounding, avoiding danger, it is difficult to move forward quickly.

"Oops, still found, fast!" But Zhang Lang whispered, suddenly speeding up.

At the end of the passage, the tomb of the three souls and seven scorpions is set in the stone wall. On both sides, there is a winding road that leads to the inside of the tomb.

Only at this moment, the ghosts and gods of the Three Souls and Seven Heroes are like awakening. A stock of death is shaking out. It is obviously a statue, but now it is moving, as if it is a living thing.

"Oh, it has already been detected, and immediately protect the soul sea, this thing can swallow the soul!" Zhang Lang hurried.

"You go first, I will come to them!" Qin Qi snorted, grabbing the ghosts and Zhang Lang in one hand, and then spreading the wings of the blue wind, almost instantly rushed to the end of the passage.

That is, before the statue of the three souls and seven scorpions.

Only at this moment the statue has been "resurrected", and the rich death is quickly condensed, turning into a hand of death, sweeping them from all directions.

The hand of death is extremely powerful. Qin Qi’s heart is alarming and he knows that he must never touch.

At that time, Qin Qi threw out Zhang Lang and the ghosts at the same time, and threw them into one of the passages. Then the holy light was shining, and the sacred angel held the shield in front, resisting the grasp of the hand of death.

At the same time, he himself flew past the road.

However, the strength of this hand of death is more than that expected by Qin Qi. The holy shield of the 12-winged sacred angel could not be stopped at all, and was instantly broken. The hand of death continued to breed, and even the walls of the passage were densely packed. appear.

"There are so many, what to do!" Zhang Lang exclaimed, countless hands of death came to them, and could not stop.

"Take yours, others don't care!" But Qin Qi shouted coldly, and ice crystals spread out in the past, faster than the hand of death, and everything was frozen.

Heart of frost!

Then Qin Qi took a light stroke and opened the void. It was to cut off this road and not allow the power of the **** to penetrate.

Only the idol has been resurrected. Qin Qi can be said to be looking for himself, how can he let it go?

The hand of death is rampant, obviously it is impossible to be so easily sealed. The sound of "咔咔" is endless, and the hand of death breaks the ice crystal and rushes out again. It seems that the ice power alone cannot stop them.

"I am going, a little bit powerful!" Qin Qi whispered, rushing to the body, relying on his own power to cut off the entire passage, to ensure that Zhang Lang and ghosts can leave smoothly.

At the same time, the Dark Wizard also appeared, and the power of the Soul Warlock can at least keep his soul sea from the influence of the Three Souls and Seven Statues.

Sure enough, almost the next moment, there is a soul force on the statue above, and the sound of "啵" is directed at the soul sea. If Qin Qi uses the power of the Dark Wizard, he will probably be affected by the soul. Lost!

This is the other party. They want to capture the three souls and seven scorpions of Qin Qi. They have discovered Zhang Lang’s technique and have become angry.

Qin Qi snorted and slammed back and forth, but his heart was a bit stunned. The power of this statue is so horrible that the power that is now revealed is no less than a star Wu Zun. This is still not fully recovered, and even In this way, if the other party takes a shot, he may not be able to resist.

Although there is an invincible state, Qin Qi is not willing to use it when he first comes.

"Ice!" The Queen of Ice and Snow was lightly lifted, and a heavy ice wall instantly condensed, blocking the entire passage, and wanted to resist the hand of death and even the attacks of several statues.

"Alice, this is useless, can't stop it." Qin Qi called, just immediately, but it changed.

Among the ice walls displayed by the Ice Queen, there is a sacred light that swells like a fire.

The combination of ice and sacred?

Qin Qi’s eyes trembled and he engaged in ghosts. This is not what he did.

In a blink of an eye, the Ice Queen pulled over the Bible of the Great Pastor and turned it over. Then a large amount of Holy Light poured down and merged perfectly with the Ice Crystal.

Numerous heavy ice walls rise and block the passage. The light inside is like a fire. Even if it is the hand of death, it cannot easily penetrate.

"You Nizi, how do you move my Wuhun?" Qin Qi opened his mouth.

I rely on, can the Ice Queen still do this?

"Ah, I just tried it. I didn't expect it to be true. There is still a lot of power that has not been stimulated. I seem to be able to help the master to further stimulate." The Queen of Ice blinked.


Ice Queen, looks more and more powerful, the soul of the soul, it is extraordinary!

"That's all right, you come, I concentrate on escape." Qin Qidao, I hope that.

The current situation is extremely dangerous. The ten statues are extremely horrible. Qin Qi does not dare to have the slightest sight. Now that the hand of death is blocked by the holy ice wall, the danger has not disappeared.

Qin Qi rushed forward, and the ice wall continued to rise, but there was a hindrance in the front.

A pair of scarlet scorpions appeared, lit up in the air, very strange, like a ghost.

Is this one of the three souls?

One of the ten statues was completely resurrected and intercepted here.

"Hey!" Qin Qi bite his teeth, and now there is no way, only rushing to the scalp.

And this should be just a spirit. The statue is engraved on the tomb, obscured by the ice wall, and does not really come.

"Hey, I don't believe you don't keep the tomb!" Qin Qi was cold, and the soul chain rushed out from under the robes of the Dark Wizard, aiming at the spirit, and the ringing of the jingle kept ringing. .

The Dark Wizard is a soul warlock, one of the biggest nemesis of this kind of spirit!

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