God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 894: When is this your home?

Chapter VIII You are this your home?

According to the judgment of Qin Qi, the statues of the three souls and seven scorpions are extremely powerful. If they are completely awakened and resurrected, the strength of the battle may reach the level of the two Samsung Wuzun.

However, what Qin Qi is facing now is only a spiritual body. The statue itself has not come, and the fighting power is at most a star Wu Zun.

Moreover, it can be said that Qin Qi is fully restrained.

Whether it is the Dark Wizard, the Bright Pastor, or even the Nether Dragon, the production of this spirit is real, so even if the realm is dominant, it can only fall behind.

The light shrouded, the sacred ruling, the spirit was crazy, and the endless death rushed out, as if to dye everything into black, turned into dead.

Unfortunately, it was finally penetrated by the Holy Light and decided on the spot!

The whole body of the spirit has been completely distorted, and the sword of the Holy Light is directly penetrated into its body, and the position of the contact melts instantly, just as the stone encounters the flame, begins to turn into magma, and turns into a liquid. Sliding down.


The gods are crazy and screaming. It is hard to bear such damage. It is too serious to be restrained. If it is not this holy power, it will never be suppressed.

However, in one step, it was pressed and pressed everywhere. Qin Qi would have let go of such an opportunity. The chain of jingles slammed and rushed over, and locked the gods and spirits. At this moment, there is no room for assimilation of the darkness. The power of the wizard.

With a chain positioning, there is a file that falls next to it.

Ghosts and Qin Qi can be considered as a joint battle for a period of time, and naturally there is a tacit understanding. This death sickle falls, that is, to end the life of the gods.

On the ghosts, the huge shackles rise up, and the white bone knives and death sickles in their hands are in one place, slamming down, people or ghosts, all dying!

Suffering from such an attack, the **** spirit is almost unable to support it, but it is indeed powerful, and the final power is turned into a more violent soul vortex, which is to be with the Qin Qi!

"Hey, think beautiful!" Qin Qi flashed, lifted the ghost, and then flew out, and instantly moved to the end of the tomb.

And the power of the soul, but it has been unable to stop, burst out suddenly, even the physical matter has been affected, the tomb is shaking.

Obviously it is the power of the soul, but it affects the entity. But how powerful is the whirlpool of the soul just now. Once it is involved, Qin Qi may not be able to cope with it, and the soul will be damaged.

However, he escaped fast enough, and the already-arranged sword made him invincible.

With such an explosion of soul power, there is no more power left in the spirit of the gods. The body is extremely faint. It slams a few times and moves backwards. Is this going to escape?

"When you want to come, you want to go, you are this is your home?" Qin Qi cold, the other sword has been nailed to the entrance of the original passage, at this moment, the moment, the large light of the Holy Light once again fell.

The spirit of the **** is in the light of the light, only the screams of sternness.

"Master, it seems to be its home here." The Queen of Ice whispered, flipping the Bible of the Bright Pastor.

"Oh... that's even worse. We are guests, we have to stay and entertain us."


The spirit of the gods may have heard the words of Qin Qi, and the anger is unstoppable. It is constantly rolling and wanting to break through. Unfortunately, it is impossible to succeed. In the end, the sorcerer’s robes of the dark wizard are all turned into the same. Soul energy.

One star Wu Zun's spirit, 100,000 orange shield, cool!

"Call, I finally got killed. I didn't expect to have such a presence when I first came in. It seems that it is not easy to steal the tomb." Zhang Lang sat on the ground and looked white.

Ghosts do not feel it, but they are constantly searching in the area where the gods die, and finally they are unhappy to see Qin Qi.

Qin Qi shrugged, a **** like a spiritual body, and not the **** statue in person, how could there be a crystal of death?

However, Zhang Lang is right. Although he defeated this godlike spirit, he realized that his opponent’s power is strong. If it is not only a spirit, but the power of the sacred system is severely restrained by the dead, the dark wizard is not afraid of soul damage. I am afraid that only the cards are out, even if they are not necessarily opponents.

And this is just the existence of the guardian tomb door. In the depths of this tomb, there must be a more horrible guy waiting for Qin Qi.

The tomb of the saints is really not stolen.

"Into the capital is coming in, take a step and take a step." Qin Qidao, while also recovering the consumption.

For the first time, using such a level of sacred power, Qin Qi can not afford to eat.

"Alice, you can turn the Bible of the bright pastor, can the other couples give it a try?" At this moment, calm down, and it is extremely eager to ask, looking forward to it.

This is a big discovery, it is a very strong power bonus!

The power of the Wuhun, with the strength of Qin Qi, continues to improve, but even Qin Qi, can only follow the rules of the upgrade, and can not force the power of the Wuhun.

But the ice queen is different, she is a martial arts soul, and she can forcefully interfere with the power of other martial arts!

The image point is that Qin Qi constantly enhances his strength, that is, in order to let the bright pastor flip more pages of the Bible, the more pages, the more power that can erupt.

The ice queen, the direct translation of the Bible, the effect is the same, so that the power of the bright pastor doubled!

Simple and direct Qin Qi can not believe it!

And since the bright priest can, is it other martial arts?

"I don't know, maybe I can." Snow Queen replied.

"That's a quick try, yes, how come you suddenly have such power, don't tell me earlier." Qin Qi quickly summoned the blush witch, this is the main event.

"When I was under the black tea with Her Majesty the Queen, she pointed me." The Snow Queen smiled and looked at the crimson witch curiously. She was not sure if she could.

Just hearing this, Qin Qi was a big surprise, and his chin had to fall to the ground.

The empress of the night is pointing her?

I rely on, the two women actually have exchanges?

Qin Qi did not know this at all, and it was shocked at the moment!

“What happened?” Qin Qi hurriedly asked, which is more of a concern for him to inspire more power.

The Ice Queen blinked and said: "The owner may not know that the current Wushen space is very different from the previous one."

"Ah?" Qin Qi stunned.

Wu Hun space, this Qin Qi did not think about it from the beginning, is not the place where the system is used to store Wuhun?

Because this is similar to the game interface, Qin Qi did not pay much attention to it. Of course, it is just a series of data, just a few icons on the interface.

Now, is it a big change?

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