God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 898: Raw swallow

Chapter VIII

"Fire string grass, an extremely rare fire system grass, can enhance the fire power, for the fire system, the significance is great, there are so many here!" Zhang Lang excited, found in a stone box A good thing.

"There is still this, Huoyun cream, this is not the refining of the alchemy, but the natural shaping, the favorite of the fire system, can directly enhance the potential!"

"Fire Zhi! Hey, this thing is very effective when you eat it directly!"

"Cleaning fire crystal..."

"It seems that this is the place where the fire cubs store the elixir. These things are more meaningful to the fire monsters. Unfortunately, they are all fire systems. It seems that no one is practicing the fire system. I am fine." Zhang Lang's eyes are full of light, even if it is not used, the feeling of finding a baby is also a good one.

"Who said no, when the young master does not exist?"

"Boss, are you not ice?"

"Well?" After the Qin Qi, the red witch was burning with flames.

"...No, boss, you have so many attributes, then you won't have to find it for you!"


"I rely, don't want to face!"

Talking and laughing, these things are all cleaned up by them, ghosts are not needed, these things are useless to her, but she insists on occupying a third of the share.

Of course, things can be given to Qin Qi, but you need to take blood to change.

Well, since the last time there was a bad habit, the ghosts are getting more and more savvy.

However, Qin Qi has no reason not to agree. Although he has a system, he can exchange countless medicinal herbs, but most of them are recovery-type and gain-type remedies. There are not many medicinal herbs for cultivation. After all, this world is two games. A completely different system.

And these things, if Qin Qi eats, can help a lot of red power in the color power, and even help it manifest itself, become a blue dragon or a silver dragon, and can independently dragon.

Qin Qi estimates that until the color power can be completely stripped and turned into their own dragon shape, the body of the dragon vein will be truly in the room.

In this case, Qin Qi did not disregard it. Except that he could not directly eat it, the rest of the brain ate it all the time. In this way, Qin Qi suddenly felt that the whole person was in the flame, and the skin became red.

"Old... boss, you don't have to fight like this. We are human beings, not monsters. Just eat it, how much can you absorb?" Zhang Lang opened his mouth, and the Terran and the Yaozu were different. They could not absorb these forces. There will be huge waste.

Only refining the medicinal herbs, and then using the power method to slowly refine, this can be truly absorbed, but it can not be 100%.

However, Qin Qi is different. He is a human, but it is also a dragon. These elixirs are eaten in the mouth and are absorbed immediately. As the blood is sent to the whole body, it finally merges into the color power.

Color power, a total of several colors Qin Qi does not know now, but two forces have been successfully stripped before, representing the silver of the stars and the blue representing the thunder.

The power of these two systems has also come to the top of the line, and the road is the point of circulation.

However, the other colors have not fully manifested. Green and red are some of the highlights. They have been absorbed and grown, but they have not reached the level of independence. Now the power of these precious elixir is coming to help the red power. Growing up, it may take a long time to be able to independently dragon.

At that time, the power of the Dragon's body will be able to score another point!

Nowadays, Qin Qi has two ways of independent dragon and dragon fine tiger, and the two-pronged approach, even if the body of the dragon vein is so powerful, there is also a day that Qin Qi completely controls!

Zhang Lang is like looking at the Qi Qi, watching the idiots, and screaming at the Qin Qi.

As a result, Qin Qi hit a cockroach and spit out some debris, and the fire power above had already been absorbed, and Zhang Lang saw the ghost.

"Boss, you **** is the spies sent by the Yaozu!" Zhang Lang called.

Even the whole force was absorbed by Qin Qi, and the Yaozu did not have such a good appetite!

"Less nonsense, continue to find and see what else." Qin Qi wiped his mouth.


Zhang Lang has a lot of resentment. Why didn’t he have such a stomach?

Going to the back of several stone rooms, there are many treasures, but many of them are collection verses and the like, and they use the demon scriptures, which are not the secrets of the exercises. They are of no use to Qin Qi, and there is no excessive stay. Check it out and leave.

"It seems that this is the tomb of the Fire Raven Saint. It is better to say that he was practicing the dojo in his lifetime, but it moved the entire site to the site before he died, and built the tomb." Zhang Lang said as he walked.

Qin Qi also nodded. The outside is indeed the tomb. However, the layout inside is not a cemetery. It should be consistent with Zhang Lang’s saying that it was the cave house of the Raven Saint.

However, this does not matter, whether it is Dongfu or the tomb, it is a land of treasures, and if it is a Dongfu, I am afraid it will be more dangerous.

All the way forward, Qin Qi they will not let go of any baby, Zhang Lang is also doing their best, all kinds of sorcerer skills emerge in an endless stream, in addition to the powerful power of the yin ghost, there seems to be nothing to stop his pace.

Qin Qi also cooperated with it, and the ban was handed over to Zhang Lang. The law of the squad was handed over to Qin Qi, but both of them were bad heart embryos, and the belly was very dark. All the bans were left trapped, if there were people behind Come in, it is estimated to be very miserable.

After passing through several tombs, it changed from a four-star station to a five-star station. The existence of the buried one is getting stronger and stronger. The third five-star station is really horrible. The burial inside is not a fire crow, but A enchanting, without the support of the fire, has now been affected by the death of the tomb, becoming a ghost.

Therefore, at the moment of opening the shackles, Qin Qi was caught in a dangerous situation. This sinister is too strong. The strength of the sixth-order one-star is much stronger than the previous sacred body. Qin Qi is not an opponent at all, and ultimately can't help but can only open the **** form to meet the enemy.

Relying on 1000% of the full attribute bonus, and the Ice Queen repeatedly flipped two pages of the Bible, this will burn the sin with the holy scum.

After the fight, even Qin Qi has already had some oil to dry up, the consumption is really serious, sitting on the ground constantly breathing.

And Zhang Lang, for a while, came back from the corner of the thief in the far corner. This bag, I didn’t know where to hide when I started the war, but it was not damaged.

"Boss, you can win, I admire you like a river, and like..."

"As your sister, hurry to see what's in the coffin, I almost died. If there is nothing, I will kill you first!" Qin Qi bite his teeth, there are several holes in his body, and now there is dead gas condensation. Can't heal.

"Good Le!" Zhang Lang quickly nodded, this time is naturally the most proactive time.

"Hey?" But Zhang Lang snorted.

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