God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 917: Gather together

Chapter 917 gathers together

"Ling, don't mess, Qin brother just helped you heal!" Liao Tian also hurriedly called, will help Xue Ning.

Xue Ning looked at Liao Tianyi and determined that he was fine. This was a relief. The whole body was soft and still weak. "You are fine."

"I..." Liao Tian was speechless and blamed himself.

"Hey, brother, you have to thank me, if I had to match you, how can you have such a good woman?" Qin Qi laughed and helped Liao Tianyi recover the injury.

Liao Tian is not very talkative. He usually thinks in his heart. He nodded and solemnly said: "Thank you Qin Xiong, I swear that I will take good care of my children, and I will not let her hurt again in the future."

Qin Qi rolled his eyes and said nothing: "You promise me something, and Lao Tzu is not her mother."

But looking at this pair of talents, Qin Qi is also happy for them.

"Qin Gongzi, how come you are here?" Xue Ning recovered a lot, can barely stand up, his face red and open the subject.

"I was originally looking for you, but I found that I was in the void, so I came to steal the tomb. I guess you will be here. I didn't expect it to be true." Qin Qi laughed, Liao Tian was able to get the power of Yin Yang Temple. It is better.

It’s better than being beaten by outsiders.

“Here is a tomb?” Liao Tian was slightly surprised.

When they came in, they went to the Yinyang Temple, so they didn't know where it was.

"This is the core burial area, and the biggest creations are here." Qin Qi smiled and then asked: "When you came over, have you seen a crow?"

"There is too fierce fighting, I really do not care about him, sorry." Liao Tian also said.

"Nothing, don't care." Qin Qi nodded. Although Liao Tianyi broke through, he was still at a disadvantage, and he was worried about Xue Ning's injury. How can he manage the crow?

"I saw it, it was a crow full of ominous atmosphere." It was the night of the demon night.

Qin Qi heard the words, the eyes suddenly picked up.

"Demon night, what do you mean?" Qin Qi Shen said, the other party is willing to tell him.

"There is nothing, but since you asked, and I just know, tell you why?" The demon night laughed, it is really people who can't see what he is thinking.

"He escaped?" Qin Qi cold channel.

"Yes, I have escaped, so ominous things, I don't want to touch." The night nodded.

It was just that the voice just fell, but a black light suddenly flew out of the passage, and the force sank, directly on the ground, and the whole hall shook slightly.

The "bang" sound scared Qin Qi and others, but the night of the night also frowned.

"This, isn't that crow?" The night of the demon exclaimed, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, but how the crow would come in like this, like being smashed here.


Qin Qi’s light flashed, and the heart could not help but be amazed.

He has already been escaped by the crow this time, but he was unexpectedly smashed in.

This is a crow, although the strength is seriously damaged, but it is not a good role.

Who is it?

"A crow, very annoying, how come you meet these birds today." A arrogant voice came from the passage, and then four people slowly walked out.

These four people appeared, Qin Qi and others suddenly changed their appearance, and there was a very dangerous feeling.

Two men and two women, both very young, handsome and beautiful, can hardly pick up the problem, and there is an extravagance on the body, which is born with it, as if it is above the people.

Especially the one who is the first one is even more so expensive!

Lanze glanced at the people in the temple, and his mouth twitched. "Is there only a few bugs for you? I thought it would be stronger. It seems that this blood crow is the strongest."

Said, Lanze will throw the blood crow forward, just like throwing garbage.

"The mask of the dead!" Qin Qi smashed and saw the mask of the dead on the blood crow!

Who is this person, even so powerful, this blood crow is afraid that the realm is not weaker than Samsung Wuzun, even reached the level of four stars, even lost, was kneeled on the ground, with the crow.

"Devil!" Qin Qi glanced at their introduction, two star-studded kings, a two-star king, and the realm of the head of the people, Qin Qi could not see clearly.

Wang Jue, equivalent to the human Wu Zun, how can these powerful demons appear here!

"Death, you must die, ah, die!" The crow is constantly twisting, it is still not dead, the terrible vitality is unveiled at this moment. In the state of sudden death, the resilience even surpasses Qin Qi!

On him, the feather coat became more and more strange, and the ominous atmosphere continued to rise.

The blood crow is also not dead, and his heart is extremely angry. It has absorbed the power of the blood sea hall, plus the gains on the battlefield, directly raising the realm of a star.

But even so, it is still not the opponent of Lanze. After Lanze really used the magic soldiers, the balance of victory was completely tilted toward Lanze.

"The vitality is really tenacious, but unfortunately, the ants are gone." Lan Ze looked at the crow contemptuously.

This ominous thing touched his mold, it was damn.

"No, I can't die here, I am destined to be invincible!" The crow whispered, and he could not tell who the voice was.

He struggled to stand up, a pair of scarlet eyes staring at the blood crow beside him, he was going to swallow the blood crow, take power, and kill everyone here!

The blood crow is cold, although it has been defeated by Lanze, but it will not be swallowed by the crows in this state. The current blood flashes, and the crows are directly shot.

Lanze just looked at it faintly, watching the movie and looking at it all.

The crow was shot by the blood crow, but the blood crow himself was also in the heart. It just touched the power of the crow, and it even withered at the moment, even involving its body!

Such an ominous force can't believe it!

"Wait, this is not..." The blood crow suddenly thought of something, and suddenly froze. It remembered a existence, which made it suddenly cold and unbelievable.

It quickly looked at the crow, and then fixed his eyes on the feather coat that the crow was wearing.

The dark feathers are made of the crow's feathers. Huang Jingyu first got this feather and step by step to gain the power of today!

"Is it... impossible, absolutely impossible!" The blood crow trembled. He didn't care at first, but now he had some information, but couldn't help but panic.

The blood crow stared at the crow, and under his gaze, Qin Qi had an action.

The crow fell on the front of Qin Qi and could not stand up.

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