God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 928: Six-star Wuwang

The ninth twenty-eight chapter six-star Wuwang

Qin Qi stunned for a moment, and then noticed that the sacred sacred sacred scorpion, the three drops of the original blood actually only two drops.

One of the drops has been stolen by the power of the shadows of the night!

It is the enemy, Qin Qi also had to admire the means of this demon night, and this time let him live, I am afraid that in the future will be a big problem of the Terran!

"Forget it, I can't catch up now, kill these two demons, don't run them again." Green Luo grinned unhappyly.

"Also." Qin Qi nodded, although it was distressed, but it did not help, and now it is still dead Lanze.

"No, you don't want to kill me, we can make a deal!" Lanze hurriedly said that even a secret of dead water, such as a pool of stagnant water, was used. Obviously, Lanze felt that living is more important than dignity. Of course, there is no scruples in the moment. .

"Do you think that you are qualified to talk to me about conditions?" Qin Qixiao laughed.

Lanze gritted his teeth and pointed at the dying coral road behind him: "I can give her to you. Although she is my slave, I have never touched her. She is still a virgin!"

"Ha?" Qin Qi stunned, thinking that Lan Ze would promise him what good, but did not expect Lan Ze just to give him a witch.

The brain is okay, burnt up?

However, the green radish knows the middle door, and sings coldly: "This is the tradition of the Mozu. After the defeat, you can get a chance to live."

"Why?" Qin Qi is puzzled, just because of a witch?

"This woman is a woman, in fact, it is equivalent to his woman. As an enemy, he not only crushed him on the force of force, but also pressed his woman on the bed. This is more uncomfortable than killing him, so according to the tradition of the Mozu. He gave his own female slave, and the enemy often let him go, let him live, and he lived with shame.

"Of course, this kind of tradition is suitable for general good fights, such as vying for creation, etc. If it is private venge, it is naturally useless, and you are obviously belonging to the former, so you can use a woman to solve it." Green radish slowly, full of Mocking.

"Human and Mozu, isn't it a dead revenge?" Qin Qi said that understanding can't.

"So he didn't say it, that beautiful witch is a virgin."

“so?” Qin Qi still looked awkward. “What about that?”

"The devil's debut is different from other tribes. It is not just a symbolic meaning of purity and innocence. There are many practical meanings."

"It is said that the Mozu's virgin is the purest, can communicate the source of blood, and get a drop of source blood, which is the closest to the blood ancestor's strength. If it is obtained, it will be of great benefit to cultivation, beyond any magical medicine!"

"So in the Mozu, the virgin is a rarity, and even before each adult, the witch has been scheduled to pick the blood of the object!" Green radiant cold, with deep disgust.

"Can it still be like this?" Qin Qi looked incredible, as did Zhang Lang and others.

"This is one of the reasons why the Mozu is so powerful. It is also the innate cause and effect. The rule that no one can escape is the saints of all ethnic groups. They must face the same fate. Once they are adults, some people will come to pick them. At most, that is the status and strength of the apex!" Green Road, this is the destiny determined by the race, it is unwilling, but also destined to fight.

Among the giants living in Tianyuan, there are not women, but they still have not changed this tradition. This shows that they also recognize that only the devil can rank at the top of the world!

"Can't even avoid the Virgin?" Qin Qi whispered, suddenly thinking of poetry.

The poem is now a witch. Has it been booked and turned into a fruit that will be picked after adulthood?

Qin Qi body, murderous suddenly surged, he will never let poetry encounter this kind of thing!

"You are useless in anger, the Mozu is still as powerful!" Green Luo did not know about Qin Qi and poetry, so he thought Qin Qi was unfair to the women of the Mozu.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and said coldly: "So he left me a virgin, it is the greatest sincerity, he should be let go, is it?"

"He meant this." Green Road.

"Human, this kind of sincerity, you have any reason not to accept, to know that among the people of the human race, not that no big man is buying a witch, but those are the next witch, and she is a prostitute from the prince clan, that is The people of Wu Zun’s peak are not available!” Lan Ze said.

"It seems that it is precious, but I am even more curious. What are you for the Mozu to come here?" Qin Qi said indifferently.

This task, this is very embarrassing, not to be said, so Lan Ze did not choose hard support, and said everything.

What he said is almost identical to what Green Roy got before, and it should be true.

"This task is very strange. What is your relationship with the Mozu?" asked Green Luo.

This task is indeed strange, but Qin Qi’s heart is clear.

It is the meaning of poetry. It must be that poetry and poetry worry about the safety of Qin Qi, so it is only for people to publish such a task. Everything is just to determine his current situation!

Qin Qi’s eyes were slightly sour. When the poems were taken away, he promised that poetry would bring her back, but until now, he didn’t even know where the heavens were.

The poetry is still worried about his safety. This task is so simple, but poetry must also agree to certain conditions before it can be promoted.

"Poetry poetry, you have to be good, you must wait for me, I will definitely bring you back!" Qin Qi bite his teeth.

In his eyes, it is only the meaning of coldness.

"Human, we have no hatred, but now I am willing to pay such a price, you should let me go!" Lan Ze Shen Sheng.

"Well, I will let you go home," Qin Qi said indifferently, then bite his teeth with a word, "Back! Old! Home!"

A sword directly penetrates Lanze and smashes his magic core directly.

"You..." Lanze couldn't make any noise, even if his origins were so scary, how high the realm was, and under such a heavy injury, there was no room for rebellion, and he was killed by Qin Qiyijian.

The same as the five-star king, but the blood crow can only be compared to the newly promoted, to bring Qin Qi the benefits of 8 billion orange shield, so that Qin Qi directly into the 56!

Six stars Wuwang!

"Hey, this is like words." Green Luo licked his mouth. If Qin Qi really accepted the conditions of Lan Ze, then the green radish would definitely look down on Qin Qi.

And Qin Qi's decisive decisive, directly to the life of Lan Ze, is doing beautiful!

"The boss is mighty, the magic of Poseidon is also in your hands!" Zhang Lang said with a smile, then pointed to the coral road: "This witch is almost dead, how to get it, kill it?"

Qin Qi shook his head, facing the green Luodao: "radish, save her."

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